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Update from previous post. Went to visit Dad aged care facility, got given a vague letter, stopped cop shop to enquire exactly what "mandate" means (see quote below). Cop basically told me to shut up and conform.......get the shot.
Just a cut'n'past of my email to the local MP for your viewing. Be interesting to see how they handle my religious discrimination claim lol 😉
PS got to see my father.

**The Hon Brittany Lauga,

**I have been informed by Sunset Ridge residential facility at Zilzie, run by Bolton Clark, that I will be refused entry to visit my father unless I obtain a seasonal Flu vaccine certification. When I asked for written confirmation, I was given a general letter with the key sentence being; "From 1st of May 2020, the government has mandated that anyone visiting a residential aged care service needs to be vaccinated". I would like you to consider the following;

1) It is against my belief, my religion, to obtain seasonal viral vaccinations.
2)Legally, exactly what does "mandate" mean? Has it been gazetted in parliament, legislated into law? Are enforcement penalties set?
3) Why just proof of Flu vaccine? Why not TB, Hepatitis etc?
4) Why are visitors, only this week, offered masks yet absolutely none of the staff use this supplied PPE if so concerned about contamination?
5) Why is visitation restricted to an enclosed room where chances of contagion greatly increase, yet open spaces at the facility are out of bounds if so concerned about contamination?
6) Why have no alternatives been offered for visitors like me? Just a definite "get vaccinated or you're banned'

I have also copied this Email to Bolton Clark and would encourage them to arrange alternate visitation policy for me or else face discrimination claims (religious freedom) plus perhaps civil proceedings regarding stress from denying a son visitation to his father because of his religious beliefs.

A prompt reply will be appreciated. Especially from Bolton Clark.

Kind Regards,**
(name supplied)

powder 8 Apr 29
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What if you are not able to have the vaccination, my friend has crohn's disease so can not be given vaccinations, I think it is unfair to say she could not visit her mother who has had the vaccination as she can. Sounds like they are going over the top.

Budgie Level 8 May 3, 2020

Don't get it. Why don't you want to have a flu inoculation ?

Moravian Level 8 Apr 30, 2020

@powder It does seem a bit heavy handed particularly as I would hope that all residents and staff will have had innoculation'
However if it was me I would gp ahead and get the vaccine, it is a bit like cutting off your nose to spite your face to refuse.
I have had a free flu innoculation every year for about nine years and have not had flu during that time. Because of the innoculation or just luck ? Who knows but if it wasn't free I would probably pay for it.


Good letter. The sort that I like to write & send.

FrayedBear Level 9 Apr 30, 2020

Is this government policy or a localised issue?

Geoffrey51 Level 8 Apr 29, 2020

@powder Here inVic the ove 65 flu vaccination is not yet available.


Some 'people' when, imho, placed in a Management position tend to don the 'Dictator hat' and think they are a Caesar re-incarnated.
Had one such example when I was training to be a nurse, a Hospital Matron who by her attitudes, etc, exuded the idea that she was a Demi-god of sorts and couldn't handle that a trainee male nurse was a 100% Straight male unlike her favourite 'Gay' male nurse, and that nurse chose to own and ride a motorbike to work.
We clashed many a time, as did numerous other nurses as well with her, to the point that almost the entire hospital staff end up giving her the nickname of "Aunty Jack."
For my own sanity I left that hospital and went interstate to complete my training, got 5 Certificates in Nursing,including my Midwifery Certificate, and then returned much to her shock and surprise.
IT is time, high time, in my opinion, that these 'demi-gods' were weeded out of the systems.

Triphid Level 9 Apr 29, 2020

A good friend's sister's progress at gosford , she was 2 ic & hed nurse educator, was blocked by the ic lesbian tyro nurse because she, the tyro, wouldn't move on. The sster last I heard was teaching English in China - that was 30 years ago.

@powder Yeah spread it around the Jack-booted 'Official' richly deserves to known to all and sundry imho.
Our "Jack-booted Matron" was one Harriet Wade, built like the "Aunty Jack" from the ABC Show I might add, she stomped around the hospital like a herd of elephants on a corrugate iron roof, drank like a fish and died in the late 70's from Cirrhosis of the Liver.

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