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Just a passing thought.

"If one must resort to the imaginary for comfort, then whatever comfort is derived from that is likewise imaginary. It is an irrational notion on the imaginer's part that is perched precariously upon a pinnacle." ~J. Richard Jacobs

evidentialist 8 Aug 16
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Disagree. Writing itself, reading and watching plays can be cathartic and not only give people much needed escapism; but also help them deal with real life issues,(past or present). Also if the body and mind are physically relaxing there is a physiological process happening right there which is pretty real.

What you say is true, but it is not the thrust of the comment.

@evidentialist in which case it seems I am missing the point 😉 would you care to expand?

@girlwithsmiles -- The context was involving people following various religions who draw their comfort from the fictions fed to them. If I get a few more bewildered folks, I might just edit the comment.

@evidentialist ah, I see, yes. Imagination or irrational belief I guess, but I stand by my comment, there’s a scene about it in the movie, ‘the invention of lying’, where the protagonist tells his mother there’s a god and the idea gives her and many others comfort about death. Of course irrational beliefs can have a whole lot of negative results too, as can immersing yourself in certain fictions. But I’m happy to accept you disagree, diversity makes the world an interesting place.


If it isn't affecting you, why would you care. I'm OK with whatever someone's personal beliefs are if it helps them get through this life. It is the religious organizations I loathe. Since no one who has existed on this rock has a clue if there is some reason for our existence or if we are just a cosmic accident, whatever we believe or don't believe is in our imagination.

Sticks48 Level 9 Aug 16, 2019

The comment is extracted from a much longer and more complete line of thought on the subject of living in a fiction. Something like quotes taken out of context.


And here is a song about it

Probably one of the best all encompassing protest songs ever
273kelvin Level 8 Aug 16, 2019

Without the imaginary there are no fiction books or radio plays.

Yes, but that is known fiction and not something upon which entire empires rise and fall, eh?

@evidentialist So is the Bible but that work of fiction has killed millions.

@uncle-ernie -- And it was the thing that drove the comment.

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