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Is Turnbull the worst PM we've ever had?

MsDemeanour 8 May 11
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Seriously, has there been a goodun ever?
A little like the old "red indian" joke "white politician speak with forked tongue" and "the only good politician is a dead one - when we the people no longer have to pay his bloated pension and benefits".

FrayedBear Level 9 Aug 19, 2018

It’s a toss up with Tony Abbott I think


The problem with Turnbull is his total lack of balls. Once upon a time he wasn't religious, he was pro gay marriage, was progressive in addressing global warming but on being offered the top job, he compromised all his beliefs to become a puppet. I hated Abbott but at least he stuck by what he actually believed in.

He also wanted a republic ... Moron


He is really bad but what really makes him the worst is the line up of ministers - OMG!!

JayTea Level 6 May 15, 2018

I hadn't noticed that any had been appointed.


Through history technically no... But he is a prejudiced ass-hole with resources the presidents that were worse than him didn't have. It's like... Satan's son isn't as bad as his dad but Satan's son can blow the world up. His dad just whispered into powerful peoples ears.

DragonDust Level 6 May 12, 2018

well we don't have presidents yet in Australia. But I'll be pleased when we do cut the English ties to monarchy. However I never want to see the American election circus adopted here

@MsDemeanour True. The plan is just to change notes normally and change the head of state to an Australian. No king/queen.


Yes he's the worst, even if the others were horrible. This one is a total piece of shit.

Andyg17 Level 5 May 11, 2018

Hawke and Howerd weren't crash hot and they were the most popular.

FrayedBear Level 9 May 11, 2018

@billy11 the wee bodgy made other outrageous statements.

@billy11 that's interesting about the trees because that remark I believe was in response to a submission that I made to the ACF in the year of the tree. The wee bodgy said nature would grow the trees from the nuts that fell out of them - bit hard to do when you have cut down all the tree that the nuts could fall out of!
I recently read that in India on the day of the tree this year 66 million trees were planted in India - if done every day for a year that is about 24 billion trees. []
Joe "don't you worry about that" in comparison to today's crooks was benign bumbling and god bothering. I think he was also a New Zealand escapee wasnt he?

@billy11 going for the women's vote. Hawke's A-G, baby face Walker in NSW told me the election that the Keating government was thrown out (1996), that the Labor party would do nothing to rectify the discrimination against men because women formed 52% of the electorate. What f'wits! Not all voted Labor and many had sons and grandsons being burned by the discrimination.

@billy11 that was the joke that Downer made with the arse of Australia situated in Canberra. And of course Mrs Keating soon divorced him leaving him to his pianist.


No, Tony Abbot was, Malcolm is the 2nd worst, but he was the worst Communications Minister.
I have never seen a good Government here, but this Coal -- itition Gov is about the worst I have seen federally since the later Whitlam years.

Rugglesby Level 8 May 11, 2018


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