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Finally was successful in creating something vegan and GF. This summer my plumes ripened early and I needed to do something other than can (I have enough from previous years). I found a recipe for plum cake sans gluten, eggs and dairy and it worked perfectly.

JackPedigo 9 Sep 6
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When you have perfected the recipe, will you share it?

Here is the recipe. It was pretty perfect but I needed to make some changes. I used a thick m,ilk (Silk high protein) and need to use a lighter one. I used Bob's Red Mill GF baking flour so maybe the two suggest might work better but Almond meal is expensive. Also, I discovered you have to push the plums into the cake to help blend the flavors.
GF/dairy/egg free Plum Cake
• 2 lb. ripe prune plums, pitted and halved
• 2 TBsp GF ground flaxseed + ½ cup water
• 1 cup almond flour
• 1 cup rice flour
• 1 TBSP GF aluminum free baking powder
• ¼ tsp sea salt
• 1 cup non-dairy milk (coconut, almond or rice)
• 2 TBSP. extra virgin olive oil
• 2 TBSP. pure maple syrup
• 1 TBSP. GF ground cinnamon
• 2 TBSP. raw turbinado sugar

• Preheat oven to 375 F
• Add flaxseeds to water and rest for 15 min
• In a medium size bowl mix together flour, baking powder and sea salt
• In a separate bowl whisk together milk, flax mixture, olive oil and maple syrup
• Add wet ingredients to dry and mix until smooth
• Spread the batter in an 8-inch round nonstick baking pan and top with plums facing cut side up and then sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar
• Bake for 40 minutes

@JackPedigo Thanks so much for posting the recipe.


That looks so delicious!!! Great job.

It workked out better than expected but still needs some adjustments.



bobwjr Level 10 Sep 6, 2019

Very nice! Good job 😊

It worked well but next time it will be better. My main concern was to get a GF mix that rose like normal flour.


Looks great.

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