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So to all of the new members and probably many of the old ones.
Hello feel free to post comments. I often can not think of things to say.
So to intro myself
I am a greenie, vegetarian, scuba diver, 4 wheel driver who does not get to do too much of that lately. Working too hard at present and trying desperately to find a work life balance.
Favourite colour is blue,
Favourite Band is The Church (and the irony is not lost on me) but there are lots of bands I adore.

Live in the Northern Territory which at the moment is bloody hot.
How hot is bloody hot? Well I have a waterbed, a simple bladder filled with water, most beds come with a heater so that you are not trying to sleep on cold water. Mine currently feels like I am trying to sleep on a teabag that has just been lifted from the cup. I am trying to work out how to put ice into the bladder to cool the damn stuff down. This has never happened before. No sun reaches my bed it is heating up purely by the heat sink from how hot the house gets during the day.

Budgie 8 Oct 29
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Yeah my friend and it gets so bloody hot and dry up that way that the lizards carry water-bags, the flies and birds carry umbrellas, the Crocs all wear sunscreen and the trees chase after the dogs.
I was up there from Boxing Day 1974 after Cyclone Tracy just about wiped out Darwin, we were flying in Essentials, Medical Supplies, Generators, etc, etc, and flew 2 round trips per day for a week from the Alice to Darwin and back again.
Even the beds we have in the Alice were too hot to sleep on most nights, so I understand where you're coming from.
Oh, we forgot about those N.T. Mossies, a big as single engined Cessnas,as hungry as a T-Rex and can suck a heifer dry in less than an hour....LOL.

Triphid Level 9 Oct 29, 2021

You can tell how long someone has lived in the Territiory by how they refer to time. BCT, DCT or ACT. She was a defining moment in our history.
I have a friend who has a unique birth story. He was born DCT. They had to move his mother due to complications from the birthing room and a few minutes later the wall collapsed as water had been seeping into it from the damaged roof. (he saved his mother's life by being a difficult birth). Then he got lost in the evacuation. Less than one day old and already he was causing an uproar. Somehow he was put into a wooden box and under the seat of the pilot of the Hercules getting them out. His mother was sent to one hospital and as he had no tags on yet he got sent to another. His grandmother was scouring the hospitals looking for a baby from Darwin. When he was found he had been given a name by the staff. Hercules. His tag read Hercules DOB 25/12/74 son of Darwin woman unknown.

I also met a bloke lucky to be alive, they were trying to get from their demolished house to the neighbours and something trapped his foot. He bent down to move the object as his father turned to see why he was not following he saw a piece of sheet metal skim over the top of his bent back.

There are just so many stories from that time, of people lucky to still be here.

@Budgie I was about to sit down to Xmas Lunch when 2 local cops knocked on the front and asked for my I.D. and my Pilots License.
I asked them why, they told that they were seeking at least 4 local pilots to fly up to the Alice, pick up urgently needed supplies and then fly on to Darwin because Cyclone Tracy had almost wiped Darwin off the map.
25 minutes later I was doing the pre-flight check of a twin engine Piper Cherokee, loaded down with baby bottles, baby formula, nappies and ladies sanitary napkins, given a flight plan with 3 re-fuelling stops marked and the 4 of us were given priority Take-Off orders.
We stopped and re-fuelled at Thargominda, then a property in the eastern part of the N.T., flew on into the Alice, were told to take a 1 hour rest, have a meal, shower, change into clothing that would be supplied, then fly on to Darwin, the sight that caught our eyes as we came over the horizon was absolute disaster, even the Airport had some damage and they had us circle for about 10 minutes so the they clear a runway enough for us to land.
For $ days we flew in and out and the the R.A.A.F. got there, they hauled the heaviest of the things and the machinery, etc, needed to start the clean up, the 27 Private Pilots from around Australia went into to 3 big Department type stores in Alice, asked for donations of toys, etc, for the kids of Darwin, got approx. 13 and a half tons donated, took seven flights to deliver them and ended up making the kids of Darwin get a Xmas after their real one was blown to shit.
I reckon I copped more hugs and kisses0 from kids and parent in that week than I'd ever copped before in my life.


Our forecast tonight is for 1°C. The blanket has been on awhile.

FrayedBear Level 9 Oct 29, 2021

I was living in Ballarat when I had the frozen water pipe incident. So I know how bitterly cold that place can get. I went from the Territory to there it was a shock.

@Budgie I'm usually several degrees colder in winter, hotter in summer and quite a bit drier.


So sorry. Have had periods in my life where I suffered in excess heat and it was not pleasant.

Theresa_N Level 8 Oct 29, 2021

I have lived in hot and cold (at uni our water pipes froze and we came home to a fountain of water from them) I think I prefer hot to cold.

@Budgie I agree at least you CAN get to cool down when its hot, but when its cold you either wear your entire wardrobe and can't move a muscle or freeze almost to death.

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