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Why are we in AUKUS? What benefits does this pact give Australia? Anyone?
The other two partners, UK and US, get to use our land as a staging platform but what advantage do we get? When announced, it was the promise of nuclear submarines (for a non-nuclear country???????) Can anyone tell me how we benefit for the next 20 years?

puff 8 July 28
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trilateral commission is another corrupt NGO by rockefella and rothschild was never ment to be for the people.

1patriot Level 8 July 29, 2024

Trilateral security partnership for the Indo-Pacific region between Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Announced on 15 September 2021, the partnership involves the US and the UK assisting Australia in acquiring nuclear-powered submarines. The partnership also includes cooperation on advanced cyber mechanisms, artificial intelligence and autonomy, quantum technologies, undersea capabilities, hypersonic and counter-hypersonic, electronic warfare, innovation and information sharing. The partnership will focus on military capability, distinguishing it from the Five Eyes intelligence-sharing alliance that also includes New Zealand and Canada

@1patriot ATM our Navy has an Admiral about to take over control of our combined genocide supporting fleet in the Red Sea, with no Australian ship. Another Admiral is in charge of our nuclear submarine command. Don't mess with the Australian Navy!

All AUKUS did was allow the US to base B-52's, Naval ports and troops here on a promise of submarines. It was done in secret, Australian parliament not kept in the loop, at the height of covid lockdowns. The three leaders at that time? Borris Johnson UK, Donald Trump USA and Scott "Skidmark" Morrison Australia. The three of these are somewhat psychopathic, lack empathy and are totally self centered.
During that time of extreme lockdown Pompeo flew to Australia several times as Head of CIA (yet to be Secretary of State), with him and Skidmark on speed dial. Bum buddies they are, Morrison a Hillsong freak and Zionist Pompeo. Morrison made himself minister for everything, again bypassing parliament but with Governor General complicity ie English Crown complicity, during the same time.
Australia got sold out.

@puff they are setting up the corporation to wield power none of this will benefit the people of this planet!

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