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Be interesting how they enforce this eg our politicians incite hate against China and Russia constantly. Also the flag of Israel eg if convicted of crimes against humanity, will we be banning the Israeli flag? As far as I'm concerned, it represents the same ideology as the Nazy swastika ie Master Race crap. Are they going to use this law sensibally or just use it to shut down consent?
Digital ID won't stop me commenting, although I will ensure I am able to defend all my comments in a court of law eg I will continue to use the phrase "Israeli scum" as long as the state sponsored genocide occurs.
These Jewish institutions need to be loudly clear in what they support. If they support Eretz Israel ie "From the Jordan to the sea there will only be Israeli sovereignty", then it is they who place their children in danger and I question what they are being indoctrinated with.


puff 8 May 26
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I'm tempted to write that I feel sad that Aus Jews feel scared because their funding & support of Israeli psychotic pathological zealots are resulting in atrocities & genocide of Palestinian children, women & men. BUT this is no where near as sad as I feel for the 100000's of Palestinian children, women & men slaughtered over the last 76 years by those Jewish psychopaths illegally practicing genocide, apartheid & crimes against the Palestinians.
I'd love every facebooker to post the above on their profiles & see if fuckerbuk deletes every account.

FrayedBear Level 9 May 27, 2024

Just read a disturbing article on al Jazeera about AI bots on social media. They can imitate human conversation now, hard to pick at times, and they say about a third of all social media traffic is bots. The IDF are right into it. By 2026, over 90% of internet traffic could be bots (maybe digital ID has some's a grey world). AI bots create their own accounts, friend shitloads of people and even post random crap eg sports to throw people off. Bit of a stink in India about bots influencing peoples opinions the current election.
Luckily, I think we are pretty safe this site as fuck all seem to use it. But enjoy the internet whilst you can because in a few years we won't know Arther from Martha.

@puff today I was rorted by the AI running the washing machine called Jack at the local laundromat. It charged me $8 to clean the machine after the previous user, then when I put my laundry and detergent in charged another $8 to program & carry out my desired wash. The machine advertises a cost of $8 per wash.
IMO the machines should automatically wash themselves before every every use.

@puff real people don't have shitloads of friends because they don't have social page accounts.


"Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus said the new rules would protect the community from "those who promote extremism, hatred or seek to incite violence". I seem to remember that it has been long known that Jewish schools are known to be recruitment grounds for the misnamed IDF an organisation promoting "extremism, hatred or incitement of violence particularly against Palestinians, Syrians, & Iranians.

"The Albanese Government is committed to promoting and supporting respect, acceptance and understanding across the Australia community," he said." - that must be why in 1996 the labor government passed law making female genital mutilation practiced by certain Muslims a criiminal act. At the time I decried the racist & sexist discrimination that was failing to protect men, and particularly Jewish men from the outrageously barbaric practice of male genital mutilation called circumcision. The discrimination still continues.

Yet more hypocrisy & #stupidity.

FrayedBear Level 9 May 27, 2024

And Jacinta Allan Victorian Premier weighs in with : "The biggest victims of anti-Semitism are children" - I quite agree with the premier - there are now 20000+ semitic Palestinian children murdered since last October by psychotic pathological Jews living in Israel.

@FrayedBear I think Israel just fucked themselves over Rafah. Even Piers Morgan is appalled by it, one of their staunch defenders and regurgitator of the "right to defend ourselves" Zionist line.
Europe is starting to turn against them which matters to European Jews in Israel. They love pretending they are part of Europe, Eurovision etc (not sure why Australia gets to go either).

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