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Guinea pigs. They're not just for eating anymore.
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Shared yr.& day birth with Joey Ramone. Born on the birthday of Ho Chi Minh, Malcom X, Grace Jones, Pete Townsend.
What George Carlin said. (He was a Taurus also).
I met the 5000 word limit on the profile. I need an editor
Plantisaur/insectavore, warrior princess emeritus, alpha women should stick together, survivor, self made blue collar millionaire, retired at 53, 820 credit score,country born prepper. I do not try to impress people I don't like with things I don't need with money I don't have. A square peg in a round world. 1400 SAT. 3 of my friends have named their daughter after me. Those poor children.So if ones parents have not a clue, how could they impart a clue to their posterity? I have had to find my own clues & I am way behind those that already have some.

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Bed Bath & Beyond CFO Falls To Death Days After Company Announces Massive Closures and Layoffs
Mooolah comments on Sep 6, 2022:
Yeah. I would have mixed some benzos with some opioids. Works for rock musicians that want to check out. The clean up is less grotesque if one prepares appropriately. The cleaning lady would say a prayer for you to Santa de Guadalupe
My plants enjoy their walks...
Mooolah comments on Sep 5, 2022:
One may then move a shade loving plant out of the sun or a sun loving plant into the sun. Thusly makes for a happier plant....and a greener thumb.
I had stopped drinking back around the time my kids showed up in my life to be a responsible single ...
Mooolah comments on Sep 5, 2022:
I drink beer for the buzz & it flushes the kidneys so the doctor approves. I am finding less imports from Europe as the companies move production to the USA. They taste different to me. Heinekin & Beck's lost me long ago. I notice immediately. I am buying Pilsner Urquell as St. Pauli, Stella Artois are now brewed stateside. Corona is Puerto Rican & tastes like weasel piss,( I am told). Mexican beer as a last resort. Is it the water? Is it the air? Clorine? Detergent for a nice frothy head?
Good news, everyone! _Secretary_ is available now for free on Freevee: []
Mooolah comments on Sep 5, 2022:
One of my favorites. I'd be a secretary for James Spader any time. & I have lots of time.
If a mature woman, enamoured of her husband, said you could ask her any questions you liked about ...
Mooolah comments on Sep 4, 2022:
I would ask her "why would I want to ask her anything, especially about her sex life".
Who remembers her
Mooolah comments on Sep 4, 2022:
He is @ level 3. Still learning.
Democrat Mary Peltola beats Sarah Palin in Alaska special House election : NPR
Mooolah comments on Sep 1, 2022:
Split the republican vote & she made history....until this November when she has to be re-elected.
That is why I don't go out...
Mooolah comments on Sep 1, 2022:
Social here is enuf for me.
Let me know how many you counted before scrolling down for the answer.
Mooolah comments on Aug 29, 2022:
I knew I was a genius
Bertrand Russell's Ten Commandments for Living in a Healthy Democracy | Open Culture
Mooolah comments on Aug 28, 2022:
Liberal = tolerant. But not of fascism, autocracy, corruption, riots, coup attempt. etc. It pertains to race, religion, gender, differences. I am liberal because I endure non liberals opinions. I listen to them & try to apply reason & facts & truth & history, but THEY are not liberal so the opposition resorts to intolerance.
Vegetables from my garden
Mooolah comments on Aug 28, 2022:
Now that is what makes me grin. =0}
My triumphant trumpet vine is quite vibrant this year.
Mooolah comments on Aug 28, 2022:
Just be aware that it is a strangler of trees & is non native. But it won't kill your house & the hummingbirds love 'em.
I post this here because I am not sure where else to put it, and it is in respect to language and ...
Mooolah comments on Aug 27, 2022:
Even an authoritarian government can not control what people think. A bigot of any other name would stink just as much. There are no laws governing thought only action & then one is still at the mercy of fortune.
After 20 minutes of trying to get behind the TV to get the birds, Mister gave up. 🤭🤭
Mooolah comments on Aug 27, 2022:
A relief they were virtual.
Dear Admin, Could you please advise if there is a plan in place to not renew the domain ...
Mooolah comments on Aug 27, 2022:
Neanderthal Herschel Walker knocks climate change. "Don't we have enough trees around here?
Mooolah comments on Aug 24, 2022:
Chronic traumatic encephalopathy.
Plant Milkweed, make new friends.
Mooolah comments on Aug 24, 2022:
Or permit them to grow where they appear & give them priority & deference. Nature hates straight lines. That is a man made concept. Even light bends.
This is my neighbor’s idea of landscaping.
Mooolah comments on Aug 21, 2022:
unfinished attempt
This is not about music or religion.
Mooolah comments on Aug 21, 2022:
4 piles. 1) landfill 2) donate to non profit 3) keep 4) sell or give away. Seems many of us are down sizing stuff. Why do I need 5 of everything? I don't.
So no more am I dealing with the left or right collective,where are the Errants?
Mooolah comments on Aug 21, 2022:
The silent majority
How is everyone doing?
Mooolah comments on Aug 21, 2022:
In the great vastness of the cosmos, none of it matters. This too shall pass. Let go let the gods. The serenity prose is always an accurate compass.
Please remember that Donald Trump is not a crook.
Mooolah comments on Aug 20, 2022:
And neither was Nixon.
It looks like it’s getting a lot of praise.
Mooolah comments on Aug 20, 2022:
The entire series is too dark. I bailed after the 2nd episode of Game.
Why don't old, liberal atheist men corner me a Walmart instead of old, conspiracy theorist Christian...
Mooolah comments on Aug 19, 2022:
There are no liberal men in Missouri.
"Never underestimate the power of stupid people in a large group. " George Carlin
Mooolah comments on Aug 19, 2022:
"No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people. " H.L. Menken And he wasn't talking about the CIA.
A man calls Pizza hut to order a pizza... CALLER: Is this Pizza Hut?
Mooolah comments on Aug 19, 2022:
"Nobody out pizzas the Hut". Except that they filed for bankruptcy. Evidently somebody did out pizza the Hut..
Seen on fbuk:
Mooolah comments on Aug 19, 2022:
Were they black?
Judge limits privilege defense in AZ Mormon sex abuse case
Mooolah comments on Aug 19, 2022:
Religious men, Wasss up wit 'dat?
Take a shot 📸
Mooolah comments on Aug 19, 2022:
Must have studied under Mickail Baryshnikov.
In a legal context should it be possible to define free speech in a way that doesn't include ...
Mooolah comments on Aug 18, 2022:
No. Slander, false claims, deceit are crimes. Oversight by government, watch dog groups, public revelations etc. are all necessary to protect the public from snake oil salesMEN. There has to be boundaries to a charlatan's ability to dupe the all too easily manipulated public.
Now that we are approaching the possible demise of Agnostic.
Mooolah comments on Aug 18, 2022:
Have a Plan B.
Now that we are approaching the possible demise of Agnostic.
Mooolah comments on Aug 18, 2022:
Have a Plan B.
Now that we are approaching the possible demise of Agnostic.
Mooolah comments on Aug 17, 2022:
I have read from others more knowledgeable than I, that the administration's "license" expires in September. If he does not renew, then the site will no longer be accessible. The administrator has been AWOL for a while so until then we are in a holding pattern. I will be on Reddit in the atheist anything so as to avoid the annoyance.
If you really want to be rich, you need to do this, says Mark Cuban - MarketWatch
Mooolah comments on Aug 16, 2022:
Working hard means living below one's means & paying yourself 1st. Not busting one's ass for the Man. It means not spending $$$ one doesn't have, on stuff one doesn't need, to impress people one doesn't like. It means doing without in order to do with later. It means self-discipline.
Glenn Kirschner - Lindsey loses in court; Rudy's now a target in GA criminal probe; Trump says FBI...
Mooolah comments on Aug 16, 2022:
The tide is turning perhaps. It took a good while for people to understand who what where when was Watergate. Still I have to explain it to folks. Ponderous but necessary. Stay true dear Generals. Stay true.
After FBI search of Mar-a-Lago, Republicans defend Donald Trump
Mooolah comments on Aug 15, 2022:
Personally I think "HE" should have been declared a "terrorist" which would then invoke the Patriot Act & permit search & seizure sans warrant. It could happen to anyone deemed as such. And "they" impeached Bill for lying about a blow job from a consensual adult. We could place the rot under a MAGot nose and they would lap it up like lutafisk.
This summer has been really rough on my butterflies.
Mooolah comments on Aug 13, 2022:
Not one leopard frog. I used to have thousands. Pollinators are way down. The eco system is crashing before our eyes. I pity our posterity tho I personally have none.
As someone who was born and raised here, there's always something every day that makes me want to ...
Mooolah comments on Aug 11, 2022:
The only way to gain financial independence is to make more or spend less. When one can make more AND spend less one can excel at one's goals in a more expedient manner. Remove yourself from toxic little brother's immaturity by just leaving the area. He needs attention & bad attention is preferable to no attention. When he is a good little boy then hang with him. Apologies if I was too harsh. This too shall pass. Hang in there. You are fortunate to have a job you love & are not a woman in Afghanistan.
I've never had an anxiety attack this strong before in my life 😱😱😭😭🤮🤮😫 there is...
Mooolah comments on Aug 11, 2022:
Yikes. Fight or flee or freeze from a new manager? Why? The unknown? Managers come & go. So will your panic attack. Breathe & get some meds.
My mom had an aneurysm this past Wednesday while I was in Virginia visiting Metalhead222.
Mooolah comments on Aug 11, 2022:
It is all about making telomeres. And if she is willing & cogent. Sorry to hear of this misfortune. Life is constantly evolving with new & challenging obstacles.
Nobody has the right to tell me what to do with my body.
Mooolah comments on Aug 10, 2022:
Well I am sorry to inform you that SCOTUS has decided otherwise. Hillary could have had 3 appointments to SCOTUS. This would not have happened had people "liked" her and did not stay home on election day. Correct this Gen Z by voting these reconstructionists out of office & codifying body autonomy in Federal law.
I live in Lawrence, KS and this shameful text was sent to me yesterday.
Mooolah comments on Aug 10, 2022:
The tactic is to confuse the voters. Putin, the KGB Poisoner, also uses this tactic.
good bye to life as we knew it amerika
Mooolah comments on Aug 10, 2022:
I have always argued that body autonomy/sovereignty is a much a man's issue as a woman. That the government would decide what a couple can & can not do to control their family size is government over reach. Imposing a religious doctrine upon the entire nation is blatantly un --Constitutional. This will be corrected by Gen Z & hopefully their posterity. I am delighted to see some of my "conservative" sisters & brethren in agreement. There is much we do agree upon. It is the moderates & independents that might silently lead the way out of this tyrannical storm we are in.
Correct me if I am wrong.
Mooolah comments on Aug 10, 2022:
Yes. Some topics such as body autonomy, religious imposition might best be applied to the whole nation & not the states. One state government can invade your body & impose upon you their religious beliefs & 2 inches into another state the opposite be true. We attempted that route with slavery of American born citizens, who we own reparations to in some form.
As someone who was born and raised here, there's always something every day that makes me want to ...
Mooolah comments on Aug 10, 2022:
I collected cans, work 1 1/2 jobs, gave up eating carrion all to save money for my trip overseas when I was in my 20s. And then I came back to focus on becoming a millionaire so i could call my own shots. Peace Corps?
As someone who was born and raised here, there's always something every day that makes me want to ...
Mooolah comments on Aug 8, 2022:
Sounds as if you need a plan. Running from problems does not permit you to learn from them. A 14 year old is an immature baby relative to life expectancy. Why engage with a baby at all? Leave the room. refuse to engage with a baby. Check out Family Services which may be able to help you find a counselor. Save enough money to rent a studio apartment, then build upon that foundation. This requires giving up the high living which hurts in the short run. Seek better employment immediately. Job availability is at a 40 year high. Shoulder to the grind stone. look it up. That is how I got out. Hard work means giving things up now so you won't have to later. Millennials must stop their whining & see what your predecessors had to do to survive. Bill Maher is right. Give up the carbs. Brown & white food is lethal.
If I quiet my mouth.. the anxiety brain follows. ☀️
Mooolah comments on Aug 7, 2022:
I call them "spectors" and I let them know to "be gone" in no uncertain terms. Meds help also.
This is SO ME!!! []
Mooolah comments on Aug 7, 2022:
Why put yourself thru it?
Anyone interested in chipping in on some land (20 acres, 40, more?
Mooolah comments on Aug 7, 2022:
Already did it on my own....sort of, but without the burden of people. Israel is successful with Kibbutz but most do not succeed due to the eventual infighting & upkeep. Jim Jones anyone?
So who admits to this here?
Mooolah comments on Aug 7, 2022:
Nope. All pets know that I am the alpha & will enforce my commands for good reason. I am here to keep them safe & they trust me to do just that. Obedience is a must, rewarded for doing so will result in a happy & safe, life. A woman in a parking lot asked me why my dogs do not jump out of the back of my open hatchback. "Because I told them to stay". Obedience saved my dogs life more than once. Tricks? Dress up? That is to impress others, which I do not care to do. My dogs are partners & they follow their leader.
Always loved Mad Magazine as a kid. Best description of Republicans ever
Mooolah comments on Aug 5, 2022:
One of the few girls who loved Mad Magazine. Still do.
What breed would be recommended if I want to take the dog on walks with me?
Mooolah comments on Aug 5, 2022:
Beagle. Vocal dogs, moderate size, hearty physic. Labs are large so do not live long, cost more to maintain & have large excrement to pick up, more doctor fees & higher. Not as energetic as terriers. Check your rescue facilities also.
The chemical imbalance theory of depression is dead but anti-depressants still work (for some ...
Mooolah comments on Aug 3, 2022:
Science is always updating as we gain knowledge. That there is not enough serotonin in one's brain manifesting as depression, I would say that is an imbalance. How else would one describe it to a lay person?
I made it through a week long cruise to Alaska! All the people and away from my dogs.
Mooolah comments on Aug 2, 2022:
I couldn't do it. Congrates!
I would like to address the issues of moderators who block people from groups.
Mooolah comments on Jul 29, 2022:
I block perverts of which there has only been one.
The Supreme Court Is Making America Ungovernable
Mooolah comments on Jul 27, 2022:
I have often said , as a country we should have let the South go. Then there would be different issues. American Africans would be escaping to freedom, the bible would be an imposed religion south of the Mason Dixon line. Sperm would be considered people. Ooops. Too many to control. Unless we make self- gratification illegal. ala the Catholic Church. Nope. Doesn't work. So change that to ovas. Ovas will be considered people. There is only one a month so force pregnancy would be required for every ova shed.
Meg Tilly in 1982
Mooolah comments on Jul 26, 2022:
Finally a bi racial pic
Friend. What is it?
Mooolah comments on Jul 26, 2022:
I have 2 friends remaining. Both for decades. The others are dead, unworthy, or ghosting me. I am relieved I am an introvert, so as to not require people in my life in order to feel happy.
Garry Shandling's Knockout First Appearance | Carson Tonight Show []
Mooolah comments on Jul 26, 2022:
One of the GOATs
The mail carrier is going to be so surprised.
Mooolah comments on Jul 26, 2022:
Mail CARRIER. We carry the mail.
The Supreme Court Is Making America Ungovernable
Mooolah comments on Jul 26, 2022:
The plan all along. Ask Moscow Mitch.
I'm getting really upset with Satan.
Mooolah comments on Jul 25, 2022:
Try Islam. They are giving away virgins. Girls I assume.
Who remembers the pain inflicted by this devil's brew?
Mooolah comments on Jul 25, 2022:
Plain white sugar and it costs little compared to those always trying to get our money. Seems pain was a lot worse when I was a child. Iodine stung like hell. Now a days....meh! Mercurochrome was for "sissies" 'cause it did not sting. Mom used merthiolate. Banned for containing mercury.
Is it Sirius?
Mooolah comments on Jul 25, 2022:
Oh it's serious alright.
Naomi Judd died of self-inflicted firearm wound, Ashley Judd reveals - CNN
Mooolah comments on Jul 25, 2022:
She had an auto immune disease & CHOSE to seek permanent relief.
New York Post Editorial Board: Trump 'Unworthy' for White House in 2024
Mooolah comments on Jul 24, 2022:
I still think we should deport Murdoch.
You can hang out with all the boys.
Mooolah comments on Jul 24, 2022:
I still do not understand why the depiction of a most heinous torture is mundane to xristians. Disturbs me every time I see a cross.
Dinner from a few nights ago.
Mooolah comments on Jul 24, 2022:
@Tejas I have been a near vegetarian since...well...a long time. But mostly lots of colors. Beets, fresh beans & boiled beans, cruciferous, squash, cilantro. I had nutrition issues as a child & grew up focusing on what I consumed so I never developed the sugar addiction most Americans have. The carbs I permit myself are rice, beer, tubers. Dave's Killer Bread on occasion as a sandwich. Chicken & fish but no breading except for Popeye's spicy once every other month. The secret is eating from many different cultures and only once a day supplementing with snacks of grapes, Tamarindo, melons, berries ,nuts, seeds. Lots of colors. Even insects if prepared appropriately. I eat real food but nothing more evolved than a chicken. What are we supposed to do with all of those 3 month old cockerels since cock fighting is illegal? Eat 'em I say.
Oh yeah asshole
Mooolah comments on Jul 23, 2022:
3rd Party
No limits but the sky. Miguel De Cervantes.
Mooolah comments on Jul 23, 2022:
Icarus Greek myth
Whoa, look at it now!
Mooolah comments on Jul 23, 2022:
Monstrous. I hope it isn't invasive or we are doomed.
Politically and economically, is this the REAL case of the chickens coming home to roost?
Mooolah comments on Jul 23, 2022:
"The NY Post isn't suited for the bottom of the kitty litter pan. That we LIBTARDs can admit when we are wrong is a virtue some might consider aspiring to".....she said with a smirk.
Some people don't like to have their picture taken.
Mooolah comments on Jul 23, 2022:
I remember when this occurred. No justice for Chico Mendez?
Is anyone else stumbling on the technology highway?
Mooolah comments on Jul 23, 2022:
I thought I was the only one. Relieved.
And he's exactly right.. JT needs to go or Canada is screwed. []
Mooolah comments on Jul 23, 2022:
Written and recorded by Jimmy Dean(1928-2010), Big Bad John went to the top of the Billboard Hot 100...
Mooolah comments on Jul 23, 2022:
The counter was Small Sad Sam by Phil McQueen 1961.
FrayedBear must be a member of the Russian Imperial Movement (RIM).
Mooolah comments on Jul 23, 2022:
He has issues.
I'm updating my profile. Will this help?
Mooolah comments on Jul 22, 2022:
My kinda guy.
The perfect road trip song.
Mooolah comments on Jul 22, 2022:
Miss them. Anything Petty & the Heartbreakers.
They need a Constitutional Amendment on Abortion: 1.
Mooolah comments on Jul 21, 2022:
Government over reach cubed.
Joe Biden’s presidency has been a disaster but I’m thankful for the conservative US Supreme ...
Mooolah comments on Jul 21, 2022:
The Washington Times is owned & operated by the cult The Moonies founded by a Korean charlatan.
I caught my security sleeping on the job.
Mooolah comments on Jul 21, 2022:
Get a pillow & join him.
Stop whining
Mooolah comments on Jul 21, 2022:
Love conquers all.
This may be good news for birders []
Mooolah comments on Jul 21, 2022:
Protect habitat
If they are out there, they probably already found us - Nevada Current
Mooolah comments on Jul 21, 2022:
aliens are bacteria
Dinner from a few nights ago.
Mooolah comments on Jul 21, 2022:
Brown & white food have little nutrition. Looks like a lot of protein & carbs. White man's food.
GM Is Moving Electric Car Manufacturing Jobs to Mexico After Biden Praised Them Over Tesla - ...
Mooolah comments on Jul 20, 2022:
Well then the cars will be less expensive, & the hard working Mexican folks won't have to come here to clean toilets. The military can not find recruits, unemployment at a stable low, and the Great Resignation means USAs don't wanna work when they can live with mommy in her basement.
What are you opinions on this?
Mooolah comments on Jul 20, 2022:
Tell that to Putin.
Leagalized plunder
Mooolah comments on Jul 20, 2022:
55 corporations paid NO taxes under President You-Know-Who & Moscow Mitch's tax law. Pay your bills The Donald.
NASA finds god with the James Webb Telescope.
Mooolah comments on Jul 20, 2022:
Just went to get gas at 4.
Mooolah comments on Jul 11, 2022:
Whining Americans repulse me. Americans have the cheapest gas in the world. It is not Biden's fault but it is how he responds to it. Now he has to make nice with MBS to encourage him to pump more oil. The Euros are paying over 8 dollars a gal. Inflation is due to our reliance on China where Shanghai was in lockdown so we couldn't get our plastic toys. WAaaah. The Greatest Generation went thru a depression, a dust bowl, 2 world wars & the constant threat of nuclear war. The Boomers desegregated lunch counters, cleaned up the environment, gave women control of their bodies, stopped a war, gave gay folks the many rights marriage bestows, propelled the animal welfare cause, & saved the whales. GenXYZ & Millennials haven't yet to step up as it seems we are going to be stepping back for the next half century. All because they believed the polls < didn't "LIKE" Hillary. (Rant)
ALL AMERICAN PET PHOTO DAY | JULY 11 [nationaldaycalendar.
Mooolah comments on Jul 11, 2022:
Hard at work I see.
Just heard an interesting fact.
Mooolah comments on Jul 11, 2022:
And the MAGAts don't know that antifa has no central organization. CBS Sunday Morning reported that the 800+ arrested for the Inserection did not know what an Electoral College was. We are doomed.
The gun issue seems to be fueled by one group – men.
Mooolah comments on Jul 11, 2022:
Thank you JackPedigo for your post. People often accuse me of "man-hating. It is the testosterone overload that I hate which propels many men to violence. But I still would not be fat.
If you could, would you
Mooolah comments on Jul 10, 2022:
End war. There are no victors in war
So this guy from a dating site just wrote to me.
Mooolah comments on Jul 10, 2022:
Perhaps his English is not his 1st language. Where is he from?
Ready to take on the day!
Mooolah comments on Jul 8, 2022:
Same now as in 1930.
The only thing better than going on vacation is coming home.
Mooolah comments on Jul 8, 2022:
to my own bed.
My rant for today.
Mooolah comments on Jul 8, 2022:
Not Judaics. They are always arguing the Torah & its interpretation. If folks did not question, then there would be fewer Xrtians denominations. I think current political situation whereby a coup was attempted by those that are challenged in there ability to think clearly as a cult or mass hysteria, truly believing that the lizard people have taken over the government & we must "fight like hell" save it. They are wrong of course but it has happened before as rwill attest and as with 75 million currently manipulated fools of Putin the Mastermind.
To demand tolerance presupposes being tolerant oneself.
Mooolah comments on Jul 8, 2022:
Indeed extremism in all forms is a vice, as it always steps upon someone. Moderation permits us all to get along as Rodney King said to poignantly.


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You were a great red cat Tula.
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