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The Most Revealing Footage On Police Brutality Is These Cops Applauding Its Perpetrators

{This, right here, is a sign of a culture that cannot be redeemed. A police culture which makes no secret of the fact that cops as a collective will consistently support the most self-evidently unjustifiable acts of brutality committed by their own.}


{It will be interesting to see how this plays out, to say the least.}

I'll tell you how this is going to play out. The same as it always does. It has already been playing out the same as it always does. The brutality is still being used across the country as it's being covered. A president who is still speaking of employing more military to protect the brutality. I seen it on a Doctor Phil show just the other day. With a collaborate BLM activist and the very lawyer who is on the Floyd and Arbery families cases. Sure, Doctor Phil opened the show with all the right comments and words. But as the show progressed it became obvious to how the show would end. The lawyer starting another website/group and no real answers to issue. These people working with the same corrupt entities that brought us to where we are today.

As I have stated here before, this is the very same tactic used to quell a movement, not to build on one. They are merely suggesting they are working within a civilized manor to confront an uncivilized enemy that has no intentions of conducting a genuine means of changing a system that works for an agenda you're uninformed and or dis/misinformed of.

Doctor Phil said he's tired of having these types of shows and having this particular lawyer on that he's been working with for years. Do you really need that moment to think that statement over?

I seen the very same scenario play out on---Seat at the Table with Anand Giridharadas. I had high hopes of this guy being a stellar opposition to everything our society is built on. He has lately taken a large leap into the spot light with all the right words and gripes. And he is stellar, he's going places. BUT--he's quickly exposing himself as just another Norm Chomsky and Bernie Sanders type of creating mental rabbit hole yoyos. Pull you out of the hole one minute and drag you back into it the next. My first cause of caution towards this guy was his chosen platform--Vice. He went from green to yellow to red right out of the gate. After watching 3 to 4 of his shows it's now quite apparent what his agenda is and who he's working for. Establishment trickery is good for making money.

William_Mary 8 June 7
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Did they learn their tactics by watching old B&W Nazi films of the SS from the 1940s?

OldGoat43 Level 9 June 7, 2020

Israel holds training exercises with many of our law enforcement departments. The tactic used to kill Floyd is widely used by their military.

@William_Mary . Well, if they were professionally trained, they should have known the difference between the method of subduing a captive human and murdering him. There are choices being made every second.


I was hoping there would be more people in the actual power structure stepping up to demand change and accountability. The 57 who left the 'special' force within the force in Buffalo gave me a glint of hope until I realized they were actually against the arrest of their 2 fellow officers. The cheers and clapping when the 2 were released was very scary. No, they do not want change and the lessons from history - this happening the week of D-Day - made it all the more sad.
I immediately thought of the last line "Then they came for me and there was no one to speak out for me" Martin Niemoller . 57 stood up for the 2 who shoved an old white man to the ground and walked past as he bled from his ear and did not stop to give aid. I wonder how many have thought all these years it was fine if it was a black person or other person of color but white people are now reaping what they sowed. It was never enough to tell them if they will do it to another human THEY WILL DO IT TO YOU.

Right. They waited outside the court house and gave them a hearty applause as the 2 came out. I find it to be quite sickening. The site of that poor old man falling and the blood pouring out of his head to be applauded for!?! 😥

@William_Mary Hope you read the edited version of my comment.

@William_Mary Sickening in the extreme and for many it seems like they view it as just another day in america.

An article in the Seattle Times this morning was about the police unions and the enormous amount of power they wield. Even local mayors and governors can't break them up. However, it is slowly starting to happen. I see this as an example of unions being a bad thing.

I read a correction today that stated the reason the police walked out was the union was refusing to furnish their attorneys. Slight difference but one a few of the officers wanted known.

@JackPedigo Then they are both also backed by MSCM. Mayors and governors depend of campaign endorsements of unions and police. SO, can't or wont.

@William_Mary However, times can and do change. In this morning Seattle Times I read there was a vote by both the mayor (a woman) and the council to make big changes in how the union works. I really believe that changes can only be had with information and happenings that show how corrupt and dangerous the system has become. Unions are fighting to stay alive, rightly so but this is a clear indication of how they can harm society.

@JackPedigo I posted the link to John Oliver's Sunday night Last Week Tonight, in case you missed it:

@silverotter11 No, I started to watch it but 30+ minutes is too long for me at this time. Nature (garden) is calling and so are a lot of other things. Tonight, when things are not so hectic I will try. Looks interesting.

@silverotter11 Watched it on the TV. Much better than the small computer. Pretty hard hitting. Absolutely, a very complex issue but the basic fact is that in fighting crime the cops and their unions have become the perpetrators. I had to laugh at the 'potato head' comment. I was thinking the same thing.
Things have gotten way to far and people have had it. The virus has lowered the breaking point and people all over the world are mad. So much for 'Great' America. Now lets see how the pandemic number react.
Okay, so now what can we (you and I) about this? Have there been any demonstrations in Ellensburg? Our weekly paper showed a peaceful gathering in a field with supportive signs for the black community. Funny but I saw only women in the gathering. Funny, but in the islands there are almost no black people. Quite a few Latinos but few Asians and blacks. We are a super supportive, liberal county so I can't explain this. Thanks for reminding me.

@JackPedigo First the spike in new cases right now are from the Memorial Day weekend where many hit the beaches, bars in places that never shut down or just reopened. The virus numbers will start showing up mid to late week and going forward. There was one or two peaceful protests in downtown Ellensburg. Just today there was a notice of a positive for the virus in a person who was at the first protest. Good news on that the person did wear a mask. Now we wait and see if more positives pop up. I had a PT appointment scheduled for tomorrow but now I am not comfortable going so I called and canceled. So far there have been a total of 88 cases in Kittitas County all but 14 have recovered. Those 14 are from around the end of May.
Oliver researches his facts and goes right for the gut. I do love his presentation. I liked calliing tucker carlson a sentient polo mallet. 🙂

@silverotter11 I got to see my doctor a few days ago for a medication review (which was basically a cover-up for a verbal exam). I have set up a regular physical in July. We did talk about getting another Dex scan. I had been taking omnipraesole for years for GERD but finally stopped a couple of years ago. One issue with the meds. was that it leaches calcium from your bones. After almost 10 year no one ever looked at me and saw I have a small frame (from my mother's side and all but 1 of has this). When I mentioned this to the NP it was like, of course so I got my first Dex scan and sure enough mild osteoporosis in my left hip. A further scan showed some mild improvement. I am a weight lifter and have been so for years. I have doubled down on the gym and this was one reason why. My late partner had serious osteoporosis for the whole time we were together but being very active she never had any issues. My doctor watched my gait and asked about my activities and gave me a less than 1% chance of falling and having a problem. A few months later I had my bike accident and landed on my left side. No internal damage, just lots of abrasions and stitches, a broken hand and 2 dislocated fingers. However, my doctor (Dr. Bob - who is great) wants me to get another Dex scan but that is on the mainland so I am kind of iffy with this. The islands have a very low incidence rate and it has remained at 15 for a couple of months. Anacortes has a much higher rate.

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Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []

Posted by William_MaryIt rarely never fails.

Posted by William_MaryIf You Wish Someone a Happy Memorial Day, You Fail to Understand Its True Meaning The mythology perpetuated at Memorial Day benefits no one save the militarists and war profiteers.

Posted by LufahyuMedia Sources; people from all walks and ideologies peruse a variety of source material available on the Internet, some more reliable than others.

Posted by joy2loveThe Neuroscience of Illusion - Scientific American

Posted by CherokeemanBlessings y'all.

Posted by Archeus_LoreA good meme for religious people to see . . . .

Posted by William_MaryIt has been questioned if Einstein actually made this statement.

Posted by William_Mary“The ideas of the ruling class are in every epoch the ruling ideas, i.

Posted by William_MaryHowever we have an escape-------[]

Posted by William_MaryKeep people from their history, and they are easily controlled.

Posted by William_MaryThis fairly explains our political woes within our citizenry when it comes to the voting process that's managed within only 2 parties with their perceptions managed by propaganda designed to support ...

Posted by William_MaryI can pretty much apply this thought to just about everyone who has attempted to challenge my agenda here in this group, and my comments on social media in regards to our political arena.

Posted by William_MaryBy Apr.

Posted by William_MaryThe working class holds the strength to change the world for a better society for everyone. We just need to refuse to remain indoctrinated into their manufactured delusional reality.

Posted by William_MaryWhen the state is controlled by corporations and the ruling class.

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