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June 25th, 2020 3:05 PM

A work in Progress................. will return to edit more details into it later on, when I am finished I will open this thesis up for critique and refutation attempts as well as advice on wording and structure. At the point of completion, this text will include a statement on said completion.

Thesis: Utopia Can Be Achieved, It Is Necessary To Achieve, And Achieving Such Is The First Major Step Towards World Peace.

So many attempts at creating a Utopia have been made throughout human history, however they keep making the same mistakes.

1-Failing to screen residents for toxicity.

2-Failing to build the Utopian structure around a culture that is customized against such toxicity.

3-Poor resource management

4-Poor relations with the world outside of the Utopian attempt

5-Too many people at a time

6-Failures in natural disaster preparedness

There are however some exceptions that are simply no longer relevant due to changes in time, for example some Utopian structures failed only due to religious crusades destroying them (Ancient Epicurean Communes), however that happening in modern times in not at all probable and with modern technology nearly all risks of such can be negated as things do occasionally occur that feel straight out of the Twilight Zone.

Humanity's problems can be summed up under just four cores:


2-Defects in empathy and consideration for others.

3-Emotional Immaturity/Instability

4-Toxic Superficiality

To overcome these problems, the following are required:

1-A culture of inquiry where even faith and gullibility are recognized as forms of arrogance and arrogance is treated as something to outgrow through the process of maturity. Regardless, both gullibility and faith are indeed forms of arrogance. Arrogance is an overestimation of one's abilities of valuation of self. Gullibility is a form of arrogance where one overestimates their ability to assess the validity in the words spoken or written by another. Faith is a form of intellectual arrogance that is often culturally encouraged. When a new wrongful prejudice is born towards an inherently harmless demographic of people or even for an innocent individual it always builds its foundation on arrogance. When the trans-gender community was accused of wanting to use the bathroom associated with the gender they identified with for reasons of intent to act as sexual deviants, this began as something that was taken on faith as to being true (Arrogance), and then spread through gullibility (Arrogance again) as well as hate and through defects in empathy and consideration for others that escalated into violence and attempts at making laws to enable further persecution and the stripping of rights for people in the trans-gender community. How arrogance has negative impacted the Trans-gender community is an example that also includes the function of serving as an example to why we need all four of these cultural solutions.

2-A standard of morality where all within said Utopian structure agree that morality is a matter of determining right and wrong and the best way to calculate right in wrong is by finding a solution that minimizes harm and maximizes benefit. Additionally, they would have to be able to agree that the most effective way to achieve morality would be through empathy/consideration for others processed with critical thinking is the best way to find a solution that minimizes harm and maximizes benefits. Since empathy is like a muscle and consideration for others is more of an art, both are at risk for developmental defects or atrophy if not frequently used and honed. This as the cultural standard of morality will resolve problems regarding defects in empathy and consideration for others. In this societal structure, empathy/consideration for others would truly be traits of the fittest and such can be ensured through a sort of character based meritocracy I call a virtuocrisy where the carrot at the end of the stick is a culturally marketed appeal towards self-actualization in which this societal framework's economic structure would be built upon.

3-The normalization and standardization of Stoic standards for Hatred, Anger, and Jealousy within culture as a standard of maturity. Often people make the mistake of regarding these emotions as human nature rather than of failed human maturity. Anger and jealousy are how you respond when you can not accept and understand that the world does not revolve around how you believe and perceive yourself and others to deserve while said understanding should be deemed essential for becoming a mature human being. Hatred is a consumingly strong disliking that needlessly drains emotional energy and leads to unnecessary bias and toxic behavior. You need not feel hatred or anger to swat a fly, though some do such through such states of mind there are valid utilitarian and pragmatic reasons to do this that neither require hatred nor anger. When I specifically say "Stoic standards for Hatred, Anger, and Jealousy", I of course mean Stoic standards on ONLY those three as those three are the most toxic and destructive human emotions there are. Sure Sorrow may be uncomfortable, but that which brings discomfort can motivate if sufficient realism is also held, while sorrow can help you feel empathy more strongly if you do not silence it.

4-The embracing of that in which is eccentric yet inherently harmless and beneficial on some level such as being emotionally beneficial (For example: self-expression through fashion) (I call this logical eccentricity) as apposed to the embracing of toxic superficiality (Things that are the norm for the sake of being the norm rather than for the sake of minimizing harm and maximizing benefit. For example: Gender roles).

Throughout the years there have been many advances in sociology and economic design concepts. Though the epicurean communes have all fallen, we still have sufficient records of them that when pieced together with other data (Dunbar's Number, Maslow's Hierarchy Of Human Needs, The Stanford Prison Experiment, and Bruce K. Alexander's experiments on addiction) it adds up and the unknowns regarding how ancient epicurean communes were able to achieve what they achieved are able to be once again understood to an extent where a new societal structure type (that is scaled up in terms of population as compared to what ancient epicurean communes were limited to) can be created from the combined data. Karl Marx was actually inspired by the ancient epicurean communes, but the data that exists now did not exist then and thus his political theory failed to be able to produce the result he was after. Since all Epicurean communes were destroyed by religious zealots, there was little remaining to study as even much of the philosophy such was built on was perverted and had records of it destroyed. Even now if you look up the definition for Epicurean you will often find definitions that bastardize it by referring to it as an embracing of hedonism despite the reality that moderation in all things was essential to that philosophy and despite the value of simplicity over luxury within such philosophy.

Secular_Squirrel 7 June 25
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