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Obviously we will be served the same propaganda as the yanks since they have murdoch as well but are we really going to swallow the Iraq story again?

rathswohl 5 Jan 6
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I hope all of your countries refuse to support or get involved in what could become a real mess.

Sticks48 Level 9 Jan 7, 2020

What and have our Prime Minister and many politicians loose the rich brown coating & smell of shit gained from having their noses stuck up American cracks?

What do you think?

@FrayedBear are you suggesting our pollies are sycophantic toadying ass kissing yes men when it comes to America, or am I over-reading your comment? 🙂

Truth is, Australia never had anyone else's war that we didn't like, or at least our leaders, and I use that term loosely.

@David1955 As always you write it more eruditely than me.

@FrayedBear oh, there's a place for colourful speech. 🙂


Thats American bible kissing conservative asshole religious zealots who are corporate socialists!! Or repugnicans as I view them.


As intellectually uncreative as many Australians are, and as much as too many Australians fall for right wing bullshit and right wing fear campaigns and right wing propaganda, nevertheless most Australians still remain skeptical of Yankee war mongering and will be opposed to any involvement. Like Vietnam, after a few years. Like Iraq, from the beginning. But that will not stop the Liberal government felating the US and being the US's bitch in the asia Pacific region and going along with it, no matter public opinion. The useless gutless ALP doubtless will comply, never wanting to be wedged on principles it no longer has.

David1955 Level 8 Jan 7, 2020

Diplomatically phrased. Lmao.

@FrayedBear David writes like a Monet! 😀

@MsDemeanour 👍

It would be extremely difficult for any american to mention Vietnam in a positive way so my question is how can we bring about the change in thinking and utilise a method which is reliable for future generations.

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