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One country? One problem - privatisation or senicide?

Ben Hocking of Your Life Choices writes on the C19 infections in Aged Care residences quoting Victorian Labor Premier Andrews -
"The royal commission into aged care tried to shine a light into the failings of privatised aged care, but it is only now people are dying from COVID-19 that the issue is being taken seriously.

With 804 COVID-19 cases connected to the aged care sector in Victoria as of Wednesday morning, nurses from public and private hospitals and medics from the Australian Defence Force were called in to cover for staff across Melbourne. As of Wednesday morning, 56 people in aged care in Victoria had died after testing positive to the virus.

On Tuesday, Victorian premier Dan Andrews shone a light on the precarious situation in many privatised aged care homes when he said he would not let his “mum be in some of those places”.

“I cannot stand here and tell you that I have confidence that staff and management across a number of private sector aged care facilities are able to provide the care that is appropriate to keep their residents safe,” Mr Andrews said."

He fails to mention the sorry state of the Aged Care Home Support Services designed to help people stay in their homes and not overburden the aged care residential services. A 96 year old acquaintance has yet again been told that he will have to wait at least a year before he can get help. He lives only 50 miles from Sydney CBD in a quarter million people city.

What are your thoughts?

FrayedBear 9 July 30
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Jeez Louise, FB, you told me not more than a couple of weeks ago that there were NO Covid-19 cases in Victoria since March this year, what happened?
"250,000 people living in Sydney," wtf are you getting your info from, a 1920's or 1930's Telephone Directory perhaps?
Yes things are bad Aged Care-wise and I agree with you on that and things do need to change.
I have a 98 year old neighbour, 4 houses away from me who badly needs 'home visiting Carers' but instead must rely upon her children and decent neighbours simply because of the availability of Staff during this Pandemic.
Her 3 daughters take in turns to visit each day, bathe her, etc, etc, I go up to her house every day without fail to do some housework for her, take her a freshly home-cooked meal 4 times per week all at my own expense btw, because I refuse to be compensated for doing what ANY decent person would do for another in need.
Compare "50 miles from the Sydney CBD" to the 1 thousand 100+ plus kilometres I am from Sydney and 512+ kilometres from Adelaide, our NEAREST Capital City btw and see how that balance out.

Triphid Level 9 July 30, 2020

Learn to understand plain English. There are numerous cities within 50 miles of Sydney that have populations of 250, 000.
The point was made that if it can't be done in such densely populated areas how are remote small populations going to cope.

Very commendable on your neighbour. What do want an order of Australia?

@FrayedBear Bloody Norah, I understand ENGLISH just as well as any other ENGLISH spealing person does and possibly even better than most.
But FYI Syney actually ENCOMPASSES many diferent SUBURBS as well as the CBD.
And as to very sarcastic comment re- the O.A.M. you take it and shove it where the sun doesn't shine, I do what I do NOT rewards, accolades, Kudos and the like, I do it because it IS the right thing to do.

@Triphid You come across to me as a whinging me, me, me poor me disadvantaged braggart. But from what little you have told me life appears to have dealt you some very disadvantageous events. Some points like the elderly not being properly looked after by the governments are not your responsibility but you seem to personally take that responsibility on.

Has no one told you that trying to drag others down does not elevate you to anything other than being regarded with contempt?

@FrayedBear Oh FFS, FB it IS you who are, imo, a bloody constant whinger and moaner.
So, please, build a bloody bridge and get over yoursel\f for a change.

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