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When you test positive, you get told to isolate. Why are medications not prescribed straight away? Instead we either remain asymptomatic or develop symptoms not requiring professional medical treatment, or else we end up in hospital and then finally treatment starts. Why is it not standardised to start treating active cases straight away?
PS treatment mentioned is not the only one we could utilise.

powder 8 Sep 5
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In India they were distributing covid kits that had many of these drugs and supplements to everyone diagnosed with covid19. Risk of side effects is much lower than covid19. Vaccines are still hard to procure in many places.

Spongebob Level 7 Sep 6, 2021

I fully agree that "wait and watch" approach of the American Healthcare system sucks. It seems against the hypocratic oath. I find it hard to believe that the modern medicine is so clueless against the covid19 disease which is not all that novel, that they can only help you if you demonstrably are sick enough to die. I think at least the supplements in this list must be distributed widely as people are severely deficient in many vitamins and such. That will definitely hurt you when confronted with this virus

Spongebob Level 7 Sep 6, 2021

We are now well into September aren't we?

The news does not seem to have spread outside of Cairns!

August 13, 2021 The Centre for Digestive Diseases issued today a press release titled “Ivermectin Triple Therapy Protocol for COVID-19 Released to Australian GPs for Infected Elderly and Frontline Workers.”

"As we previously covered, this early treatment protocol combines ivermectin with doxycycline and zinc.

“Triple therapy specialist Professor Thomas Borody, famous for curing peptic ulcers using a triple antibiotic therapy saving millions of lives, today released the COVID-19 treatment protocol to Australian GPs, who can legally prescribe it to their COVID-19 positive patients. They can also prescribe it as a preventative medication. Borody says this could be the fastest and safest way to end the pandemic in Australia within 6-8 weeks.” "


Why front line workers and the elderly are being discriminated against in this way I can only presume is due to the mongrels who have voiced that masks are not necessary to prevent the spread the disease are still holding credence.


Pre c19 pandemic I was told that GP teleconsults were not permitted.
50 years ago paramedics didn't exist and ambulance officers were not allowed to prescribe any drugs except for morphine on the battlefield. Now they have longer & in some ways more complex education processes than doctors .
100 years ago anyone with an infectious disease likely to cause death was immediately quarantined in an official quarantine facility not their home or if like typhoid Mary simply incarcerated and the key metaphorically thrown away.
It used to be accepted that people who spent 5 or 6 years of their life studying and then practicing medicine knew what was best for people's health. Now it seems that every uneducated Heinz 57 ethnic cleansing mongrel and bush lawyer knows better because practicing lawyers have proven the fallibility of a few medicos.


Oh, and BTW @powder, Had you kept you mouth shut and your EARS open for a change you MAY well have heard the latest NEW reports that in NSW alone, there 1,000 PLUS children now suffering from the COVID-19, Delta variant Infection most aged between 19 and 10 years of age, 16 are in I.C.U. 13 on Ventilators, thankfully the rest are breathing unaided thus far.

Triphid Level 9 Sep 5, 2021

@powder Please tell what it may/would take to actually get some sense into your thick, imo, skull?
!) ONLY Certified and Licenced MEDICAL Practitioners CAN Prescribe Medications, THAT IS, Certified, Registered and Licenced DOCTORS of HUMAN Medicine,
2) a Nursing Practitioner, i.e. ( for your level of intellect i.e. means "that is" ) a NURSE working a General Practitioner's Surgery CAN RECOMMEND a course of Medication for a Patient BUT a Practicing G.P. MUST sign the Prescription form before it is handed to the patient.
FYI, with the ORIGINAL COVID-19 virus, NOT the PRESENT Delta variant, Active cases WERE not PREVALENT in Children or young teens/adults under 21-23 years of age,
Now, with variant Delta, the game, so speak, has changed DRASTICALLY and it is HITTING children HARD, FAST and with little or NO mercy.
Do you ACTUALLKY receive the News Reports and Up-dates up there in QLD or are the instructions for turn on a radio of television set also way, way beyond the abilities of your comprehension and understanding?


FYI, @powder,

  1. Ivermectin MAY be FDA approved BUT that is because the Federal Drug Administration ( the FDA) is an AMERICAN Medicinal Drugs Approval Authority NOT an Australian One,
  2. When you are COVID Tested it is done by the Testing Authority/Authorities of the State/Territory in which you reside are visiting, etc, at THAT time, ERGO, your G.P. ( General Practitioner) or a a Resident Doctor at a Hospital ,etc, MUST Prescribe the medication/s for you, the Testing Station Attendants CANNOT LEGAL do so,
  3. When told to self-isolate, one CAN contact their own G.P. acquaint the G.P. of their COVID-19 Status and request an Over-Phone Consultation IF the symptoms are already presenting themselves and causing chronic, severe or reasonable distress to to you as the patient.
    Otherwise, IF those symptoms are severe then CALL for an Ambulance that will take DIRECTLY to the NEAREST Available HOSPITAL, or If a DEVOUT and Deluded Ardent Christian just sit back and PRAY the COVID Infection away.
Triphid Level 9 Sep 5, 2021

@powder That shall be my very FINAL interaction with you @powder.
FYI, IF you were to research Ivermectin you would realise that it IS primarily designed and made as an Anti-parasitic treatment mainly for animals such a horses, dogs, cat and such and VERY occasionally prescribed , in much smaller dosages btw, for Intestinal Parasites infestations in Humans BUT in EXTREME cases ONLY.
Now, since getting through to you is akin to TRYING to carry on a sensible conversation with a Brass Door Knocker of @FrayedBear then you will find that within the next 12-14 hours I WILL have blocked you PERMANENTLY.
Have a nice life, watch out the Cassowaries.

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