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Jeff Bridges, who is also known as "The Dude", has been diagnosed with lymphoma.

sassygirl3869 9 Oct 19
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But which lymphoma? There are so many, with varying degrees of mortality and severity.
For instance, I was diagnosed with lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma almost 5 years ago. Since it is a cancer of the immune system it is inoperable. All the medics can do is keep an eye on it, and once it becomes really chronic apply palliative treatments. The craziest thing is that I might actually die from a disease my immune system fails to handle, not the actual cancer. Hopefully, I'm good for a few more years, anyway.

Petter Level 9 Oct 20, 2020

I saw. That's so sad


Oh No!
Not Starman.
2020 sucks


Aww... That's bad... 😞

He says his prognosis is good. Lymphoma similar to the leukemia I had. Both blood diseases.

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