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LINK I lost my faith in a Chick-fil-A - The Christian Post

Praise be to Bill Nye and a good education!

On that track, I learned there’s a funny thing about legal education. It requires you to argue for both sides of a case. The better you understand your opponent’s position, the better you will be at advancing your own. So in the interest of being the best Christian apologist I could be, I learned a fair bit about arguments for and against Christianity and took a strong interest in the work of the apologist who influenced me most growing up, Ken Ham. When he debated Bill Nye the Science Guy on the scientific legitimacy of creationism, I was about halfway through law school and organized a debate watch party, ordered pizza, and gathered my evangelical colleagues to root for Ham together. So imagine how devastating it was to watch my childhood icon be so embarrassingly destroyed before my very eyes. Ken Ham brought faith to an evidence fight, and even my fundamentalist creationist eyes could see it. I resolved in that moment to learn more about evolution, astronomy, and geology so that, when it was my turn to debate the Bill Nyes of the world, I would do better than Ken Ham had.

And from there ....

altschmerz 9 Oct 27
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“Ken Ham brought faith to an evidence fight”
That about sums up every Christian apologist I’ve seen


Whoops! Evidence wins! 😄👍

MojoDave Level 9 Oct 27, 2019

I was lucky, the church I was brought up in did not believe in creationism or inerrantcy. We were taught to question and think. The more I questioned, the more questions I had about the answers. My grandmother was a Calvinist baptist who knew she was going to hell, my grandfather was a non practicing Methodist that believed that children should go to church on Sunday mornings so he could sleep late, but we would go to the Methodist church. By the time I was in high school, I had finally decided that church was a social function that allowed you to band together to do good works, and little else. When i came out to my mother as an Agnostic, the woman that had not been inside a church in years unleashed a fury on me that put me in the closet for decades.

glennlab Level 10 Oct 27, 2019

@altschmerz She had a tough time, pregant at 15, widowed at 19, She was more like my sister than my mother until much later in life. So just like there are things about my sister I try not to judge too harshly, I give my mother a wide berth. We pretty much avoided issues we disagreed on, even as she and I were planning her funeral, we avoided the elephant in the room. She and I had been raised in a politician's home and learned not voice our controversial opinions out loud. Her more so than me. She taught me well, even as i rose through the hierarchy of the church, I kept my beliefs to myself.

@glennlab , your mother had an incredibly hard time for a woman of that era. I can't imagine what she and you went through. That you managed to keep a relationship speaks highly of you both.


Once you look behind the curtain there is no going back.

freeofgod Level 8 Oct 27, 2019



So good to hear that. Too bad more people can't get their brains into function mode too.

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