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A novel by Randy Dutton

Here's the review I wrote for this one:

"Remember, a handshake is not a guarantee.
Remember, trust no one--not even yourself.
Remember, never turn your back, even for the smallest fraction of a second.

I have read many conspiracy novels, but none have been like this. In a sense I'm reminded a little of Tom Clancy's work, but just slightly. This one goes way beyond that. This one is real, like a cardiac arrest on a runaway train approaching a collapsed trestle over a bottomless gorge. It is today, or not too many days away in a near future.

The clock is ticking. Well-l-l, in these times I suppose it is better to say that the clock is humming. In THE CARBON TRAP by Randy Dutton, the clock is humming loudly and insistently toward a new world. A world not of our choice. No, this will be a world of Alexis Swanson's making, if he has his way.

I enjoy novels that grab the bad guy by the lapels and shake hard. In Mr. Dutton's story, all the bad guys on all sides are having their lapels rumpled as the world heads down a dangerous path to face important questions and it is in urgent need of reasonable and rational answers.

The character of Anna Picard thrilled me. In the story we experience every emotion at every level. THE CARBON TRAP begins with a speech unspoken and ends with the finality of a thunderclap. Between the silenced speech and thunderous bang is a marathon run at a quickening pace. It never slows down. I only need to read a story once to get what I want as a reader. I read this one twice for the sheer pleasure of it...and I will probably read it again, and again, and...."

~ J. Richard Jacobs

evidentialist 8 Feb 16
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Sounds interesting.

TerriCity Level 7 Feb 17, 2018

Nice literary wording and emotion, but at the end I had no idea what the story was about, or very many things you liked or disliked about it. Reviews should help people decide if they want to read something or not.

birdingnut Level 8 Feb 16, 2018

@birdingnut -- These reviews are a standard specifically aimed at brevity and promotion. Publishers and writers in general no longer want synopsis style reviews because of their length and boring presentation.

On the other hand, there are lengthy reviews available for most works as well. Publishers and writers have been responsible for the shorter versions.

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