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LINK Honest Government Ad | Visit Tasmania! - YouTube

Good thing these juicy people keep me up to date about other states in Australia, else I'd be left out.

It's not true that Liberal governments can't run anything: they're good at chook raffles. ..just kidding.. hopeless at that too, i imagine.

David1955 8 Mar 15
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The story I hear from the locals is the mainland fucks up everything. A hydroelectric system was set up for Tasmanian self sufficiency and it worked. But they now sell power to Victoria ie "The Grid", causing high prices in Tassie and supply problems so they build still more shit eg wind farms, to maintain the mainland supply, nothing to do with Tassie needs eg what Tassie govt approved this? No-one paid for water until a few years ago there. People are not happy with all the Salmon farms either...........too many.
Liberal/ Labor..............same shit different wrappers. The greens are good at pointing out problems, but never offer realistic solutions ie not a practical political solution. in Tassie. Locals do not like greens as they are pigs leaving a mess when they leave their "protest camps" plus there are a lot of mines there which greens are totally against, yet happy to use all their "toys" which would not be produced without mining. So I'm just saying the Greens will never be huge politically in Tassie as they piss too many people off. Single issue stuff they do do a good thing eg Damming the Franklin. But as alternative government, far too full of shite .

puff Level 8 Mar 15, 2024

I hope the "Tasmanien" spelling was caught by all


They sound like mini anarchist, like me.


All very sad isn’t it? Wonder if there’s a Green Party to vote for. Looks like Tassie needs it.

@David1955 We would in the UK, (benefit from a stronger Green Party), too. Now Corbyn’s history we have another right wing veering Labour Party. I wish more people would stand and vote Green. But the understanding that it’s a 2 horse race seems to be ingrained in many. Saying that the Lib Dems have been making inroads over the Conservatives; so why not the Greens too.

@girlwithsmiles The only reason Corbyn is considered "right wing" is because he dared criticise Zionist Israel. Daring to question NATO in Ukraine didn't win him any establishment friends either. I predict he will make a comeback now Israel has turned genocidal and the current leadership is crap..
Ed What is right and left wing now? eg the Hungarian PM is described as right wing because he refuses to allow transition of arms through his country to Ukraine. Now when I was growing up, when conflict broke out the first reaction from the world was "arms embargo" ie don't arm either side of the conflict. This was considered left wing back then. So when you hear "right wing" thrown about you have to take it with a pinch of salt. Youth protesting Gaza, calling for a ceasefire, are labeled "right wing" by media ffs. Right wingers in my youth never protested for peace, they were called left back then.

@puff I didn’t realise Corbyn was considered right wing. Yes, the left are usually more peaceful and progressive I thought. The right more interested in a wealthy economy, for those owning factories and businesses, and maintaining the status quo, largely due to their funders.

@girlwithsmiles Yeah, it's all arse about face now. "Commies" are called right wing now, even though Communism is the left side of the spectrum. Right used to be the pro-war ones. Our aid is now lethal. If what is happening in Gaza appalls your humanity and so you oppose it, you are a right wing, antiestablishment terrorist supporter according to a lot of media.
I historically viewed the left as into individual rights with the right more into the establishment group maintaining the status quo.
Covid surprised and confused me as the "left" was all for mandating things and encouraging restrictions on individual liberties whilst the "right" opposed these things.
So what left and right means anymore, not sure.

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