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If the Christian Bible is such a great book, how come most Christians can’t bring themselves to read it all the way through even once?

CliffordCook 6 May 3
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Probably for the same reason most Muslims haven't read the quran all the way through....unless you're having's really, really stultifying!

pamagain Level 8 May 8, 2024

Boredom, to start with.

Also because the churches tell them not to, in case they find all the filth, behaviour and dubious moral lessons the Babble is so full of

@LenHazell53 I never recall that being said where I went, but when I was about 10 years old, or so, I decided I was going to be a ''good girl''' & read the whole thing. I got sooooooo bored, sooooooo quickly, & that was the end of that.
I was always skeptical, but I kept trying to find a way to
believe when I was still never happened.

@Lilac-JadeCanada My mother was a religious maniac and I had bible quote shoved down my throat for as long as I can recall. So I decided to read the whole bible, for the first time when I was 11. I did not understand most of it that first time, but when I told my mother what I had done, instead of being pleased she scolded me and said the reason we have priests and pastors ect is we don't have to because "The devil can make parts of the bible seem misleading, if we are not a trained minister, but holy man will interpret it for us so we are not lead astray"
Even then that sounded like a pile of shit, so I read it again at 13 and this time went to talk to my RE teacher, and she freaked and told me not to that again as I was not ready for it.
I seriously thought about being a minister (Methodist) and at 16 took career advice from my local padre, I mentioned that I had by that time read the whole Bible through several times and again he said I should wait to go to seminary before doing that, because some passages were a theological minefield for the untrained.
When I discovered the apocrypha and that the RC bible had 15 more books than the KJV, I began to get freaked, so I bought a Douay Rheims version and a NEV with apocrypha and read them too, but I was desperate not to go to hell and so began looking for reasons this all seemed to be such bollocks, which eventually lead me to the LDS and their all new Book of Mormon restored church rubbish.
The only thing I am grateful to the LDS for is that they made me realise it was all nonsense, LDS, Christian and the rest.

@LenHazell53 I grew up lds, but saw others when staying with neighbours, any time my mother was hospitalized, which was quite often. Father would not look after me. Therefore I attended united, presbyterian, baptist, and catholic, at different times of my young life. Couldn't find anything that rang true.

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