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LINK 7 Steps to Grooming Your Young Christian Wife | Biblical Gender Roles

... “grooming” is a trigger word for humanists. But from a Biblical perspective, grooming when used in the sense of a husband conditioning his wife to be in complete subjection to him and molding her behavior to his preferences is not evil or immoral. But rather, these actions are righteous, holy and required of husbands by God.

EWWWWWW ew ew ew ewwwww 🤢 💩

I'm having a hard time believing this isn't satire.

altschmerz 9 July 28
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I think there is some truth in it. I watched a BBC documentary where Miriam Magoles the English Jewish lesbian actress visited evangelical Christian families in the USA and the wife was certainly submissive to the husband. I remember the woman in tears when Miriam mentioned evolution and there was a sign on the bedroom door to warn of the older children when the wife was doing the lords work with hubby.

Moravian Level 8 Dec 11, 2020


SKH78 Level 8 July 28, 2020

"I'm having a hard time believing this isn't satire."
Poes law in action
There is nothing so stupid or unbelievable done in the name of religion, that if done in mockery will not be taken seriously by the religious.


Dear Mr Atheist did a review on this a few days ago, he was not complimentary


@altschmerz probably hiding behind that alias "Solomon" is the only wise thing in the article


Wow! I have a hard time believing people believe this shit in 2020 and act on it like women aren’t educated and employed and able to support themselves.


I may be 5 ft. nothing, but I'm not ''the little woman''.


My ass. I'd have stayed single if those were the conditions of marriage. Fuuuuuck that.

Kynlei Level 8 July 28, 2020

Holy nonsense...

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Posted by CliffordCookChristian Nationalists want public schools to teach the Christian Bible.

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