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I wonder if Aussie Sceptics would be interested in a get together. Perhaps once a year in a different city. I realise this would be sometime in the future, post pandemics, but it's just a thought.

MsDemeanour 8 May 24
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I'd be in it.

Cyklone Level 7 May 25, 2020

I haven't been to Adelaide for years. I was born there but had moved on by age 3. 😉

@MsDemeanour well, for anyone who visits, I only use half my house so I have plenty of room 🙂


Interesting idea. If I'm still around...(sympathy grab)

I'm heading off to surgery on Wednesday. Ok, it's only hernia repair, but stuff happens in surgery, right? So, if I make it back count me in, if possible.

And if I don't make it.....Well, it's been a pleasure... remember me when you'all get together. (More sympathy grab).

David1955 Level 8 May 25, 2020

A 96 yo friend still curses the surgeon who supposedly fixed his 30 years ago.
All who see mine pointedly refuse to comment, many just laugh.

Best of luck David. May your surgeon be sober and of steady hand. When will we know if you're never coming back?

@MsDemeanour thanks. Good question. Pity I can't set a post with a future delivery date, like one week. Figure I'm not back by then, I 'ain't comin' back. 🙂

Chin up, chest out M8, surgeons are bloody good at their job these days.
You'll be back with us before you bknow where you are. Best Wishes and a Speedy Recovery.


Sounds great to me, though I may not be able to make considering my on-going fight against Agoraphobia but I'd be there in 'spirit' none-the -less.
Hey, just an added thought here, How about we organise an aussie sceptics Chatroom and a weekly Quiz Session as well?

Triphid Level 9 May 24, 2020

That's a shame about the agoraphobia. I have a phone phobia. lol Can't do the chatroom. I love people and am fine in person but the phone stresses me. I always say if you have met a completely sane person, you just don't know them well enough!

@MsDemeanour Particularly if they don't get into bed naked with you.

Interestingly my daughter talked to me 5 days a week on the phone from the age of 18 months.

I suggest that you apply to be an announcer on your local community radio. 5 years later you will not believe your boldness.

@FrayedBear thanks for the tip. I have thought about volunteering for Lifeline when I retire.

@MsDemeanour You don't have to be retired. Just need a few spare hours.

@MsDemeanour Well we won't actually be chat per se, more like just typing as we normally do.

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