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Protecting Peter Dutton – NACC’s $532 million Paladin fraud investigation is a sham that was completed when Scott Morrison was PM By Shane Dowling on October 13, 2024.

To me the big question is if the main player was found to have illegally profited from corrupt action how much of the taxpayer funds have been recovered & what penalties other than loss of position have been imposed?


As Dowling concludes -
"More often than not the people that are chosen to investigate government corruption are corrupt themselves and cover-up more corruption than they expose. And that is by design by the politicians who do not want to know about corruption.

Because of the NACC’s secrecy we are forced to guess a lot, but as per above, there are enough known facts that by themselves prove blatant corruption and cover-ups. Imagine if there were public hearings at the NACC and we knew all of the facts.

As I already said, the NACC is bouncing from one cover-up scandal to the next and it will be a major issue at the federal election."
He states that he will continue to follow up on the story.

FrayedBear 9 Oct 12
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Politics is a bird! You have a blue party wing , you have a maroon pary wing!
Hey wake up folks!!! These wings are the intergral parts of the bird.
Make no mistake any country with a 2 party system is definitely FASCISt.

In regard to Peter Dutton we have a WEF loving obtrusive moronic FASCIST, who will definately win the next election, regardless of votes.

Unless a plethora of independents miraculously appear?


Problem is the uniparty, both as bad as each other.
Want to talk corruption, the whole way AUKUS came about is total BS. A deal done in secret eg no public consultation with parliament not even being informed. A deal which gave up Australian sovereign soil to foreign militaries.
Can't get much more corrupt than that from a nations leaders. Both parties go along with it.

puff Level 8 Oct 12, 2024

Throw the septics out?

@FrayedBear Fucking oath. Why allow any foreign army to set up shop here in peace time?

@puff Why nor deny both fascists a vote and get rid of them/?? Maybe use the "Lavender A.I" do the job for us?? Would have to work on all members of both parties simultaneously and decisively

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