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Hello fellow writers. I've just commenced a journey into writing for a living, Looking at various content mills and joined Contena. I have written off and on for the last 5 years and the time is now right to take the plunge into full time. Any advice would be most welcome.

Annstyles 2 June 11
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Really helpful folks. Many thanks and I'll definitely check out Constant Content. As for background I have a degree in English and Psychology and a Masters in Journalism and have done various freelance pieces in both print and online but never full time. I went to college as a mature student and have only been writing a few years but I love it. My biggest problem is self discipline and fighting distraction. I was on a train last week and found I got more done in and hour there than at home. So the advice about the coffee shop was actually something I was thinking about. I will try it today and see how I go. Again, thanks guys. Very much appreciated.

Annstyles Level 2 June 12, 2018

I personally wrote best with background bustle that I could ignore. As publishing deadlines loomed I would sit in a cafe or bar, ignoring everyone and writing furiously. In my office, a slight noise would distract me and break my train of thought - in a cafe-bar it was unbreakable.
Others I know like solitude. Do whatever works out best for yourself.

Petter Level 9 June 11, 2018

Before giving advice of any kind, one should know more about the one seeking it. In the meantime, fair winds and following seas.


Write. Every day. Preferably at the same time each day. And never be afraid to redo something later.
Also, save everything, including what you may deem as awful. It will help for reference and growth.

Sairavana Level 6 June 11, 2018

Absolutely. Writing is a discipline.

The adage is that if you don't need to write, then don't. If you need to, do it every day.

Me? I need to, every day.

Good to meet you Sairavana.


Congratulations ... Good Luck and Bon courage


My advise is to roll your sleeves up and get to work...LOL...Welcome to the fold. Be good, be safe and be happy!!!

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