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Cut and pasted from ABC about bans of public gatherings of more than 500. But check out the exemptions hahahahaha.
What is the point?

**"The Victorian declaration bans any mass gathering, which is defined as a gathering of 500 or more people "in a single undivided space at the same time".
But there are some key exemptions.
Even if there are more than 500 people there, you're still allowed at airports, hotels and motels, on public transport, at train stations or tram and bus stops and at medical or health service facilities.
Schools and universities are also exempt for now, but Premier Daniel Andrews has repeatedly flagged that they could be closed in the future.
Food markets, grocery and retail stores, shopping centres, office buildings, construction sites, factories, prisons and correctional facilities are allowed to retain their normal operations.
More than 500 people are allowed at Parliament and at courts or tribunals.
Coronavirus questions answered

Breaking down the latest news and research to understand how the world is living through an epidemic, this is the ABC's Coronacast.

The declaration also gives the green light to any gathering for the purposes of emergency services or in areas where people are transiting through — like Federation Square or the Bourke Street Mall.
The chief health officer can grant exemptions to operators with social distancing policies that he's approved."**

powder 8 Mar 16
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There's a part of me that would just like to get the damn thing and get it over with.


As it is pneumonia that kills you why not just be imunised against pneumonia?

FrayedBear Level 9 Mar 16, 2020

@powder Fun you say? Well if you get desperate you can always sing and dance at Hillsong Baptist.

Interesting article on the pneumonia.[]

As far as I recall, there is NO vaccination against Pneumonia.
As a child back in the 50's and even into the 60's I suffered repeated bouts of Pneumonia, bloody nearly kicked the bucket a few times as well) and, toput mildly, it AINT pretty to have, trust me.

@Triphid I was given a vacination last year against pneumonia. I'm now told that it doesn't work against COVID 19 induced pneumonia.
Read the following:


@Triphid It is what killed my father 30 years ago when he was in hospital to give my mother respite. Hence why I asked for it when I learnt about it.

@Triphid I think that it requires boosting every 5 years.

@FrayedBear Certain forms of Pneumonia can be vaccinated against but ones resultant from other causes like Covid 19 for example cannot be vaccinated against as they are a side effect/resultant of the original infection.
As I state before I suffered with countless bouts of pneumonia from childhood, the first occuring when I was just 7 months old, the last was when I 14 years old, I still have visible to x-rays scarring on my lungs from pneumonia, my lung capacity ranges from around 82 - 86% of the normal lung capacity which is why, on Medical Advice, I get my Flu Vaccinations EVERY year without fail, have been vaccinated against Tuberculosis, etc, etc, and take Vitamin C every day without fail.

@Triphid Melbourne Uni also claimed vit C advantageous in Diabetes 2 and I recently read claims for its use with COVID 19.

@FrayedBear Vitamin C helps boost the natural immune system especially in we who are older than 50-55 years of age, Vitamin B12 is also suggested for those of us in that age range as the Ileum starts having difficulty in absorbing from the foods we eat normally.
Oh yeah, instead of hand sanitizers, my good friend from the C.S.L. labs told me when we chatting on-line the other evening, try using Glen 20 Disinfectant Spray both around the house and ON yourself especially when going shopping, spray yourself, your hands and clothing with it, it lasts for approx. 3 hours at a time.
They done extensive test using in the labs btw.

@Triphid Thanks for the Glen20 tip. I use a lot of Bubblegum disinfectant for hard surfaces. It is not recommended for the skin however.
I saw a doctor advising a change of clothing and its sterilisation together with a shower on return from shopping.

@FrayedBear For surfaces use either NEAT White Vinegar, Methylated Spirits ( do NOT drink the Metho) but a good Antiseptic Disinfectant will do at a pinch.

@Triphid Bubblegum is the stuff that kills the smell of decaying urine and faeces in old people's homes.

@FrayedBear Yeah I know all about it, used similar way back in my nursing days.
We also used a mix of Methylated Spirits and water, 50mls Metho to 500mls of water, in a spray bottle to do proper cleansing in Geriatric Wards and Homes BECAUSE we wanted to keep them and our patients as clean and fresh as possible.

@Triphid The concentrated (500:1 dilution required) bubblegum is cheaper than metho.

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