Rittenhouse and Verdict Mania
Yet the names Rittenhouse or Derek Chauvin or Amber Guyger or George Zimmerman resonate more than perhaps they should. These people became stand-ins for the system which is unrepentantly racist and where the demonization of Black people’s existence is a feature of law, commerce, education, and even health care. There is no escape from the oppression, and desperation can transform court cases into symbolic referendums on Black existence.
{The liberation movement was crushed by COINTELPRO, the deaths and imprisonment of leadership, and cooptation of a Black political class. The reactionary response to the movement included the development of a prison industrial complex and the mass incarceration of one million Black people. These dynamics play a part in creating defeatism, confusion, and wishful thinking.
The solution is a return to Black politics. Black politics are not synonymous with the presence of Black politicians, who more often than not are captives of the same interests which create so much suffering. Politics must be independent of the democrats who continue to be seen as protection against white racism when they are nothing of the sort.}
{Kyle Rittenhouse is obviously a white supremacist, but so is Joe Biden, who received 90% of the Black vote. White supremacy is a job requirement for the presidency and Barack Obama signed on to that agreement just as much as his predecessors did. Biden was seen as a savior who would rescue the nation from Donald Trump, who is portrayed as the only racist who ever served as president when he was one of just 46 who fit the description.}
{The gun toter flashing the white supremacy hand signal is but one part of the problem. Protesters are correct when they say, “The whole damn system is guilty as hell!” There is no way to carve out little bits of justice here and there. We either have it everywhere or we don’t have it at all.}
Stop Confusing the Fight Against Racism with Neoliberalism
The crisis of legitimacy afflicting the U.S. political system has produced a number of contradictions. One of the most glaring from this period is the contradiction between the struggle against racism in the United States and the growth in popular support for Medicare for All and a host of social welfare policies that have the potential of forming a truly class-conscious political program of the working class.
{Such a contradiction exists despite assurances from the Bernie Sanders-wing of the Democratic Party that policies such as Medicare for All are anti-racist by definition. The contradiction was readily apparent when the millions who marched in the streets against racist policing in the summer of 2020 were not simultaneously armed with an economic and political program resembling that of the Sanders movement. That said, it was also quite clear that many of the millions who marched against racist policing were young workers and students of all races who overwhelmingly support the “progressive” wing of the Democratic Party.}
This economic and political structure was a spoken agenda in 2016 from Sanders. Abandoned in his betrayal to support Clinton, the system, the night of the convention. Those that still believe in him and changing that system from within, indoctrination won. Highly managed by the DSA and Jacobin Magazine within collaborate measures. Along with a few other questionable so called socialist entities.
{The responsibility for the problem falls squarely at the feet of the U.S. ruling class of all political tendencies. More specifically, neoliberal Democrats for the past four decades have capitalized on the historic state repression of the Black liberation movement to sanitize the struggle against racism as part of its counterinsurgency agenda of neutralizing the most progressive force in U.S. history: Black America. The development of a Black political class loyal to capital in every way has been complimented by general lack of political leadership among the entirety of the U.S.-based working class.}
Sanders handed off the ball to Clinton knowing she would be the capitalist she always has been. Knowing the political black elite having fallen in lock step long ago. The introduction of AOC and the squad, newly found popularity of the DSA and Jacobin Magazine, all in 2016, would become the entrapment for this US based working class as a fake leadership. Essentially herding them into supporting a losing cause.
{Any organization or force that claims leadership in the class struggle must take up the responsibility of addressing all of the contradictions standing in the way of a socialist future. Distinctions must be made between the neoliberal race-only politics of the Democratic Party and the revolutionary politics of race required to wage actual class struggle in the United States. These distinctions become even more critical given that the so-called far right has used the Democratic Party’s race-only, anti-worker orientation as an opportunity to merge pro-worker rhetoric with racism.}
This is where I advocate once again for the only socialist organization/party that does that. [wsws.org]
{As the late executive editor of Black Agenda Report, Glen Ford, prophetically pointed out about the 2016 presidential election, “The Democrats wanted to run on race as much as Trump did, because only a race-based campaign allows them to avoid any commitment to bread and butter issues – universal free healthcare, job and income security, free public higher education – that threaten the bi-partisan austerity regime (the Race to the Bottom).”}
You might remember how the DNC and media won that battle for Clinton as it also took pace in that primary, quite easily due to Sanders never addressing it in socialistic terms. Frankly, he virtually let it just blow by in the wind without mentioning it once in 4 debates. Moments of major potential to correlate the issues of all of the working class with African Americans exposing the real sense of democratic socialism. Which Sanders never took advantage of at anytime either. Have you ever heard Sanders mention Marx? Wont happen either. It's always about capitalist socialism from Europe. To mention anything resembling Marx would expose his hypocrisy of supporting the multiple murderous actions in Latin America. And even then he never explains how to integrate it into our capitalist system. Which would produce a major hiccup to the current elite system. They know these programs will never reach any sense of a genuine address to make significant changes. Lip service.
{Even when Democrats speak of institutional racism, rarely is the question of power factored into the equation. Race is separated entirely from class, allowing the Democratic Party to find ample political space to position itself as an anti-racist, pro-capitalist party—a real world impossibility.}
{The condition of Black workers in the United States is a reminder that any form of class struggle that refuses to recognize the National Question is destined to fail. This was the experience of the First and Second International prior to the victory of the Russian Revolution in 1917. The National Question was a leading force in Vladimir Lenin and the Bolsheviks’ program for socialist construction. It asserted that the struggle of the workers to overthrow capitalism was completely congruent with the struggle of oppressed nations fighting to throw off the shackles of colonialism and imperialism. The National Question’s applicability to the struggle of Black people as a nation within a nation led Lenin himself to declare that “all Communist parties should render direct aid to the revolutionary movements among the dependent and underprivileged nations (for example, Ireland, the American Negroes, etc.) and in the colonies” (emphasis my own).}
{Lenin’s theses on the National and Colonial Questions have been incredibly important to the development of the class struggle both past and present. Understanding of the National Question influenced the Communist Party in the United States to take up the fight against Jim Crow as a crucial component of its political program. Numerous anti-colonial movements took up the cause of socialism as a result of Lenin’s framework on the National Question. This includes the heroic struggles against imperialism from Korea and Vietnam to Ghana and Grenada. Furthermore, U.S. capitalism and its settler colonial roots have entered an acute stage of imperialist decline which only enhances the relevance of the National Question. The condition of Black America and that of countless other oppressed nations demonstrate that the National Question must be applied to the current conditions of class struggle within the U.S.’s colonial borders.}
I'm genuinely asking this because I don't know much if anything at all about Kyle Rittenhouse's background, but what makes him a white supremacist?
I see the trial and what happened from two different viewpoints. I see him as defending himself from some white people that attacked him, but I also see that he should have never put himself or the other people in that position to begin with. Why are the other people that brandished guns against him not having the same vitriol spewed against them? They went to a protest with guns. One of the guys that chased Rittenhouse was a mentally unstable person. Another one took out his handgun and shot into the air to scare Rittenhouse. Another one pulled his handgun on Rittenhouse while Rittenhouse was on the floor. Rittenhouse ran away from all of them and only shot them when he couldn't go anywhere and they were becoming even more aggressive. One of them hit him in the head with a skateboard while he was trying to run away. I would have shot them too. He injured one with a shot to the arm and killed two of them. They were all white guys as well.
I think the jury made the right decision in terms of acquitting him of murder, but I think he should have been charged with one of the other charges. I forget exactly what they were. He should have never put himself or others in that position. He's not law enforcement, he's underage, and he went across state lines and injected himself into a shit sandwich.
I still don't understand how any of this makes him a white supremacist. Is it just the general term of white supremacy because he's a white male and put himself in a position where he was the "protector" or thought he was an authority figure? Sure, I can see that, but wouldn't that also apply to the white guys that were chasing him with guns and trying to harm him? Weren't all the white people protesting "guilty" of white supremacy for trying to affect change marching in the streets? Wouldn't it apply to any white person that was at the protest based on that reasoning?
White supremacy has a definition:
The belief that white people constitute a superior race and should therefore dominate society, typically to the exclusion or detriment of other racial and ethnic groups, in particular black or Jewish people.
Some people think that white people shouldn't even support black causes because white people still exhibit white supremacy regardless of their good intentions.
Was Rittenhouse being a white supremacist when he was trying to protect businesses? How can that be determined? Was he yelling racist remarks while he was doing it? Do we know what he thinks about race or black people to make that determination? He wasn't the aggressor. He was chased and physically attacked before he shot at anyone. Maybe he actually had good intentions when wanting to protect businesses. Would the same thinking be applied to black people that wanted to protect a store or a community from something they thought would be a harm to those stores or community?
Or was it because he went to a protest that was for black justice?
I would really like to know the reasoning for why people think Rittenhouse is a white supremacist. I can see a case maybe being made for the last question I asked, but can that even really be determined?
Rittenhouse has a history behind him of such. Posted a few days ago, in this article you'll find him in a bar celebrating after his bail release with members of the proud boys. According to the writer flashing a supremacist hand gesture. [wsws.org]
This is the most critical article I posted before reading Jonathon Cook's article. [mintpressnews.com]
Which clarifies much of the reality of that night. A Dore video within that makes a good case for Rittenhouse. Much as you, he's divided by actions of the night but also how the media used the issue. This article and video actually changed my perspective in regards of innocence also. However I may feel about his indoctrination into far right ideology that poisons our society. Further more from this article of him going to Mar-A-Lago soon after acquittal to meet Trump. [wsws.org]
Which between him and law makers which are moving towards making him a hero further pulling him down the rabbit hole.
One of the illegal charges that should have been brought up is that as a 17 year old, then, possessing the weapon other than when hunting, was declared by the judge as impermissible evidence. Curfew laws.
The WSWS articles have a good degree of the fascist and vigilant comments in regards to his history. While they are more intent that his actions and history should have been allowed to develop a guilty plea in court, which were also not allowed. Like Cook, I sadly have to admit that the posted evidence and video suggest innocence. However, motivation to be there, lack of good parental guidance on 2 fronts, and banishing an AR15 in a chaotic atmosphere, at one point arguing with the mentally ill guy, he essentially initiated confrontation. Once the dumpster became a none issue he should have walked away. According to the WSWS article, the guy that hit him with the skate board was defending his girlfriend as he was pointing the gun their way. Then that were attempting to disarm him from shooting anyone else. Who chose not to shoot him as 1 or 2 of them had guns.
To me this is clearly a case of an underdeveloped mind and character that was allowed to be thrown into a situation that requires good critical thinking. He clearly lacks this as do the adults in his circle. Bottom line to me seems to be that he clearly walked into a wilderness without the tools and mind to come out successfully. And unfortunately others paid the price who might not have if he wasn't there. Luckily making it out alive himself. The 1 guy had ample time to shoot him but chose not to, to be shot himself.
I'll also state that what is seen in videos can't be regarded as providing the entire amount of events in the night. I wouldn't be surprised to see more released in the future that can add more details. Or people claiming theirs were suppressed from evidence.
Thanks for posting and letting me know. See, I had no idea about him hanging out with racists and flashing white power signs and hoping to get the chance to shoot people. I don't usually watch mainstream media, but what they did cover was pretty sensational, like always. They did a horrible job of presenting the facts of this case.
It does seem like the judge was unprofessional as well.
I did think at the very least that Rittenhouse should have been charged with crossing state lines and acting like an authority figure with an AR-15 at a protest. He was asking for trouble.
Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. [consortiumnews.com]
Posted by William_MaryIt rarely never fails.
Posted by William_MaryIf You Wish Someone a Happy Memorial Day, You Fail to Understand Its True Meaning The mythology perpetuated at Memorial Day benefits no one save the militarists and war profiteers.
Posted by LufahyuMedia Sources; people from all walks and ideologies peruse a variety of source material available on the Internet, some more reliable than others.
Posted by joy2loveThe Neuroscience of Illusion - Scientific American
Posted by CherokeemanBlessings y'all.
Posted by Archeus_LoreA good meme for religious people to see . . . .
Posted by William_MaryIt has been questioned if Einstein actually made this statement.
Posted by William_Mary“The ideas of the ruling class are in every epoch the ruling ideas, i.
Posted by William_MaryHowever we have an escape-------[wsws.org]
Posted by William_MaryKeep people from their history, and they are easily controlled.
Posted by William_MaryThis fairly explains our political woes within our citizenry when it comes to the voting process that's managed within only 2 parties with their perceptions managed by propaganda designed to support ...
Posted by William_MaryI can pretty much apply this thought to just about everyone who has attempted to challenge my agenda here in this group, and my comments on social media in regards to our political arena.
Posted by William_MaryBy Apr.
Posted by William_MaryThe working class holds the strength to change the world for a better society for everyone. We just need to refuse to remain indoctrinated into their manufactured delusional reality.
Posted by William_MaryWhen the state is controlled by corporations and the ruling class.