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Humanity Has Trolled Itself Into An Awaken-Or-Die Situation

You can’t have change without a mass-scale people’s movement. You can’t have a mass-scale people’s movement without neutering the propaganda engine designed to prevent it. You can’t neuter the propaganda engine without a mass-scale awakening from humanity’s unwholesome relationship with thought.


William_Mary 8 Oct 26
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The problem with an awaken or die situation is that society has been lulled to sleep for a LONG time to get to this point. They're in a coma. I think society is much closer to dying than awakening. Maybe I'm just being pessimistic though.

I base it off of voters and people who support the 2 party system. It's true that about 45% of eligible voters don't vote, but we can't credit all of that to those people being awake. If they were really "awake", wouldn't they vote 3rd party to at the very least make a point or TRY to turn the system on it's head? Maybe they're at a different state of awake and not at that point yet? If they even aren't going against establishment structure when it comes to voting then how long will it take for the 55% of Americans that DO vote and support the 2 party corrupt system, whether they know it's corrupt or not?

I've heard some pundits say that the 2020 election will have the most Americans voting than ever before up to the number of as much as 30 million new voters. I find that hard to believe, but even if it's true, I bet that at least 90% of them will be voting for one of the shit sandwiches in one of the two major parties.

Actually I'm to a point of why waste my time and health by going to vote. I've been past our early voting board of elections twice now where the line has been quite long. I also have a back issue where standing for long periods of time or walking in lengths nearly paralyzes me.

I seen many attempt to come out of the slumber in 2016 to vote for Sanders only to be oppressed by the system and his betrayal. No one within our governing stood up for us. The entire system from local to national were silent and collaborate within this injustice. That also includes the vast amount of citizens in which the only people who raised a voice against this were a percentage of his supporters. Other than them the rest were compliant. As long as it isn't you compliance is accepted. Then when it is you cry Russia.

I fully understand why they will remain home. Yes, the going perception is that a higher number of people are going to vote this cycle. For me that only raises the question as to why. And the answer to me is quite obvious in which it's due to managed perception for the wrong reasons in a controlled false narrative. This alone should make people ask themselves how and why they are tempted to be drawn out of their slumber!

For a false prophet. Joe Biden is a false prophet that couldn't come anywhere close to a presidential election in nearly 5 decades. Now he all of a sudden is our answer!?! !Fucking please! The gullibility of our citizenry is disgustingly, profoundly sickening. If it surpasses the Obama election numbers as spoken I won't believe it. Polls are used to deceive. I don't believe independents are that gullible who will only be the one's to accomplish those numbers. Hillieary couldn't pull that off, Biden can? No one is covering how the second round of conned Sanders supporters are reacting either. They just magically went to Biden this time? I highly doubt it!

@William_Mary The school where I vote is usually empty on election day. I'm not sure what that says as it's anecdotal and I'm only there for like 5-10 minutes.

Little of what these people say makes sense.


She has impeccable logic and a gift for writing. However, we need a popular leader, like Gandhi or King, who can rally masses.

EdEarl Level 8 Oct 26, 2020

I love the sentiment, but didn't we have somewhat of a leader like that in Bernie Sanders? They bamboozled him out of two elections. Even if what they did had little effect in trying to suppress him, they still exhibited how corrupt the system is. The people who run this corrupt system will never let a leader like that take power. Everyone who has tried has either been bamboozled or killed. I'm sorry to be so negative and kind of nihilistic, but I just think it's true.

@Piece2YourPuzzle Bernie is a good man; perhaps he came too soon to have an affect like Gandhi. Yes, that is a dangerous calling; Gandhi and King were murdered. However, sometimes the fates insist on ruining lives, and a hero emerges.

@EdEarl a good man!?! We're in different realities. Good con artist aren't men in my book. Swamp snakes.

@William_Mary Yeah, my opinion of Bernie has completely done a 180. After 2016 I gave him the benefit of the doubt because I thought he was probably going to run again in 2020 and wanted to win within the Democratic party structure because running 3rd party would have hurt him with public perception and probably with funding too.......but after 2020? Hell no! He has no reason to be cow towing to the Democrats right now. AOC is another phony.

@William_Mary My good man comment was ambiguous, because I have no idea who could fill the role of leading the US in (hopefully) effective peaceful protest. Bernie is a politician, which automatically makes his true intentions dubious.

@EdEarl there is no who. It needs to be us. Looking for a who to be a savior is the reason we are where we are today. And it won't be the Green Party either. It will have to be a unification behind the only socialist party with a mass exodus from the current system with a landslide like overtake against the 2 party establishment.

@William_Mary We do absolutely need a landslide in November, to remove Trump. However, the the power mongers (Caesars, kings, czars, dictators, neoliberals, whatever) are still in power, regardless of GOP or Dems, and that group will do anything to remain in power or die to gain power if they happen to lose it. Changing to the socialist party may temporarily improve the dire state of mankind, but the mongers will assimilate and eventually overpower empathetic people. Even a temporary respite is better than none. If we, the people, can mass to temporarily overcome the current oligarchy; it will be good. Whatever works is OK.

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Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []

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Posted by William_MaryThis fairly explains our political woes within our citizenry when it comes to the voting process that's managed within only 2 parties with their perceptions managed by propaganda designed to support ...

Posted by William_MaryI can pretty much apply this thought to just about everyone who has attempted to challenge my agenda here in this group, and my comments on social media in regards to our political arena.

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Posted by William_MaryWhen the state is controlled by corporations and the ruling class.

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