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This has me scratching my head

  1. tested positive after death, second test negative but what about the third test?
  2. Partner has symptoms but is testing negative so told to isolate??????
  3. Blaming poor old Rocky nurse again but what about where she got it (supposedly Brisbane) where no "tracing being done plus is it not possible she contracted it in Blackwater? Could have happened both ways yes?

I live near here and very easy to isolate Blackwater so why not do that and blanket test everyone? Mind you, tests don't seem too crash hot

powder 8 May 28
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M8, imho the whole testing thing has been conducted in a completely willy-nilly manner.
Which, also imo, is only to expected from a government that can't tell its arse from its elbow most of the time.
For example, I was chatting on-line to an acquaintance who has lived for the last 7+ years on a 40 acre property situated approx. 150 kilometres from the nearest township.
He relies mostly on growing his own fruits and vegetable, butchers his own meats, has installed both Solar and Wind power for electricity, has his own permanent water supply from dams and an Artesian Bore, only goes into 'town' once ever 3-4 months to stock up on non-perishables, etc.
Yet, yesterday, he received a text message from the government because his name came up on the Covid tracking app to tell him he had been around FIVE (5) people in Sydney in the last 5 weeks who had tested positive for Covid.
And yet the last time he was in Sydney or any other town was in early December, 2019.
And NO, he is not some rat-bag isolationist, etc, btw, he just chose to accept the inheritance of the property left to him by his uncle and turn it into a private preservation reserve for Native animals and birds, etc.
So it seems to me that the Covid app. so vaunted by the ScumMo Government is just as haphazard as is their testing regimen.

Triphid Level 9 May 28, 2020

@powder Probably like most people he thought it was a decent thing to doso he downloaded it.
Unless 'roos, emus, a few sheep and cows, etc, are spreading Covid around the country-side then I would say their app. is way off target and bloody near useless.

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