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Pere Atkin & Clive James - No Dice
Today we learnt of the death of a great writer Clive James. Most famous as a critic then novelist but also a poet and lesser-known as a songwriter. I have posted a few of his songs on here. Quite cultish as they don't tend to fit into the normal slots.
I give two of his more famous quotes. He once likened Arnold Schwarzenegger to "a brown condom full of walnuts" and "Common sense and a sense of humour are the same thing, moving at different speeds,"

273kelvin 8 Nov 27
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Yes, I remember enjoying his wit on television as an interviewer. There are a few decent obituaries in the papers this morning.


Never had much time for James as a writer even during his vogue (compared to say, Henry James) -- always seemed much more of a talker than a writer, and more of a clever-dick than a wit.

Garbonza Level 6 Nov 27, 2019

He was never Nobel prize material but his autobiographies were very good. I came to him muchly via his songwriting. For a non-musician he had a great eye for musical archetypes. Like guitarists "Hands that spend their lives creating tension. Wrists that have a lean and hungry, eyes that have a mean and acrid look"

@273kelvin Still not impressed by the passage you quoted -- better, more feeling, eloquent writers in my West Auckland suburban writers group. Was James a copyboy or everyday reporter but on a big newspaper, who got promoted to critic because people in London were amazed an Aussie could string two sentences together? And the grift of the gab took him the rest of the way? Just asking. Amazingly good autobiographies have been done by showbiz people you'd never think of: David Niven the obvious one, Sidney Poitier and Kirk Douglas others.


talented in various endeavors

TheDoubter Level 9 Nov 27, 2019

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