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Before you dismiss the following as more Putin propaganda do read it.

Australian & American First Peoples have their own share of 200+ year old grievances. The difference here is that they are still ocurring and the promoters are alive and capable of being held to account.

It’s absurd to feel guilty about 200yo crimes while ignoring the West’s recent destruction of Iraq and Libya []

FrayedBear 9 June 20
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Their propaganda is no worse than ours but if some of you really want to go tit for tat in comparing Russia and the West is that at least Russia hasn’t attempted to kill off or enslave an entire race of people.
Just saying that not only have we but we did it for profit.

48thRonin Level 8 June 20, 2020

While I reserve the notion that Russia had in the past been forced to take over land to build a buffer zone between them and western advancing threats, today's Russia isn't by any means that same old Russia. Although the westernized countries are attempting to push that narrative again using Ukraine and Crimea.

And why label it as propaganda? Because his article showed up on RT? The journalist is from the UK that simply has a dissenting view on westernized policies towards foreign affairs. Would it be better if those dissenting views came from an American for you? Say, from Robert Parry?

The Rise of the New McCarthyism


Here is his view which strongly correlates with Clark's written in September of 2017.

@William_Mary Good morning

I was simply playing off of Frayedbear’s initial statement and the fact that “ everyone “ uses propaganda and to be really honest with the way all media has conducted themselves in the past 20 years I can only accept that it’s filled with half truths and biased opinions.

As well as the hypocrisy of the United States and Europe in regards to Russia being a global when in fact they’ve done no where the damage that we have. Nothing more nothing less

@48thRonin I find that RT, especially RT America programs, with a couple of exceptions, provides a much better sense of realistic news and world event coverage. I often argue in this group to that narrative attempting to get the members drawn towards more factual information to compare to the lame fake MSCM they are forced to hear and see all day. Spend some time each night and on weekends to see a different view of the world. As far as RT America goes, the people on these programs are there because our MSCM will not cover the issues as they do, in complicity to the establishment. Outside of 3 shows off the top of my head they ask more and provide a dissenting view to imperialism.

@William_Mary Until they took it off the air I use to Al Jazeer America and compare the top stories between it msnbc, cnn, Fox and the BBC and be amazed as to how different the American 3 would tell a story vs AJ and the BBC.

But even then I’d still catch some bias on the BBC’s part whenever it came to their leaderships siding with ours in regards to Russia and China.

So like I said I have to look at the news as being part truth, part opinion and hope that another media source will fill in the blanks. But for the most I can go on social media and find footage from someone’s cell phone of what was left out or chosen to not be shown.

And I’ll also say this. That the people who own most of the world’s media are also the same people who own a lot of things that us and our governments buy.

So for them to use their media sources to crate the need and/or demand for the other products that their other company’s produce shouldn’t come as any surprise.

And sadly most of the world is ignorant to this fact and that’s where civilizations greatest problems lie.

@48thRonin well BBC is probably nothing short of being like our NPR. If you pay close enough attention to them while you listen their going narrative of being a public service and publicly funded flies out of the window. I'll go out on the limb and suggest the BBC is the same. BBC is often shared here on our NPR radio stations.

I listen to it all day 5 days a week as I drive for a living. One area I drive into on some mornings has BBC for their morning program. I use it to keep my bullshit meter collaborated towards keeping up with the establishment delusional reality for when I post here comparing it to the sources I trust. I can then recognize when someone is posting based on the nonsense they get from MSCM. It's very helpful to know when you're debating someone that is conditioned to fake news and suffers with cognitive dissonance with an undying managed perception to absorb facts over accusations. No matter how much the information you're attempting to provide has debunked theirs.

Anyways, if one was to listen to NPR closely you'll hear them occasionally admit certain segments are funded by such and such corporations. One not to long ago I recall was a show interviewing someone from Amazon discussing employee confirmed covid 19 illnesses. Of course he was downplaying the current news covering it, and of course the interviewer did no real sense of interviewing. It was basically an open mic for Amazon. The show eventually admitted Amazon was a funding member of NPR. As a matter of fact, all the MSCM companies also fund NPR. Michele Greenstein from the Rick Sanchez show covered this some time ago. BBC? So of course the MSCM is an influence on public radio today. Both of these stations spent over 3 years since 2016 on a false narrative of the DNC and Russiagate in collaboration with them.


Well, it is propaganda insofar as it lays the blame solely at the West. Of course, Russia has never meddled in the affairs of other states, or invaded a sovereign nation. Of course Afghanistan invited them in, and it is only a coincidence that the Kremlin installed a puppet government there to invite them in. How horrible that the Mujahadin start fighting with the Russians.

Libya was a failed state that ordered the blowing up of an American jumbo jet, killing hundreds onboard and a number of people were killed in the Scottish town of Lockerbie. Gadaffi financially supported the IRA and many terrorist groups. He had the blood of many innocent people on his hands,

As a failed state, and an international pariah state, Gadaffi needed to be deposed. The West's perennial problem is that it is seems to be bad at managing the re-establishment of a government, and the use of American contractors to do so will raise questions about war being about making money for big business.

What is made so very clear in the article is how Africans and Arab countries have historically been behind the slave trade, right up until today. Today's black slaves are bought by other Africans and Arabs on the African continent.

African-Americans need to accept their historical guilt in operating the slave trade and selling black Africans as slaves. Slavery is a worldwide problem and it needs a unified global response to stop it. Pointing fingers at other nations and saying that they are guilty is hypocritical and it doesn't help in eradicating it.

Magister Level 6 June 20, 2020

And so the problem of the African diaspora into Europe resulting from Gadaffi's overthrow has nothing to do with USA? The people of Iraq are delighted that their very stable country was made unstable because USA no longer tolerated its one time protege Saddam Hussein.
@Magister you are coming across as a white colonialist fascist apologist for inhumane behaviour committed in your name and do that you could have a life more comfortable than most in this world!

@FrayedBear No, it was led by America, as so many of these wars have been. Neighbouring states wanted rid of him, as did most of the world because of his evil predilection for funding terrorist groups. One of the other threats that he made was to refuse to house the Africans that migrated to Libya, and that they would flood African migrants into Europe.

Europe has a big problem with African migrants coming to Europe. They bring with them a crime wave, and sexual assaults, an they are happy to remain on European Unemployment benefits. By the time they get to France, they find that the French aren't prepared to accept this, so the immigrants have built large tented cities around French ports, where they make nightly attempts to get across the Channel to the UK. They do so because of the level of racism in France

I am not making excuses for anyone, I and many others protested and demonstrated against military involvement in foreign affairs, but British prime ministers always act as America's poodle. Many British citizens want Tony Blair to face trial for war crimes for committing the UK to war, but like Bush, he is protected by their elitism.

It would seem that countries have a tacit agreement that they will protect each other from having to comply with world law. America leads the way in a neo-colonialism, where they interfere in the running of countries, partly due to their paranoia over the Communist threat. Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Libya have all seen America occupying and invading countries, and their latest conflict with Syria has sent wave after wave of refugees into Europe . Many Africans have followed them into Europe, looking for work and freedom from the slavery endemic in the Middle East and still happening in a number of African countries.

Italy can't afford to pay for these refugees and economic migrants, who have overwhelmed the housing and medical facilities to the extent that they are now paying Turkey to hold the latest wave of refugees. There have been a large number of sexual assaults, too, as the refugees come from Muslim counties that order women to cover up from head to foot. The refugees, in Germany, associate their lack of clothing with a lack of morals, and seem to see no wrong to assaulting women, who are seen more as chattels than people.

Therein lies the problem with American contractors and government representatives getting involved in the rebuilding of these invaded countries. It enforces American values. The Middle East doesn't take kindly to Westerners dictating what their morals should be, and how they lead their lives, no matter how much their lifestyles violently suppress women's rights, and where gays face being thrown off the top of a building, where girls don't get educated, and FGM is rife. They do no want Western values, full stop.

@Magister "Neighbouring states wanted rid of him, as did most of the world because of " US indoctrination, misinformation and alienation. It is just as likely that Lockerbie was a pre-run on 9/11 and others hatred of Gadafi another Bashar al-Assad, Fidel Castro,Allende, Putin or Chavez.

@Magister It my understanding that countries like Lebanon & Afghanistan were becoming quite advanced before outside interferences.

@FrayedBear Whatever anyone thinks of these countries, and Afghanistan is backward by any standards, the West has no right to intervene in their governance. Countries must be left to develop in their own time.
The only time that there is a right to get involved is when you have a situation, like Gadaffi. where they are supporting terrorist operations.

But intervention should stop at removing the leader, not running the country. The worst thing about Gadaffi was how Western leaders sucked up to him an and bribed him to give up the name of the man who planted the Lockerbie bomb and to limit Gadaffi's terrorist support.

However, Western leaders need to be brought before an international court when they are responsible for war crimes, especially when they take their countries into unnecessary wars. Both Bush and Blair should have faced a war crimes trial for their illegal invasion of Iran over WMD. No-one should be above the law.

@Magister Agreed apart from Gadafi. Today's terrorists tend to become tomorrow's politicians but pehaps that simplistically explains it all.

@FrayedBear Yes, they usually do. Gerry Adams and Martin Mc Guinness became 'respected' politicians, as did Nelson Mandela. It's funny how terrorists, responsible for the murder of innocent people, can become respected political leaders who then condemn the very things that they did.


Our government has been becoming more corrupt each time the voters install more Repugs into powerful positions. Spending money on the military budgets only increase the need to use it up to prove it is necessary. Smart Bombs are only used once and they cost millions of dollars each. Graft being paid to politicians to keep the wars going is not going to stop until we change the way our government it set up now, and take the money out of the equation.

OldGoat43 Level 9 June 20, 2020

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Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []

Posted by William_MaryIt rarely never fails.

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Posted by LufahyuMedia Sources; people from all walks and ideologies peruse a variety of source material available on the Internet, some more reliable than others.

Posted by joy2loveThe Neuroscience of Illusion - Scientific American

Posted by CherokeemanBlessings y'all.

Posted by Archeus_LoreA good meme for religious people to see . . . .

Posted by William_MaryIt has been questioned if Einstein actually made this statement.

Posted by William_Mary“The ideas of the ruling class are in every epoch the ruling ideas, i.

Posted by William_MaryHowever we have an escape-------[]

Posted by William_MaryKeep people from their history, and they are easily controlled.

Posted by William_MaryThis fairly explains our political woes within our citizenry when it comes to the voting process that's managed within only 2 parties with their perceptions managed by propaganda designed to support ...

Posted by William_MaryI can pretty much apply this thought to just about everyone who has attempted to challenge my agenda here in this group, and my comments on social media in regards to our political arena.

Posted by William_MaryBy Apr.

Posted by William_MaryThe working class holds the strength to change the world for a better society for everyone. We just need to refuse to remain indoctrinated into their manufactured delusional reality.

Posted by William_MaryWhen the state is controlled by corporations and the ruling class.

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