6 3

Is everyone else bored to death with the lamentable nonsense that is passing for our Federal Election? Read an article in the foreign press today about how Shorten will likely win, and I was so happy I fell asleep reading it. So exciting to look forward to almost the same policies as the LNP, but with some sugar coated nothings based on focus groups. I'm stocking up on some bubbly for the big night. Two bottles of Cold Duck should do it. I know, extravagant, but it's not every day we get a new Right Wing National Labor government. ( More like, every 7-10 years). Anyway, I hope you're taking your anti-over-excited meds, breathing deeply and pacing yourselves.



David1955 8 Apr 25
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None of the bastards do anything that is effectively positive for three years. Then at election time the pork barrel rolls out with promises to build this, erect that. Elections, elections, erections, erections, erections. I'm sick of all these erections.

Dooley Level 5 May 25, 2019

What a cynic! And I thought I was bad! 😉

Brunnion Level 7 May 13, 2019

I've been bored shitless with politics and politicians ever since the Liberal Party was formed and joined with those dipshit Nationals.

Triphid Level 9 Apr 26, 2019

@David1955 !953 vintage this way, but my Dad passed his dislike for the Libs-Nats on to me.

@Triphid Ah ha, genetically inherited loathing of right-wing crap! I can understand that!

@Brunnion Plus a massive dose of loathing for Politic crap and those who spew as well I might add.


Like my Dad always said, " In any Election, no matter who you vote for, some bastard of a politician ALWAYS gets in."
But given a choice between the worst and the even more disastrous , I'd take Shortonballs over Happy, Clappy, Jesus Chappy Scum Mo any day.

Triphid Level 9 Apr 25, 2019

@David1955 In my opinion the Greens are about as much use as Tits on a Bull.


I agree that the outcome will be no change, just different labels and faces. My fascination is how the minors do. Who will get the swings in the marginals and will the result be hung or close to it. I love election night. I used to love it in UK as well where the outcome sometimes was not clear until about 4 or 5 in the morning. Sad I know! ?

Geoffrey51 Level 8 Apr 25, 2019

There may be surprises yet. Never count your chooks til they have all hatched.

FrayedBear Level 9 Apr 25, 2019
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