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Netflix’s Trotsky: A toxic combination of historical fabrication and blatant anti-Semitism


(Given the virulently anti-Semitic character of the Trotsky series, one might have assumed that a storm of protest would have greeted Netflix’s distribution and promotion of this film. But nothing of the sort has happened. Despite daily campaigns denouncing anyone who dares issue a word of criticism of the Israeli state’s brutal treatment of the Palestinian people as an anti-Semite, Netflix’s Trotsky has been given a pass. The few reviews in the capitalist media of the United States and Europe that have appeared have made no reference to the film’s blatant anti-Semitism, or even called attention to the innumerable fabrications. The New York Times has not published a review.)

(Second, under conditions of mounting political crisis, there is an increasing fear of the growth of interest in revolutionary socialism. The ruling elites and their agents in the media and academia are responding to this threat. The historical lie, as Trotsky wrote, is the ideological cement of reaction.)

The ignorance to the real history of socialism is bad enough as it is. As people walk away from this series they will believe Trotsky was antisemitic. When Trotsky was actually of Jewish decent.

(The Bolshevik revolution and the ensuing victory of the working class in the Russian Civil War drove many of the leading ideologues of Tsarist anti-Semitism into exile in Germany, where they played a major role in promoting a deadly form of Jew-hatred that exerted substantial influence on what was to become the Nazi movement. As the historian Michael Kellogg has thoroughly documented in his book, The Russian Roots of Nazism, the future leaders of the Third Reich drew heavily in the formulation of their views on the “conspiratorial-apocalyptic White émigré conceptions of international Jewry as a malevolent force that strove for world domination through dastardly means.)

Trotsky was born in the Ukraine, a Jewish farming family. To label him as antisemitic is ludicrous.

William_Mary 8 Mar 11
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At least there is one thing I do not need to see. Ty for the review. That said (tongue in cheek) WHO the fuck is rewriting history and more importantly why?
Why is it suddenly NOT okay to point out what the Jews are doing to the Palestinians looks a lot like what Germany in the 1930-40's did to Jews?
Why is socialism the BIG evil and not communism? The ideal of socialism is great, human nature sort of screws things up but socialized democracy does work, just not for the super rich, big corporate, etc.
Things are looking sort of scary this morning.

I think socialism is being spoken about more as being the big evil now because the U.S. government is moving further right by the decade and socialism is to the right of communism and they're trying to equate the two. They are trying to demonize the ENTIRE left now so the corporate Democrats will seem like they are the normal left wing and the Republicans will seem like moderates to authoritarian. They are trying to continually shift the political spectrum in the age of resource wars. I think the difference now is that fossil fuels are being depleted and they are moving towards even more of a police state than they've already had. Bernie Sanders has kind of reintroduced socialism into American politics too and they want to squash his platform from taking hold of the American people. Whether or not Bernie is an establishment player, I don't know.

They keep moving the system to the right and one day the new generations will see it as normal and even more 1984-ish. I might be wrong, but that's my take on it. I don't think it's working on the majority of Americans though. If it's not working on American's psyches then there is going to be a lot of violence in the future. It's going to be harder to keep the masses at bay when there will start to be negative outcomes of depleting oil. I don't think it's going to be a pretty picture once the oil runs out to the point where most people will see problems. People better hope a miracle happens and sustainable energy comes about somehow.

They are starting now (or I should say started in the early 90s at least) and it's going to take decades for all this to take hold, but they know you probably have to start a couple of generations in advance for social shifts to take hold.

I forgot to mention the pro-capitalists, at least the corrupt ones or the ones that benefit the most from it, are obviously against the left too. How the hell could I forget that? Lol

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