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I am so frustrated, pissed off and ready to rip arms off and beat a certain little bitch around the head with the wet ends.
So the lying little bitch that snuck into SA, then lied to go to Qld and then into the NT has caused our first widespread community spread of Covid. Forced Katherine into lockdown put a 65 year old woman into hospital, infected a remote community, canceled schools end of year awards ceremonies, our schools Duke of Ed camp is coming back two days early and we have to wear masks for over a week.

They are not sure they are ahead of it. People who had no contact with her but casual contact with people who may of had contact with her are popping up. It would seem that she dropped into places for 15 minutes and they are only the ones she is confessing to police.

A school in Katherine is closed and students have caught it. Robinson River is closed and students are infected. Children too young to be vaccinated. If anyone dies from it she should be charged with murder.

Hospitals are not allowing visitors unless they are parents of a sick child or they need to be there for communication issues.

Check out all of the places that are points of contact from her or someone who may have been near her.
Some of those are near where I live so there is a chance that some parents may have been there and my students may be exposed.
Seriously how hard is it to do the right thing and protect everyone?

Budgie 8 Nov 17
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Even angrier the latest victim of her selfishness is a 3 week old baby.

Budgie Level 8 Nov 18, 2021

A kilo of quick setting concrete in the vagina might be in order for her.

anglophone Level 9 Nov 17, 2021

It only takes one f'wit.
I'm currently concerned for an old chum (96 yo.) who has been in NSW hospital for 4 months but never vaccinated. They propose taking him 500 meters from his hospital bed, accompanied by a doctor, to a vaccination centre. As I said to a Vivtorian DFFH manager today "he is being abused & threatened with being dragged from his bed by ambulance accompanied by a doctor to a public injection facility to be given a Covid 19 vaccination that should have been give 3½ months ago - you can't give a vial of vaccine the disease but you can a 96 year old patient! It's called senicide."
I'm still awaiting response from NSW.
Of course not being a relative I'm told that it's none of my business.

FrayedBear Level 9 Nov 17, 2021

Take it to the media.
I am in a battle with the dept of health here as apparently I can not raise a complaint about my father's treatment in hospital.

@Budgie Sounds like we have war stories & strategies to discuss. Want to phone talk?


Know full well how you feel there friend, felt the exact same way when some stupid, arrogant, self-centred, inconsiderate Arse-hole brought COVID here AFTER we;d ALL worked so bloody to remain Covid Free since it first broken loose in China.
Wouldn't like to just grab the mongrel/mongrels by the scruff of the neck and shake the shit out of them until they start to rattle?

Triphid Level 9 Nov 17, 2021

I think she should get fined the maximum and jailed for the maximum time and if anyone dies charged with murder or negligent homicide.

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