4 9

Well... I cooked the tofu today... My first time using it... I marinated overnight in soy sauce and grated garlic... I extracted as much liquid as I could using paper towels... Fried it up really crispy... Turned out good but I think next time I won't marinate at all and add the soy sauce and garlic to the pan after getting it crispy... Thanks for all the advice... Here's a pic... 😂👍

Cutiebeauty 9 May 19
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Great job 👍 I love to dip mine in a peanut sauce.

Wildgreens Level 8 June 21, 2019

It looks delicious and so aesthetically appealing.

St-Sinner Level 9 May 19, 2019

Thank you for the update -- good stuff. I was worried that you might not be proud enough of your first try to tell us how it went.

We have several ongoing cooking explorations that have varied over time -- Instant Pot, bread maker, yoghurt maker, wood fired smoker and grill, wood fired pizza oven. Sometimes things work better than others. Ha, ha.
Nothing has come out inedible yet so we enjoy trying.

I wonder why some people think meatless is boring. In America we are spoiled.

Thanks again and keep going.

RichCC Level 8 May 19, 2019

Even if it turned out badly, I'd still post it... How else do I find out what I did wrong ? 😊


I start with soy sauce little olive oil a ton of Ginger and garlic low heat until most of the liquid is reduced. After that a little peanut satay sauce and add the crisp tofu to that and cook for a little bit and it will be marvelous over a bed of rice.

JazznBlues Level 8 May 19, 2019

That sounds good...

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