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I did this replica of Vermeer's "Girl with a Pearl Earring" mostly to get a sense of how the masters used shading and light effects. Sadly my girl appears about 10 years older than his because I am inexperienced with the fine details of making faces!
I see it got fuzzy after posting and I don't know why.

I do mostly landscapes in acrylics, and also here is one of a lake where I used to go camping most summers.

WalterWhite 7 May 21
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Those landscapes are amazing!! I don't say this lightly, but Bob Ross could have learned a thing or two from you!

Kafirah Level 8 May 21, 2018

Have you seen the documentary about painting like Vermeer? Reason I ask because he used a lot of optical constractions that were still in use in the 1960's reflecting the image into a flat surface. If you havent seen it you should is called "Tim's Vermeer". I know I got it in my digital library. Keep up your challenges.

@Silverwhisper I am wishing you the very best of lucks, never quit. Practice your craft! And try to see the documentary because it will open your eyes of how advanced the business was during that age. And just remember to not to compete with nothing but yourself.


Wasn't Vermeer one of the painters that used projection to make it easier to get the details right?

Absolutely... watch documentary "Tim's Vermeer".

@GipsyOfNewSpain that is what I thought. Maybe OP could benefit from the technique, when copying this vermeer's work

@CraeftSmith I used to see in the back of comix in 50's and 60's advertizing for those projectors.

@GipsyOfNewSpain I had projector similar to that when I was a kid. It was a lot of fun! Mine was just a plastic thing, and you couldn't leave the light on very long or it would melt the projector haha


I really like your landscape, and I think your 'Vermeer' is fascinating. I can see what you mean about the face. I think it is not so much that your version makes her seem older but you have given her a very modern face, and I am not sure how that has happened. Could it be the eyes? A very interesting exercise, though!

CeliaVL Level 7 May 21, 2018
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