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Sanjay Gupta Believes Marijuana Can Ease Pain of Women's Breast Cancer

sassygirl3869 9 July 28
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I'm just recently into remission as of July and marijuana helped me a lot. It didn't aid with a lot of pain relief but did ease nausea during chemo and helped me sleep. It is very much a "your mileage may vary" situation though; what worked for me won't necessarily work for everyone.


Personally, I've never used MJ for pain relief. But I have two friends who use it regularly. One friend uses MJ for severe arthritis instead of percocets (up to 8 per day). And my other friend uses MJ for spinal injury pain and he has been able to cut down on the morphine considerably by more than 80% - he still uses morphine at night.


I'm concerned about this slippery slope. I'm not the only person out there for whom Marijuana does not work as a pain killer.

It would have been awesome to have it for my lousy appetite during Radiation however.

I'd really hate to see anyone put off by a Dr (when they have cancer pain) and told to use weed. Just like narcotics don't work for everyone - neither does weed.

And cancer can be a really unique form of pain.

Also Sanjay Gupta? Hmm...

RavenCT Level 9 July 28, 2018

I'm not sure I understand how MJ could be a slippery slope. You can't overdose. And studies confirm MJ is less of a gateway than alcohol. And has fewer negative side effects when compared with alcohol. Consumption instead of smoking it limits cancer risk. It might not work on pain for everyone and that's true. But it does relieve nausea universally. Not much of a downside and no slippery slope.


ANY cancer.

MissaDixon Level 7 July 28, 2018

I have a friend who's in hospice in Washington (thank god). The Marijuana doesn't always help with her pain, which is severe, but it helps ease the insane stomach problems that go along with taking so many pain medicines. In Washington it's legal, but I hate to think of what she would be going through in her home state-Wyoming.

Benthoven Level 8 July 28, 2018

Medical cannabis is something I use daily instead of oxycodone.


There is, I think, a moral imperative swelling up that will eventually swamp the pharmaceutical industry's monopoly on medication. The curious thing is that the illnesses best served by cannabis derivatives are not alternatives to mainstream medicine. Mainstream medicine has nothing to offer. I hope the law changes very fast everywhere to put an end to unnecessary suffering.

brentan Level 8 July 28, 2018

Not only that, it helps with coping with chemo induced nausea & increases appetite (munchies) which helps body not cannibalize itself. Body cannibalizing causes damage to internal organs & systems. They can beat the cancer & die from chemo impact (happened to my cousin...damaged his aorta..massive stroke).

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