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Barack Obama & the Death of Idealism

The former president’s deception and warmongering killed the “hope and change” he promised on the campaign trail, writes James Bovard.


{He perennially denounced “extremism” at the same time his administration partnered with Saudi Arabia to send weapons to terrorist groups that were slaughtering Syrian civilians in a failed attempt to topple the regime of Bashar Assad.}

{Idealism encourages citizens to view politics as a faith-based activity, transforming politicians from hucksters to saviors. ------- And this could be the hook the media uses to coronate Joe Biden as a born-again idealist, thereby perpetuating the same Teflon shield it provided him during the presidential campaign.}

Anyone is better than Trump. Even though the history of that anyone is precisely what supplied the false idealism that lead to a Trump like persona. Rinse. Repeat. Recycle. Biden.

{Early Americans idealized the Constitution, yet much of Biden’s career was devoted to obliterating Americans’ constitutional and legal rights.}

{As a recent Washington Post headline proclaimed, “Washington’s aristocracy hopes a Biden presidency will make schmoozing great again.” (The Post quickly changed its initial headline to “Washington’s Establishment” but “aristocracy” remained in the body of the article.) That same aristocracy hopes that idealism will provide the magic words to make the peasantry again defer to their superiors.}

William_Mary 8 Dec 7
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I always referred to Obama as Barry The Liar, since that described his essence. Like Bill Clinton, he was such a smooth, charming liar that most people overlooked his policies. Maybe that's why, like Reagan, both of them were so popular even tho they promoted policies that hurt most average Americans, who are not very deep thinkers nor are they well-informed on matters of policy, at least.

I use to love to watch both Clinton's when they did interviews or speeches. A large part of their success is the phycological use of body movement while they speak. It's quite captivating to lure audiences in and winning them over. Hitler would be proud. AOC has this down to bullseye perfection also. She was well groomed before being unleashed to the public. And being young and pretty is just a major bonus to the establishment.

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