Grammar niggles. It really annoys me when people use 'obviously' and 'literally' incorrectly. My kids do it all the time and it drives me up the wall, figuratively of course, not literally. The other one is 'I'm loving it'. I know there are differing opinions now regarding some stative verbs and the progressive tense, but I'm sorry, I really don't 'love it'. I'm only posting this because my daughter said to me just now, wait for it... "obviously I'm literally loving it". Triple whammy! Aargh!
Annoying is one thing and the over use of such phrases are often distracting. When writing though it sets up paradox, if you use perfect grammar you show your knowledge but often the dialogue fails because people as a rule don't speak that way. I had an English teacher once that never understood the genius of Twain because his grammar was so bad.
Hmm, apart from literally, the high priest of useage doesn't particularly mention or befowl "love" or "obviously" as "hackneyed" but does not preclude them. The question is "did your daughter's delivery and word content not indicate her progression to loving whatever she was talking about?
I have taught myself to not noticeably cringe when i hear some well oiled grammatically inept demonstrations. I have learned to not give away my opinion pre-attack. Seldom do i respond to the offender. Most often, self assurance is compensation enough.
Mostly i never engage in overt, observable, confrontation. Just make note of my observations. Hopefully to be used in some expose of the rich and infamous when the universe deems it reasonable.
I feel your pain. One of my pet peeves is when people say or write that they will "try and do something".
Trying and doing are two separate actions! You don't try and do something, you try to do something.
But it's endemic, I am afraid. Literally.
The "try and do" gets to me, too.
Y'all must have really fun conversations. I get really tired of news readers incredible over use of "in terms of". Rachel Maddow is the night I counted. Stopped at 30ish
I didn't know young goats could speak. Which is what you are literally implying. Obviously, you were referring to your daughter who is not, I hope, a Caprine ruminant.
(I am saddened by how what was once a jocular, slang term for children has lost its original use and gained the artificial status of being an English synonym for children.) When being jocular, I refer to children as "Sprogs".;_
@RobLawrence Another excellent term.
Man, I am definitely, without a doubt, no question about it loving it.
I've had 'authors' submit stories written in that manner. In my anthology series the acceptance ratio was approximately 12% overall. Fully half of the remainder of those submissions were rejected because of writing like that and worse. Ain't life grand?
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