2 1

Do all churches, mosques, synagogues, temples, gurdwaras and shrines exist to deceive, to control and divest you of your wealth?

I read on other posts praise of Unitarian Churches. Do agnostic or atheist members simply attend because

1.they want to enjoy the human fellowship & be part of a "herd"?
2. they want to exploit the flock for their own materialist ($) or controlling ambitions?
3. they wish to be exploited and controlled?
4. they are unable to create new Sunday habits for themselves?
5. another reason?

We can all go and see the Virgin Mary on YouTube! -

FrayedBear 9 June 12
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The church was all about power and control ever since Paul took control of its direction. Subsequently, it has always suppressed any deviation from a strict orthodoxy of view, branding it a heresy, and zea;ously persecuting any adherents of any difference of opinion.

Magister Level 6 June 14, 2020

That is only xtianity. What about all the other cults and religions?
All religions are based upon generalities, assumptions and human selfish desires.
Please demonstrate how any one church/religion fulfils Professor Cippola's definition of an intelligent person? -
"Intelligent people contribute to society and who leverage their contributions into reciprocal benefits"
"Non-stupid people always underestimate the damaging power of stupid individuals. In particular non-stupid people constantly forget that at all times and places and under any circumstances to deal and/or associate with stupid people always turns out to be a costly mistake. A stupid person is the most dangerous type of person." Wikipedia

You'll have to ask someone who is a Sikh, Muslim, Jew and the others, I've no direct experience of participating in any of the other religions, so I am not going to speculate, and I wouldn't be too harsh about Catharism, as they had no structure, or possessions.


I believe it is a means mostly to control and indoctrinate a sense of fear towards a perception of normalcy of social correctness, and wealth for the church which installs this narrative.

However, as far as Sunday goes. I believe the Muslim faith still holds theirs from Friday sundown to Saturday sundown. And isn't referred to as the Sabbath.

I've even read some believe that because it was moved from Saturday to Sunday by Christians is the actual correlation to 666. And those who now do this on Sunday will go to hell for it.

I simplified by avoiding Friday and Saturday observance of the respective holy days.

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Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []

Posted by William_MaryIt rarely never fails.

Posted by William_MaryIf You Wish Someone a Happy Memorial Day, You Fail to Understand Its True Meaning The mythology perpetuated at Memorial Day benefits no one save the militarists and war profiteers.

Posted by LufahyuMedia Sources; people from all walks and ideologies peruse a variety of source material available on the Internet, some more reliable than others.

Posted by joy2loveThe Neuroscience of Illusion - Scientific American

Posted by CherokeemanBlessings y'all.

Posted by Archeus_LoreA good meme for religious people to see . . . .

Posted by William_MaryIt has been questioned if Einstein actually made this statement.

Posted by William_Mary“The ideas of the ruling class are in every epoch the ruling ideas, i.

Posted by William_MaryHowever we have an escape-------[]

Posted by William_MaryKeep people from their history, and they are easily controlled.

Posted by William_MaryThis fairly explains our political woes within our citizenry when it comes to the voting process that's managed within only 2 parties with their perceptions managed by propaganda designed to support ...

Posted by William_MaryI can pretty much apply this thought to just about everyone who has attempted to challenge my agenda here in this group, and my comments on social media in regards to our political arena.

Posted by William_MaryBy Apr.

Posted by William_MaryThe working class holds the strength to change the world for a better society for everyone. We just need to refuse to remain indoctrinated into their manufactured delusional reality.

Posted by William_MaryWhen the state is controlled by corporations and the ruling class.

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