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My company made this tempeh! We just bought a vegan "dairy" and are having a blast getting it going again. The community on The Farm in TN has been making tofu and other plant based stuff since 1973. We're pretty proud to keep it going.

travelerx2 6 July 31
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I love stir fry.

Partyhawk Level 7 Aug 1, 2018

Does everyone know that tempeh is the only vegan source of Vitamin B12? I had not thought of that when I started cutting out cheese; but my B12 was extremely low when tested recently as well. My doc has me on B12 supplements but I am also going to stock up on the tempeh. I like it best fried in olive oil till crisp, then (for breakfast) with maple syrup; (for snacks) plain, or (for dinner) with a sauce of equal parts soy sauce, toasted sesame oil, and lemon juice, called Mommy's Magic Sauce because my mom makes it and I eat it on everything.

So many uses. Friends came over recently and used it for sloppy Joe's. We are trial samples of fakin bacon tempeh and chopped savory mushroom tempeh

@travelerx2 Fakin Bacon, wow that has been around a long time. That and Soy Boy hot dogs are the first "fake meat" products I remember. Tasty stuff!






oh so yummy. you are very talented.


I love stir fry's and wish I could be better at making them. One question: why is most Tempeh made from soy bean sprouts? Other sprouts can be used.

JackPedigo Level 9 July 31, 2018

I think it's tradition / experience and cost. Soy beans are so common, even organic, that we can produce at a lower price. But, there are a lot of great alternatives and combo types being produced and it's not too hard to make your own. I'd love to hear what others are using!


Looks great

entranger Level 5 July 31, 2018

Thank you!


I've always wanted to visit the farm. Do you live there?

Yes, pretty funky place 🙂

@travelerx2 lucky you. Someday I want to just stop and visit when I travel that direction

@confidentrealm We get a lot of visitors. Let me know!

@travelerx2 I need to go on a road trip as soon as my health allows. I hope that is early in the fall. I 'm going to Maine and I might drive.


Looks very tasty - colourful and a lot of texture.

pixiedust Level 8 July 31, 2018

It's great to see all the wonderful things chefs and home cooks do with our product. We had a customer make "meatballs" from the tempeh last week. He sold out in 2 days!

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