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A wonderful word that we are all familiar with here in Australia has recently been discussed in the unusual word group.
I reproduce the thread below as it becomes quite hilarious with a conversation developing between two Americans. Australia and Australians, however, are being impugned. Anyone wishing to contribute or perhaps simply ignore and not argue with fools as they only drag you down to their level - I suspect in this case a level of intelligence that is marijuana-fueled.
Here is a copy of the thread:

Agnostic Groups Uncommon words and their meanings. "Uncommon words and their meanings."

HUBRIS: n. excessive pride or self-confidence; arrogance. s.a. Homer and what Ulysses did, which is where this word originates, with him, after defeating Troy, they where getting ready to return home and it was the custom to give thanks to the Gods for their success, but Ulysses did not do an offering to Neptune, God of the Seas, his men were horrified and he said I did it, so for the next 20 years Neptune taught him a lesson in hubris and he returned home after 20 years and alone, everyone else had died! So after that his arrogance was gone! See so much of this, hubris!!

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By aahouck49679% 9
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Good choice as the Mueller report (or most of it, anyway) is just seeing the light of day.

Level 6
Apr 19, 2019 Reply 0
Anyone notice , the man who did not honor Neptune returned home alive . The men with him , who were horrified that he did not honor Neptune , had all died . . . .

Level 8
Apr 19, 2019 Reply 1
good word to know

Level 8
Apr 19, 2019 Reply 1
Hubris leads to nemesis.

Level 7
Apr 19, 2019 Reply 2
LenHazell53: 0
I was going to point out that too, hubris (arrogance before the gods) calls forth Nemesis the avenger of the gods.

WonderWartHog99: 1
@LenHazell53 Mythology 102.

aahouck49: 0
then the nemesis had best get busy, it is getting rather out of control when a person with such Hubris is allowed to run free! By the way where is El Chapo, he made a promise to be his nemesis?!!

WonderWartHog99: 0
@aahouck49 El Chapo, last I heard, was in a super max in Colorado. Something happen?

We had a Prime Minister by the name of Howard who with Bush & Blair should be facing charges of crimes against humanity. He denounced his predecessor Keating for being full of hubris. He was also but little did we realise that when he took office. He also acquired his own evident mantle of hubris. I say "evident" because until then he had kept it largely hidden.
Whether it is common or not is probably dependent upon its use in public life. Here it is as common as bulldust.

Level 9
Apr 19, 2019 Reply 2
WonderWartHog99: 2
"I know words. I know the best words." Donald J. Trump, hubris master misspelling most words, most of the time, writing on a third grade level.

aahouck49: 1
@WonderWartHog99 honestly spell check if from a 6th grade dictionary at most, and I may misspell due to bad keyboard, it is old and tired, but i know word real good!! have you noticed no one can conjugate a verb anymore?? Welcome to the world of ebonics and using initials,know the really really good word for it but do not wish to confuse any of my nemesis'

WonderWartHog99: 1
@aahouck49 Welcome to the world of ebonics and using initials,know the really really good word for it but do not wish to confuse any of my nemesis'

One of my English professor said "There's English and then there is tuxedo English."

Heap of scruffy, down on its luck English out there.

FrayedBear: 0
@aahouck49, @WonderWartHog99 It must be a nightmare living with you pair if you speak the same way that you fail to correct your typing.
Someone said that they mind read on Aldebaran. Perhaps they will be able to stand your heat. Can you theirs? If not try the Northern Territory Aldebaran!

WonderWartHog99: 0
@FrayedBear Are you referring to Darwin, Northern Territory, home of "Hokey Smokes, what did we do to deserve this"?

I spent three months in a steam powered scullery eight degrees south of the equator, thanks to the US Navy who thoughtfully put a soda machine right outside the door, 50 cents a can. Ever heard of Diego Garcia, aka The Rock?

FrayedBear: 0
@WonderWartHog99 No.

WonderWartHog99: 0
@FrayedBear You'll never go to Diego Garcia. It's supposed to be a top secret US navy communication base owned by blabber mouth Brits. The Brits keep chickens and a couple of donkeys there. I kid you not. The Brits regularly warn the US sailors not to get the donkeys drunk. The sailors ignore them.

It's a former coconut plantation with endangered coconut crabs. The crabs crack open the coconuts. The whole place is a coral atoll located eight degrees south of the equator in the Indian Ocean. The lagoon is filled with hammerhead sharks and poisonous shell fish. The atoll is surrounded by powerful ocean currents that can either sweep people out to sea or into the coral. They won't let anyone on the atoll that has a swim mask.

It's a major buzz kill unless you're an alcoholic donkey.

Anyone who gets there can't wait to get away from there, partly because there is one woman for every 8,000 horny sailors. If you need to an excuse to kill yourself, it's a good place to do it.

FrayedBear: 0
@WonderWartHog99 My no was in response to your mention of Darwin. Aldebaran is a civil engineering earthmoving company in the Northern Territory, phone # +61 889881740 located south of Darwin.

aahouck49: 0
@WonderWartHog99 frayed bear is on a rampage, he has done this to me before, he does not know how to have a discussion without thinking it is always about him, and anyway warthog, he cannot understand someone like you or I, he is just not too smart and why he takes everything so personally, unlike you and I can we can discuss topics without losing it but replacing it with fact, and that so irritates him, we have been at it before until I said I do not argue with fools then one cannot tell the difference, he sure was at it early Easter morn?? he sure does get mad at me and now you, kinda funny is it not??? I can believe what you said about that place, makes sense to me, and sounds true cause it is so awful a place, and one woman for 8000 horny soldiers is no place I or anyone would want to go, they must be punishing those boys to sent them to such a place!! Happy Bunny Day!!!

WonderWartHog99: 0
@FrayedBear I used Google to look up Aldebaran. After that, I said, "What the fuck over?" These people aren't classified as mind reading psychics. They got engineers in luxurious air conditioning. Figure they got more than one guy who knows the working end of a shovel. It is near Darwin in the Northern Territory and you were babbling on about could I stand the heat there.

Answer: yes, I've worked in hotter places than Darwin.

I've worked eight degrees south of the equator . . . I was about to babble on about other extremely hot and torrid work conditions I've had to endure but first I decided to babble on about the *worst place I've done it.

I was working closer to the equator (8 degrees south) than Darwin (12 degrees south). Add in live steam and we're talking 140F.

WonderWartHog99: 0
@aahouck49 > . . . . he cannot understand someone like you or I, he is just not too smart . . . .

I have a more charitable theory: I annoy Aussies something horrible. I'm still working on what I say that causes them to react that way and why. When it comes comparing notes about Aussie personalities, it'd be better to take it to private e-mail.

Did you ever see the episode where Bart Simpson pissed off their entire country? I liked the part where his parents got a bill from the Hopping Mad Collection Agency.

For the high lights in episode 119:

aahouck49: 0
@WonderWartHog99 now that is some kind of heat! I do not know why they are acting so rudely to us, however, private email it, why? that one Aussie does not worry me, but what is the problem? I know too much about there history and treatment of the Aboriginals and they are still at it, just ask them. They spend too much time bowing and scraping to the British aristrocats(sp that way for a reason), Also do believe someone wrote a book about it, I have it but cannot find it at the moment, but it was written around late '80s or so, and he tells everything they did and why and when and where and how! It may be called "Fatal Shores" but not sure. but if you think we are in danger talking about this, sure we can PM if you like, do you take PM? Aldebaran, what was he talking about but I see you found out, I did not think it made any sense considering the topic but just put it down to what his he talking about that is not the subject matter or so I thought! Am I not being charitable to them?? Why should I be? Why do they have there panties in a wad?

Also, the Simpson''s video was a delight, as ever! How did you like when they went after his Apu character? What? He makes fun of everyone and everything, and then Apu, but no mention of how much fun he makes of the supreme privileges of white people, so Frank feels the need to apologize, for what, the portrayal was right on, and he should not have apologized for it, if people coming here from India, cannot take it, then go back to India and shut up, you know it is true, did you expect America to welcome that stinking culture you left and for a many good reasons and then get mad to see The Simpson's not make fun of their culture, however, I have noticed that people from India do not have a very good sense of humor, well some do as they can be rather bright and intelligent, and some kind of math solvers! Maybe they should just focus more on Southerners, cause that does not bother anyone anywhere!

Cause in THE USA IF SOMETHING IS WRONG A SOUTHERNER MUST HAVE DONE IT AS WE ARE THE CAUSE OF ALL PREJUDICE AND MALTREATMENT OF BLACK PEOPLE!! AND ANYONE ELSE IN THIS THE USA TODAY! Pardon me, I forgot cigarettes first, then southerners but wait, we use to grow tobacco down here also, so blame us for that also, we do not care!!! we is use to it

Is it now a wonder to you how this country treats Southerners, as if NYC is not a rat infested, stinks to high heaven and suck all the money and air from the rest of the USA! NYC??? And not a racist or any problems with diversity at all in that city, golly it must be nice to live in heaven/hell, if you have one you have the other, you know yin/yang and no grey in between!!!

WonderWartHog99: 0
@aahouck49 . . . . if you think we are in danger talking about this . . . .

The danger lies in trading petty tit for tat until everyone else can't stand it.

>we can PM if you like, do you take PM?

I'll send you one and we'll find out. Check your envelope icon.

FrayedBear: 0
@WonderWartHog99 you were looking at the wrong Aldebaran. []

Surface temperature 3910 K.

FrayedBear: 0
@WonderWartHog99, @aahouck49 guys, guys, please do not go to the private message we are all enjoying your rants so much that a movement is afoot to have you replace the Simpsons on the TV.
You guys are wonderfully hysterically funny. On a serious note though are you familiar with the following word?

Copied from [] at about 1:30 Australian Eastern Standard time.

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FrayedBear 9 Apr 21
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