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Fuel part 4
By J. L. Young

The next morning, Serena was taken off-site to be released. There, her equipment was returned. She clamped her wrist computer to her arm, activated it, and lowered a motorcycle helmet over her head.

Colonel Henrick watched. “What are you doing?”

“I’m performing a global search of your media, police and military channels.”

The Colonel looked visibly uncomfortable.

“Take solace, Colonel Henrick, I have no desire to disseminate any information I inadvertently witness.”

“Anything yet?” he asked.

“Nothing. This may take some time.”

Night had fallen. Serena sat meditating as the search continued. Henrick had fallen asleep on the couch. An alarm sounded on her computer, pulling her to the surface of consciousness. She stepped over to her motorcycle and removed the pack from the back seat.

“Did you find your trace?”

“No.” She plunged a hand into her pack. “Where is it?” she stumbled back slightly.

“Where is what?”

She fell to her knee, “My treatment? One of your men must have taken it for tesssst.” Her speech slurred.

“I wasn’t aware of any drugs taken.”

She struggled to remain coherent, “It was an injection device the length of my hand. It is important I receive my dose.” She collapsed.

He took his phone from his pocket and tapped the screen. A muddled, but indistinguishable voice filtered through the air. The Colonel replied, “In the shadow of the Earth, I stand. The garden will be fruitful.”

Seconds later, another voice came over the line. Henrick barked, “Stop talking. A device was taken from the alien’s backpack, what happened to it?”

“You had the lab take it? Connect me with the lab.”

His insistence didn’t wane when the connection was established. “Doctor, the device you received, where is it?”

“You tested it? Salt water?” He hung up the phone and rushed to the kitchen. There, he threw open the refrigerator, retrieved a sports drink, and rushed to Serena’s side. He pulled her helmet off and assisted her in drinking it.

Gohan 7 Aug 19
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