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Remember about 6 months ago it was announced a digital ID was to be introduced in Australia? A few raised concerns about privacy but we were assured it had nothing to do with controlling the public and was going to be totally voluntary. Now they are planning laws on banning under 14's from all social platforms.

Gee, I wonder how they will enforce that? Sems adults will need to identify themselves now somehow..................

A death via a thousand cuts. All for your safety of course.

puff 8 Sep 10
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A chap I worked with back in the 1980's was seemingly paranoid about anything about himself being on the internet. Whether he succeeded in maintaining his anonymity I don't know.

FrayedBear Level 9 Sep 12, 2024

I am aware with super computers etc they can go historic but no fucks given on my part. The thing with computer algorithms, they don't get sarcasm or irony or innuendo but look for keywords like bomb and terror (Hi any sppoks out there 😀 ) and nowadays, probably IDF and Hamas, shit like that. Very few humans actually analyse this shit and if they eventually do, I hope I give them a giggle.
The thing with collecting mass data, the would be swamped. I hope I waste their resources looking at twats like me and any relevant real time information will be seen too late. The real bad boys avoid electronic communication, like Hamas does, as a counter measure

Remember when Julian Assange first sought shelter in the embassy? Every one called him paranoid but I suspect with all the shit he saw, he had good reason. In hindsight, he was correct to be paranoid. It happens but no fucks given as I said. Lifes too short to live cowering and self censoring.

@puff an acquaintance back in the 90's always took great delight in finishing his lengthy phone conversations by giving details of the latest bomb laden camel that he was sending to the embassy or office of whichever country\ MP \ official that had offended him that week.
He described himself as a one legged (an engine at Sydney's Pyrmont rail yard had amputated it for him) heinz 57 variety Australian. . . He was predominantly Aboriginal Chinese & prone to throwing spears at people that he didn't like. Consequently when a female neighbour hit him with her shovel over the garden fence smashing & blooding his nose it was he who was arrested. I suspect that when he died his black sister moved into his house, didn't declare his death but probably used his pension to feed the poker machines at the League's club.

@FrayedBear Those are actual threats and I don't do that. Sure I call for the erasure of Zionist ideology and culture and the end of NATO, another ideology, but direct violence against people no. War is an extension of politics and should be last resort when all other options exhausted, not the first go to option.
NATO is supposedly a defense pact, instead it's the foreign corp of imperial power continually expanding.
Israel is an apartheid state run by religious fucktards who believe they are the Master Race and commit genocide so their erasure would be doing the world a big favour. I feel for people of Jewish culture who are not Zionists of which there are many in Iran, living quite freely and openly as Jews in that Muslim theocracy. Zionism is the problem, not Jews as such.

You see the UK twat who just visited Ukraine pledged the UK would support "for a hundred years"? A single parliamentarian making statements like that with no parliamentary authority. Reminds me of the Balfour declaration.

@puff they weren't threats. Just the jokes of a bitter old man discriminated against all his life for being a Heinz 57 predominantly Chinese Aboriginal. He had neither camels nor the expertise to build bombs & ASIO knew it.

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