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Well, of course....

evidentialist 8 July 10
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Oh man, 50 minutes and it’s about American language? Here’s the thing; Americans don’t even have an official language 🙂 Americanisms keep changing other Countries languages, and vice versa but...


I only recently found out that Texas used to be part of Mexico, it really is an interesting place.

I have a copy of a book called, ‘Eats shoots and leaves’, at home, which is quite a good read if you like grammar.

Huge swathes of modern America used to belong to Mexico, not just Texas.
I like the last page of that book - the one with stick-on punctuation and apostrophes.
Also, bear in mind that much of American English is actually preserved from 19th century English. Think of all those words ending in "ize"

@Petter yes, someone said that about Mexico;, I really need To do some more research.
Mmm the language thing is similar to a culture thing that happens with escapees, a lot of Pakistani immigrants to the UK also speak an older version of their language and their culture is more traditional than those living in modern Pakistan, so my friend tells me, it’s an interesting thing.

Wow: []
(States that became USA.)

@girlwithsmiles There is a saying that the language of the mother cointry is best preserved in its colonies. For instance, many South American countries speak better Spanish than most of modern day Spain.
I am from Kenya, and the poor standard and knowledge of English I encounter amongst the British "expats" living here appalls me, both for grammar and spelling.
Even British TV presenters make glaring errors, such as "I am stood here" or "if you was to win" for a start.

Here’s the thing; Americans don’t even have an official language

However it's the most COMMON LANGUAGE spoken. There are towns where the LOCAL language can be German, Swedish, Spanish or whatever settled there but even then MOST of them speak English.

After a group settles in America, they MAY continue to speak the language of their ancestors but the language will change its spelling, usage, etc., the longer they stay there. Therefore the proverb that England and America are separated by a common language.

Ask any Cajun you happen to see.😸

@WonderWartHog99 this is an interesting read: []
Languages commonly second to English, by State. That’s not a common saying in the UK.

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