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April 20, 2020 - Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

The following was sent to me in an email. It was written yesterday by a woman that lives on the Susquehanna River, within walking distance of the capitol building in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. I did very minor editing. The words are hers.

"I am finding it to be terribly upsetting watching the rally on Facebook and also the overflow in front of my apartment.

It is unclear how many people were involved. The estimated numbers range from 1000 to a few thousand.

The Capitol complex was pretty much surrounded. A few Republican congresspeople spoke to the crowds regarding their bravery in showing up. The Congresspeople all wore masks but no one in the crowds did and there was no social distancing. Later reports were of people urinating in the alleys and backyards because nothing was open.

Another crowd of protestors wandered around the streets with rifles. Still, more who couldn't find parking spaces, gridlocked Front St and the Forster St. bridge in their cars, directly in front of my apartment. The gridlock condition lasted at least 2 hours and was a mile long in two directions blocking ambulances going to the hospital as this is the main route to the hospital.

It was clear from the misspelled banners, with bad Trumpian English, that this had nothing to do with back to work issues. It was all about Jesus, abortion, and 2 nd amendment rights. Not to mention Trump 2020.

At this point, we are all concerned about the spread of the virus because of the lack of restraints and caution. The governor announced today that on May 8, Pennsylvania would begin opening up again. I doubt that will happen, we are all waiting for the second wave to hit.

I can't believe how this had affected me. It was just frightening to watch this display of idiotic and dangerous behavior. 

I almost wrote that I can't figure out how we got here as a country but that is not true. Too many years of pandering to the rich while destroying the middle class. Too many years of allowing inequality. Too many years of mouthing the words to The Pledge of Allegiance and not admitting that what we were mouthing was not true.

It was a pledge to falsehood."

The music is her choice. She clings to hope for the future. What else can we do?

Lincoln55 8 Apr 21
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there are a lot of scary people out there.

Buddha Level 8 Apr 21, 2020

you know what they about people who repeat a failure and expect a difference results

TheDoubter Level 9 Apr 21, 2020

Reading this, it occurred to me that Trump is actually using a technique first employed by ancient Roman Senators. The classic example was stylised by Shakespeare in his "Friends, Romans, Countrymen, lend me your ears" speech.
Rich and powerful senators would throw lavish events and distribute gifts to the plebeians of the city, almost all of whom were illiterate, or semi-literate, and then whip them up into a frenzy over some alleged grievance. Having such a faithful power base, the senator could get away with all manner of misdeed and corruption, and even rise to become the ruler.
Mark Anthony himself rose to power (as one of the ruling triumvirate) and "inherited" Caesar's mistress, Cleopatra.

Petter Level 9 Apr 21, 2020


@TheDoubter Oops. I'm too Anglicised, it seems. Marcus Antonius would be most displeased. 🤣😂


What a great song and lovely imagery.

I’m so sorry that people over there are being put in that situation, I guess it’s good the way the uk government are trying to support all maintain their normal incomes, unless able to self support.

As to the causes, I think a lack of education might come in there somewhere: I’m sorry, but if people were more aware about pandemics or even could do decent research about historical pandemics I don’t think things would be so bad.

Also you seem to have a real issue with what people over there call, Religion and specifically Christianity. I was brought up Christian and to me it seems that many, so called, Christian’s behaviour seems anything but- selfish and money oriented behaviour that Jesus would have got pretty upset about, if he ever existed 😉

I guess with so many people protesting staying at home it might be a bad time to cart them off on legal charges for: wasting police time; civil disobedience or whatever the relevant US laws would be. Mmm sounds very scary, I hope that all of the people trying to stay safe can. Goodness knows about the others, not wishing people badly, but I fear they may not do well in the long run.

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