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I'm interested in thoughts on lockdowns and compliance.
Do you think the lockdowns, and having police guard buildings so no one can leave, go against our freedom and all those who fight and died for our freedom?

Garf 7 Aug 1
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Oh hell NO!I I appreciate Any efforts to restrict the heedless, stupid, and downright evil from doing More harm! That is the essence of living in a Society, and those who ignore it deserve Nothing.

AnneWimsey Level 9 Aug 20, 2021

Thankyou for your thoughts, appreciate it!


What in the name of ALL F**k is your problem?
Covid IS a Pandemic, we now face its variant Covid 19 variant D (Delta) and by we I mean exactly WE, you, me, the bloke next door, the child 5 kilometres away, the newborn baby, its mother, EVERYONE ABSOLUTELY EVERYONE INCLUDING YOU as well S.F.B.
In case you've been hiding under your favourite 'blankie' and away from those 'monsters from under your bed' Numbnuts, Covid 19 variant C19-D has hit your hometown already.

Triphid Level 9 Aug 19, 2021

I haven't got a problem.
Maybe try reading my op, and see I was after people's thoughts on it all.
Just about everyone else can recognise and understand what I was asking.
If you can't understand a question about what are your thoughts and instead get on your fucking soap box then you can fuck right off.

Thanks for your thoughts!

@Garf Jawohl Mein Herr OberSturmFuhrer, Jawohol unt Sieg Hiel altso.

@Triphid what ever you say Karen.

@Garf Oh wow, is that the best come-back you're capable of or was it all you could think whilst still sucking on Mummy's teats perchance?

@Triphid still having a sook eh Karen

@Garf Nah, never, especially not when it comes to Bin Chooks from over the bridge.

@Triphid ok Karen, if you say so.

@Garf No worries Garfie Girlie, always happy to shit off a Bin Chook from over bridge and east of Wilcannia, you blow throughs are so shit for brains that it's like catching fish using dynamite.

@Triphid ok Karen, have another sook.

@Garf Cry me a river Sweetlips, cry me a river, you've had plenty of practise I see.

@Triphid if you say so Karen


The freedom to spread disease? The freedom to intimidate others? The freedom to encourage other people to do the same? The freedom to misrepresent everybody's duty of care to everybody else as oppression?

C'mon @Garf, please think before you post.

People who break quarantine (enforced isolation of patients suffering from a contagious disease in order to prevent the spread of disease) are not fighting & dying for everyone. They are being stupidly selfish and are amply identified in Professor Cipolla's 5 basic laws of human stupidity as belonging to the majority of the stupid members of humanity.

@FrayedBear Thanks for introducing me to Professor Cipolla.

I'm not Shure why you would ask me to think before I post.
As I stated in my op I was interested in people's thoughts.
At no point did I make an argument for or against my op.
So next time you ask me to think before I post, how about you learn to actually read a post and formulate your reply accordingly, sound good champ?

Thankyou for your thoughts, appreciate it!!


Okay my two cents worth. I live in the NT, we have pretty much lived our lives as normal, we had a long time where we could not go out to eat, but could get takeaway. We recently had our first lock down and apart from the moron who needed cancer sticks and had been phoned and told to head straight to the quarantine facility and decided that shopping for them would be okay (he turned out to be positive) it would have been over after two days. When they had contact traced and located those that need to be tested or stay at home or in quarantine longer. We had one week of lock down. No community spread and it is all behind us.
The strong lockdowns stop it from spreading out among the community and let us get back to our lives faster.
Weak lockdowns don't do this ie NSW.

Now when we talk about freedom and bring in those that fought for our freedom they are in my mind two separate things.
The freedom they fought for was the ability to have a democracy not a communistic or fascist government.

When the Spanish flu swept across the world those same men wore masks as did their families, quarantine was also enforced.


Budgie Level 8 Aug 2, 2021

Thankyou for your thoughts, appreciate it!


'Your freedom to swing your fist ends at my face' 😛

No! One centimetre before impact is the more common usage but that is actually wrong. A person with a weak heart could have an infarction caused by the shock-scare of the threat.

@FrayedBear . . . meant to be a metaphor/aphorism . . . but "misquoted" :


@FearlessFly Today's variant probably is "your right to breath out your C19 infected stalr breath whilst not wearing a mask ended when it was found that the infection can not only spread through the air but also through your breath spreading onto surfaces that enable further spread of the disease".

I much prefer the usage of a freshly used and discarded Feminine Sanitary pad slapped firmly across the chops of the deserving recipient.

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