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Hi members. I have a huge problem that I call procrastination. A dear friend has set a challenge that I agreed to but am now procrastinating on. ... particularly by coming to and spending a lot of time corresponding with you lovely people.

The Challenge:

To co-write with my friend a play based upon my life story. The format for the play and its visual presentation is already envisioned and I am totally happy, nay inspired, with its originality and suitability.

The major and many minor sub plots are here in my head. I have been given a simple straightforward spreadsheet layout to record event, players, results and outcome prior to determining what is to be edited out and what left in to build up to the ending indictment.

The visual of the performance is already like a 4K image shining in my mind with its purity is only the audience stomping, cheering and clapping at the end that I have not yet envisioned!

So why am I not busy writing but using every possible excuse to prevaricate, put off and procrastinate?
Has anyone got a surefire solution?
😟 😟 😟 😟 😟

FrayedBear 9 Feb 21
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I have an answer for you.... I will tell you later..

blzjz Level 7 Nov 25, 2019

If I had a surefire solution, I would be working on finishing my third novel. But if you come up with a solution, please do let me know.

ChrisJones Level 6 Feb 22, 2018



I like to clean because then I can feel like I’m accomplishing something. I discovered during law school that I would always stop working/writing etc. when I got to a particularly challenging point. That’s when I’d open Facebook. I’d force myself to identify what my conundrum was before I stopped and then I’d go clean or go for a walk and focus on the problem.

Lilie Level 6 Feb 21, 2018

Thanks @Lilie. Your cleaning sounds like procrastination to me but is certainly not one of're welcome to come and clean my place said he with a winning smile 🙂. I'm not sure if I have a conumdrum... just that there is a yet to be identified point crucial to be recognised. A recent posting on this site identifying the systemic discrimination against all of us because of our non beliefs certainly rocked me back on my heals giving cause to pause and look at some things in new light. I'm still feeling incredulous at my naivety!


@FrayedBear -- @silvereyes -- and anyone else to whom this applies (there are many) The universal solution for any writer wishing to write any piece of any length is to begin writing the piece and not stop writing until finished. The trick to being able to do this in something reasonably close to a normal lifetime is to avoid writing a single sentence, then massaging that sentence until it has lost all originality and is 'perfect' to even the point at which the butt of the Baby Jebus would dull in comparison.

That requires something called -- steady yourself -- discipline. The greatest demand on discipline for most would-be writers is not the need to write every day, though even that is a problem for some, but the biggest problem is the lack of professionalism to leave something alone and keep moving until the proper time has arrived to go back and do what work is needed to make it shine. There ... is ... a ... fucking ... reason ... that ... first ... pass ... is ... known ... as ... a ... DRAFT.

This comes from someone who has written and published about 1.8 million words of his own work and right close to 3.4 million words in the employ of others -- and editing, revising, rewriting, and resurrecting the works of others.

One of the best things about writing is that it can be done anywhere and from my experience under almost any conditions. The worst part about writing is that because of the aforementioned, it is precious difficult to come up with any excuse that even slightly works.

Discipline that I am now lacking! Thank you @evidentialist for sharing your vast experience. It's not the massaging that is the problem This part of the exercise is simply to have verbal diarhea to allow the co-writer to identify which parts to concentrate on and build up.


@FrayedBear You might determine how you feel about procrastinating: relief might = not ready to write; fear might = not ready to write. Where do you feel trepidation? Starting the spreadsheet? Then use individual sheets for each major and minor subplot. (Add subplots you might have forgotten or thought were unimportant. Its easier to cut than to add.) That way you are not etching it in stone, so to speak, on the spreadsheet. Each subplot might change position on the spreadsheet, but not in the larger scheme of things. I don't work well with deadlines (I fight against them). So what is a surefire solution? Pick your writing utensil (pencil, pen, computer, hammer/chisel) RIGHT NOW and write. You can fix it later. You can rearrange it later. You can proof it later. You can restart later. But Bear, start now Sometimes we can't begin because we don't know the ending. However, you can't write an ending until you know what you wrote.
INTRO . BODY . CONCLUSION. Your intro and/or conclusion can be created based on what the story has become. Just saying

EllenDale Level 7 Feb 21, 2018

Your logic is not only impeccable @EllenDale but I'm also finding invigorating. Thank you.

@FrayedBear So cool, Bear!

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