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Who do I vote for next time? The informal party?

David1955 8 May 6
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You just don't listen to my plea that the only good pollie is one dead for 50 years or more.


Same shit different country.
Got laugh or else you would scream


Yep. I really like how banks ignore the RBA and do their own thing re interest rates. I recall a Keating interview many years ago where he stated his greatest regret was privatising the CBA, as they were bound to follow RBA rates thus forcing private banks to match in order to remain competitive. Anyway, she'll all come crashing down very soon, just hope we have enough sense to join BRICS, if we are not dragged into war with those countries.
Get rid of debts if you can and invest in physical assets is my advice for we are all in for a rough ride in the coming months/ years.

puff Level 8 May 6, 2023

We cannot join Brics We do not have a monetary standard.
Our economy is just like most of the western world, aligned along side the ponzie scheme fake money of the American dollar.
Australia first would have to reinstate a gold or precious/rare metal standard.
The RBA is not a government institution, it is a private organisation run by the world bank and other foreign banks /bankers.
To join Brics, the government would have to take responsibility for the economy. Actually taking charge and control, not talking economy .and kicking the can down the road.
Presently we are in a ludicrous situation where a non government body runs the economy.
It really is like the guy, unrelated with his own self interest, down the road running your life and marriage.

It's the same shit they did in the 80s. Interest rates went up to 17 percent. I was buying a house at the time. They're one trick ponies: Interest rates. Economics should be included with voodoo. Half of it is guess work. Economists are my least favourite profession and the RBA is full of them.

@David1955 I've always thought economics was designed to measure the economy, so how did they end up running things? Just because you can notice the finer details, doesn't mean you know how they were created.

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