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Missouri Bill Would Jail Librarians Who Let Kids Check Out “Inappropriate” Books

MojoDave 9 Jan 16
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When I was a kid and was not allowed to check out adult books from the library, I sat IN the library and read them there.


The idiot king's answer to everything, censor all the ways your subjects might become more well informed than you



Mofo1953 Level 9 Jan 17, 2020

When I was in elementary school, the school sent a letter to my parents notifying them that I was taking inappropriate books out of the library. Books on anatomy, biology, and astronomy. The issue wasn't pornography, it was that the books weren't appropriate for a second-grader.

BitFlipper Level 8 Jan 16, 2020

What bullshit. As far as I know libraries don't carry pornography. Short of that kids should be able to read whatever they can comprehend. They can get it on the internet anyway.

freeofgod Level 8 Jan 16, 2020

“Inappropriate” is one of those insidious words everyone thinks they know what it means in any given context, until they are arrested for reading Winnie the Pooh in China.


Or, instead, how about you parent your fucking kids and explain to them why you don't want them to read certain books? Instead of deciding what people you don't even know can and can not read?

Kynlei Level 8 Jan 16, 2020

Growing up in little redneck towns with family who would not teach me anything and got angry if I even dared to ask questions about sexuality, I would sneak quick peeks at books in the library. Terrified the librarians would not let me check out books about sexuality, I would stand at the stacks and read standing up. It was an awful environment to grow up in. I knew nothing about STI's, LGBT, abuses of power, anatomy, etc. Growing up ignorant was awful. If I was caught reading a book with any sexual material in it, I was lectured and punished. Sad.

SKH78 Level 8 Jan 16, 2020

I read whatever I could get my hands on, even if I had to sneak them.

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