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I might have posted this already....but it's a great reminder....

SkotlandSkye 8 May 13
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There is a very interesting documentary by the name 'Earthlings' available on YouTube, based on the suffering of animals! I would call out to everyone in this group to watch that.

🙂 I actually helped work on that! It's been out since 2005! I hope everyone here has seen it by now!

@SkotlandSkye oh that's great!


I really can't understand how people can eat meat knowing where it comes from. How heartless can someone be?

Alexa Level 5 May 14, 2018

It's horrifying.... It's an industrial Holocaust


Well, don't know if it is right to use this analogy, but animal rights certainly need attention.

I think the point is that it's easy to be against slavery when that's normalized. But to know how you would have stood on exploitation and abuse when it was normalized as perfectly acceptable, you have to look at how you stand on those issues that are normalized for you now. People that don't question it, that accept things because it's convenient and ingrained from a young age, that are fine drawing lines and using those as evidence a group doesn't feel pain, or their pain doesn't matter, would probably react the same way.

@Aerihk Exactly.


It is so sad to see these animals trapped and fed hormones, steroids,.antibiotics, pesticides. artificial flavors and colors, and in some cases way too much sugar as in vegetables also . This is another reason I watch what I eat. I do not want to eat all that crap.

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