3 9

Rule: Purchase, and carry everywhere, a digital voice recorder with a computer interface.

We all can talk faster than we can write.

This is very useful for just before sleep, and when woken with inspiration.

In the car this device is priceless.

I use Dragon 15 to bulk transcribe the files. When I talk too fast the results are often strange but interesting.

I first say the date and time and location.

JacarC 8 June 21
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One of the splendid things about smartphones is that we all now carry around something just like that. They usually all come with a voice recorder app pre-installed; record quality is excellent and copying the files over to your computer is a cinch.

Admittedly though, a proper, high quality dictaphone is a much more pleasing thing to own.

DaveMania Level 6 June 22, 2018

the dedicated device means no need to look at the screen, tap 50 times, and then not be able to answer the phone calls.


I did that for years.
In the 1980s I used micro-tapes, but by the mid nineties I was buying digital models, which gradually got better, but broke down with heavy use, being dropped, etc.
I had a superb transcription device - known as a wife/secretary - which would convert my speech into ordered files on the computer, and even typeset them. I recently threw away about a dozen defective ones.
I kept my old dictaphones for at least 7 years, just in case a tax inspector wanted proof of why I purchased so many. I should explain that because my writings often upset high ranking political figures, they had originally tried to get me on the age-old tactic of looking into my financial affairs. I kept one step ahead, and actually over-paid my taxes, so that in the end, one inspector who had been sent to "get" me, ended up awarding me a tax refund. After that I was left alone. However, I still kept all old equipment and a meticulous record of purchase receipts.
All part of the fun of publishing a magazine that wasn't afraid to speak out.

Petter Level 9 June 21, 2018

when computers and audo software got good enough, i copied all the reel tape, and cassette, and micro-cassette, recordings. Had lots of recordings of the grandkids.

Been through 4 digital recorders. All olympus. Each a bit more expensive. The current one is well built and easy to use, with a power switch that almost makes sense. Less likely than the last one to auto-on.

Had a client who got audited. They claimed he had not properly changed from farm to supply for the amount of gas tax he had to pay. They gave him shit and shit, and then found he had overpaid and then they refused to provide a full refund. I wonder if those shits get commission.


What a great idea!

pixiedust Level 8 June 21, 2018

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