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Guinea pigs. They're not just for eating anymore.


I find it interesting some of the messages I receive from grown ass adults on this site because I ...
Mooolah comments on May 10, 2018:
I am sorry that someone was so disturbed by your post that they lost control & berated you for an alternative opinion. Intolerance is the antithesis of the definition of liberal. Not everyone anywhere is well adjusted. Obvious issues and the rage was vented on you personally.
Just took a picture while lying on the grass this evening, while thinking big.
Mooolah comments on May 10, 2018:
We are so unimportant in the great matter of the cosmos. Transfixed by the Milky Way in the 4 Corners, I came to realize that my only importance is to my dogs & the few folks who love me. My purpose is to do no damage as much as possible to the Earth, to others, to the environment. Wish me luck in this endeavor.
Mooolah comments on May 9, 2018:
As a child I was imprinted by boys. Always concerned about the jiggle, the softness. With the current "hard body" promotions I realized that if men wanted hard they'd date trans women or feminine men which is fine. I always had a dancers hard body but with age it has softened & jiggles more. Hmmm.
Fascinating article about the sexual practices of First Peoples: ...
Mooolah comments on May 9, 2018:
"Eskimo" is considered a insult just as the word "squaw". I will let know. Inuit is currently preferred. Polyandry is practiced in the hill tribes of Bhutan & Burma where brothers will share the same wife so as not to divide up their properties into smaller & smaller increments. With the advent of colonialism, the restrictive attitudes & laws were imposed by the christian dominate conquerors. DRAT!
The last time I posted this, it said this post is no longer active?
Mooolah comments on May 9, 2018:
After a certain amount of time, posts are eliminated as I understand it in the About tab. But I would say both extremes are anti capitalist. National Socialism & Communism are both anti capital ist promoting government control of capital/money.
Should I get an Atheist sticker for my car?
Mooolah comments on May 9, 2018:
After my Darwin fish fell off of the car I replaced it with a plastic skeleton of a fish. Life is risky & your 1st Amendment rights should be used or losed. But you would be taking a risk. A beater car? Yes. A Lamborghini? No. I risk it because I'm a patriot.
Had drinks at a bar last night and the bartenders name was Gideon.
Mooolah comments on May 9, 2018:
I take that book & give it to the front desk, put it in the microwave, the toilet between the seat & the bowl, the trash receptacle. I don't wish to be billed for it so I do not destroy or deface it accept with a post it note with a large 666 on it. I'm a bad girl.
‘Hey liberals better get your guns if you try to impeach’: This pro-Trump sign outside ...
Mooolah comments on May 9, 2018:
I'm ready. I have my sling shot. Asymmetrical warfare wins.
Does anyone else feel like they are destined to fail at relationships?
Mooolah comments on May 9, 2018:
Oh. You are in Texas. That is the problem. Austin is an exception. An island of sanity in a state that should secede & become 5 separate states as its constitution states. Get out. Get out now. Perhaps it is the kind of men you are attracted to. Self examination via a counselor helps. A coach in how you are perceived by others. Good luck.
I broke one of my own rules yesterday, after a while without eating and being on the road accepted ...
Mooolah comments on May 9, 2018:
OK. I/we forgive you. My dear. One does not need to be extreme or obsessive concerning a friends sweet gesture. An exception is not the end. A relapse is not the end. Yes vegan is a desirable position & you are blessed to be pursuing the lifestyle. I am as near as one can be. I do not purchase or order animal products except insects (lots of protein). Forgive yourself as there is no fault or purpose in what happened.
Big Sid the rebel.
Mooolah comments on May 9, 2018:
Now this is the kind of guy I would look forward to dating. Set me up!
What do you think about Spiritual Healing?
Mooolah comments on May 9, 2018:
If you are referring to the 19th century Victorian doctors practice of giving women orgasms via their new invention the vibrator, I would say if it works for you, kudos. Saved your life? Major props for healing. In a search I did all that came up was Marvin. So good for you & I am able to heal myself in that context.
Hey guys! I just found a meme in real life!
Mooolah comments on May 9, 2018:
Live only 2 years. Highly prolific & eat ground nesting birds & eggs. So cleaning up under the feeder is good. Eating the killdeer not so much.
I have no words.
Mooolah comments on May 9, 2018:
Stay thirsty my friend.
Oh look. Its the youth of america
Mooolah comments on May 9, 2018:
INCEL any one? The men's locker room awaits you.
DYI project gone bad
Mooolah comments on May 9, 2018:
Chastity belts are back in style? Who knew?
Oopsy Daisy
Mooolah comments on May 9, 2018:
This may sound strange from a 61 year old (I was a lot more sure about love when I was a teenager) ...
Mooolah comments on May 9, 2018:
What's with the point system, level 2 and what not? Just trying to meet like minded people.
Mooolah comments on May 9, 2018:
Posts schmotes. But one does get a T-shirt at post level 8. I hope they have some left by the time I get there which is when'ver
I've decided I'm giving up sex for the past three years.
Mooolah comments on May 9, 2018:
Except for solo sex I am way ahead of you. 18 years so far. That is just how scarce a good man is. A hard man not so much.
Help me to figure out, please, how I done wrong on another dating site.
Mooolah comments on May 9, 2018:
"What do you women want?" Each one of us wants what we want. Each one of us is unique & different. None of us can answer "what do you women want?" You connected with someone who bailed for what reason? Who even knows. Some want reality & honesty. Some want a fantasy. Some want a momentary thrill or distraction. Do not be discouraged by one, perhaps, shallow fluzzie. Its an inter net dating site where dating is peripheral. You can not fulfill the unfulfillable.
Do you get to the age where the fantasy is better than the reality? And go...........
Mooolah comments on May 9, 2018:
Yes. I was 18 years old.
Look what the kids at my church just did! Ftr, Unitarian Universalists are mostly Humanist and ...
Mooolah comments on May 9, 2018:
Yay! I am a member of Monarch Waystation also.
I had to tie up Miss Bateman last week.
Mooolah comments on May 9, 2018:
Clematis beautious
I love to go camping, hiking, just don't have any like minded friends at the time so it doesn't ...
Mooolah comments on May 9, 2018:
So join an outdoor meet up or an outdoor group workshop if you want company. Personally I prefer camping alone but for a solo woman there is an issue with safety in camp grounds & out back camping alone has issues also. So I bought a 35 acre parcel in the least populated area of the lower 48 & voila! Perfect, safe alone time.
Had to share this with you all.. :)
Mooolah comments on May 9, 2018:
So the spouse & buddy were doing just that after various mind altering substances in the dark. I sat back & enjoyed the comical show laughing way too hard and often. They kept asking "Have any solutions?' I kept responding "duct tape". The following morning the pile of tent & accoutrements lay in the same place. So I put the tent up with duct tape. They were curmudgeonly when they awoke as alpha males dislike being the fools that they usually are, to this alpha female.
The avalanche of start ups with deep pockets has begun.
Mooolah comments on May 9, 2018:
Oh for Christ's sake just legalize it already & empty the prisons. Wisconsin used to be progressive until T party took over. Get out & VOTE for cannabis friendly candidates. I am. I will. I do.
What do you think about Spiritual Healing?
Mooolah comments on May 9, 2018:
What the hell is "sexual healing"? Marvin Gaye sang it in a song but that does not validate anything.
After reading numerous posts that say they don't date anyone that supports Trump, I've decided to ...
Mooolah comments on May 9, 2018:
As a LIBERAL I would date a Trumpster. How else are we to persuade you of your erroneous perceptions? The only way we ended the Vietnam War was to persuade the supporters of their error. How did we end segregation accept by dating segregationists & persuade them of their error? Lead in paint, gasoline, water? Experimenting on animals? Animal predator extirpation? Gay folks who want the same legal protections, i.e. inheritance, end of life decisions, tax write offs, insurance coverage, credit scores, estate planning...... Missionary position only? Date a "pervert" as oral sex used to be illegal in 48 states. How did you men survive with out a good blow job? You may hold the door for me but you are not required. Thank you for your kindness. You may not hold my hand with out my permission because as a woman you may then grab me & I would have to become a loud aggressive feminist in order to preserve my modesty as well as my life. You may not grab me by the PUSSY whether or not you are famous. How else are we to advance the species unless we date Trumpsters? My "reply" button does not work. =0{
Indigo bunting & ruby throat hummer here yesterday, Refueling at this rest stop for all things ...
Mooolah comments on May 9, 2018:
Can't do photos......or reply.
Good news; we can now get our hands on WMDs.. haahahaha []
Mooolah comments on May 9, 2018:
You are God for the day. What commandments would you make?
Mooolah comments on May 9, 2018:
There are actually 620-640 according to ancient scripture. Humans need a lot of control. 1st......god is female. Back to female centric godlyness 2nd.....unnecessary suffering will henceforth be eliminated will keep it in their pants until invited 4th......Conservatives will conserve the environment 5th......a pregnancy eject button will be available on women's bodies 6th......god's plant, cannabis will be freely available to adults 7th......thou shalt study war no more 8th......liberals will stop whining 9th......children will be nurtured 10th....natural sound will prevail
The cactus are blooming.
Mooolah comments on May 9, 2018:
Years ago I picked up a prickly pear pad & brought it to the northland where I have it in a pot. I can not wait until it blooms. The fruit is edible & the Mexicans call it "tuna" the Israelis call it "sabra". They are similar to Kiwi fruit with more seeds. The pads are also edible sans thorns. That is called "nopalitto" in Spanish. Pickled, or sold raw for adding to various rice dishes. Texture, not much flavor. But nutritious.
Sunrise at the insect sheet. Lights are shut down and it's time to send the moths on their way.
Mooolah comments on May 9, 2018:
Moths. One of the least studied of invertebrates. That is changing & I so enjoy reading about them. Seeing tnem also. Thank you for the photos you post.
Reading Books-Can I finish them?
Mooolah comments on May 8, 2018:
The spouse has books galore....,for what? I have donated most of my books so that others may glean some knowledge. I have seen my favorite movie 11 times....Catch 22. So there is some commeradity here.
The reason I am in this group depends on my estrogen load.
Mooolah comments on May 8, 2018:
Dudes & dudettes. My "REPLY" doesn't seem to want to permit me, so here are my answers. I am armed with a sling shot & tho I am an unabashed LIBERAL DEMOCRAT I am fiercely loyal to this nation & its Constitution. I get that you Conservatives see things differently, but I do not hate you. The definition of liberal is tolerance. Look it up or change the definition. I tolerate opposing views. I do not wish to "kill" you as long as you are not attempting to violently or illegally over throw my country. It is my country also.
Online dating?
Mooolah comments on May 8, 2018:
As in religiosity, I do not believe the whole soul mate idea for most people. Yes it does happen, but it is the exception. A 13 year relationship is not a failure. It is a 13 year relationship. A sucess for that time. Tho pursuing a forever bond may be admirable in our romantic, Hollywood infused society, hormones & phermones ebb & flo, making change the only constant. For those who suceed in this endeavor, kudos. But for the majority of us the concept is present, but realizing it is elusive.
The beautiful Black Eastern swallowtail is present in most of the US east of the Rocky Mountains.
Mooolah comments on May 7, 2018:
I will be planting fennel per your information. I mostly plant natives as it is a sure thing. The red spotted purples like the dog urine & the slurry from chicken dung. Joe Pye Weed brings the swallowtails.
Mooolah comments on May 7, 2018:
You haven't healed. It requires work. Change the things you can. Accept the things you can't. Wisdom to know the difference. To heal you must envelope the wound a a body would envelope & encase a foreign object. The wound then becomes a scar one learns to live with but without the anguish. Life is painful. Make an effort to find a manner in which to honor his memory & celebrate his life. Volunteer with youth programs. Make a donation in his name. See a grief counselor who can guide you through the process. I did. & tho there is still the memory of the trauma, it is no longer eviscerating. Seek healing.
Why is it that most people are opposed to littering but smokers are ok with tossing butts on the ...
Mooolah comments on May 7, 2018:
Makes me insane. Once I parked next to a man in a car who emptied his ashtray (the one person who uses it on the planet) on the ground. I said, "Sir. That is unacceptable." He gave me the finger & exited his vehicle. Unfortunately for him he left his window partially open. I swept up the mess & pored it back into his car. Then I drove away. I still feel good about my inappropriate deed 20 years later. Trillions of butts with nicotine, a notoriously toxic substance, leaching into our waterways is not acceptable.
Is anyone else watching Handmaid's Tale?
Mooolah comments on May 7, 2018:
I read the book. Your body is no longer your own in Iowa as the Governor just signed the most restrictive abortion law in the country. Women who don't even know they are pregnant will be forced to carry to term. Forced birth.
How often do you talk to yourself?
Mooolah comments on May 7, 2018:
Thus is the reason for having many pets. "I'm talking to the dog!"
Texas Bill would fine men for masturbation.
Mooolah comments on May 7, 2018:
Good. We have too many blind men walking around as it is.
I don't understand why a man can't be a cat guy when it comes to pets, and not be given shit about ...
Mooolah comments on May 7, 2018:
A man & his cat. Cats are not pack animals save the African lion. One can not dominate a cat & so those who seek to, would most likely seek to dominate others. Also cats require far less investments of time, maintenance & attention. A well balanced person loves & respects the difference & joy each bring. I find more & more men acquiring & loving cats as urban living, employment demands, & travel opportunities avail themselves. This is progress as men evolve towards less tribalism & narrow definitions of masculinity. Props to manly cat affecianados.
This is going to be a odd question/ How does every one feel about the Boy Scouts changing the name ...
Mooolah comments on May 6, 2018:
Not odd at all. We are equal as humans. We are not equivalent. Scouting should be gender segregated with intermittent supervised get togethers. Boys bully girls & girls are intimidated. Thusly my dad taught me how to throw a mean smack down. But most girls do not get this training.
I baited the cat trap (catnip) and appealed to her ego (may contain awesome) and, sure enough, I ...
Mooolah comments on May 6, 2018:
Yay! Spay away.
Long ass drive for legal weed.
Mooolah comments on May 6, 2018:
4 hours? I wish. I am in Wisconsin which used to be a progressive state until the TeeeeeeParty jerks took over with Governor Scott "I dropped out of college" Walker & Paul "Ann Rand" Ryan got elected by the pea brained flatlanders that moved in for bargain properties after the real estate crash. It's a 1-2 day drive to my property in LEGAL Colorado. Remember to vote for pro cannabis candidates in November. I will. Mean while I can't wait until my annual summer trip to the west slope. Fire one up for me, dude. =0}
If, like me, you occasionally need a reminder of what we once had (it seems soooo long ago) in the ...
Mooolah comments on May 5, 2018:
And there were pet animals in the Executive Mansion. And the 1st Family did not shoot animals. And he kept it in his pants. And I miss them greatly.
Dear conservative atheists.
Mooolah comments on May 5, 2018:
If they are on a "liberal" group/site but use violent language or inappropriate attacks upon dissenters, then they are not liberal. They may call themselves as such, but the meaning is lost to them. There are narrow minded assholes on both sides, but there is no such thing as a good Nazi or an American Nazi. The concept is un-American. Any Nazi is a traitor to America. Any hate group, including leftist hate groups are un-American. America is about tolerance, acceptance & progress. Stop name calling & grow up Mr. President.
Natural weeding tip! Notice when a species blooms, and then focus on removing that one type for a ...
Mooolah comments on May 5, 2018:
A stitch in time saves nine. Asian thistle, garlic mustard gets the herbicide treatment early. Early as in NOW.
There were hundreds of ounces of cannabis concentrate — which carries a harsher sentence than ...
Mooolah comments on May 5, 2018:
No justice. No peace. VOTE November 6th.
Mama killdeer's eggs have hatched! I drove by the soccer field on my way home and didn't see her in...
Mooolah comments on May 5, 2018:
Yay! Raccoon got the eggs on my gravel driveway. =0{
First Oriole of the spring! Baltimore I think. Time to put out the Welchs Grape Jelly!
Mooolah comments on May 4, 2018:
The Baltimore or northern orioles are 2 weeks early this year along with the cat birds. A white crowned sparrow is here also. Grape jelly, oranges & hummer food are all good choices to attract them.
Beautiful butts
Mooolah comments on May 4, 2018:
Very cute busy lady butts.
Dear conservative atheists.
Mooolah comments on May 4, 2018:
Indeed. It is immature to name call but in the current political climate with the Commander in Chief doing just that, insulting ones loyal opposition has become a model for the mindless to follow. It occurs on both sides of the spectrum tho I wish we could be adults & discuss without such juvenile behavior.
Mixed signals...
Mooolah comments on May 3, 2018:
She should not ever say such a thing.
Here's one to balance out the ugliness of the decapitated vole post.
Mooolah comments on May 1, 2018:
Take no offence but BLESSINGS unto you.
What is it with men and spitting in public?
Mooolah comments on May 1, 2018:
It shows contempt for society. I gave it up when I learned that swallowing is actually a method of self inoculation. Against what I am not privy, but what 'cha got?
I just sneezed at work and a few people replied bless you, which I say as well when someone sneezes.
Mooolah comments on May 1, 2018:
My response to"bless you" is "Thanks. I need all the blessings I can get". They are always at a loss for words.
What's a polite way to shut someone down who is preaching to you about Jesus in public?
Mooolah comments on May 1, 2018:
I tell them "I have no problem with Jesus. It's his followers that irk me."
Dave Allen on Cats and religion. []
Mooolah comments on May 1, 2018:
Dave Allen on PBS was a must. One joke about black folks got him bagged. I am still in tears. Political correctness to the extreme. & it wasn't offensive as the jokes are currently. When I heard it I said to myself......"Oh oh".
Pragmatist or Libertarian or Conservative - Perhaps some good agnostic folks can weigh in to knock ...
Mooolah comments on May 1, 2018:
All good with me with the exception of taxes. Even a 15% flat tax is regressive. 15% of $30,000 annual income is harder on the payer than 15% on a$300,000 payer. Income tax was developed to replace liquor taxes when prohibition remove this source of funding government. Legalize prostitution, gambling, intoxicants, tobacco ie vice tax could address this partially. It is abhorrant to me that real estate or property tax is used to fund education on a local level. "Bad" neighborhoods can not fund adequately the educational requirements of their local schools. Perhaps a vice tax could do this equally distributed to all school districts. Income tax does need a graduating cap depending on income. A flat tax is essentially unfair & hits the lower income classes much harder.
In 19th-Century Britain, People Hired Violent Child Gangs To Do Their Bidding
Mooolah comments on May 1, 2018:
Abandoned or orphaned children plagued the streets of 19th century New York. To address the problem, the OrphanTrain was developed to transfer thousands westward to the labor starved ranches of the newly conquered Indian lands. It would be nice if authentic historical pertinence was occasionally taught in our failing educational system. Anne of Green Gables was of this ilk.
Sativa V's Indica
Mooolah comments on Apr 30, 2018:
I have a dog who has seizures if she doesn''t get her smoke. She will ask me for her dose.
Saw the first mature Milkweed of 2018 in my side yard.
Mooolah comments on Apr 30, 2018:
Unpopular Opinion 4: A matriarchy would not be much different than the patriarchy.
Mooolah comments on Apr 29, 2018:
Testosterone vs estrogen Testosterone = aggression, violence, domination & rape Estrogen= bonding, gentleness, altruism, maternal responses We are just a bag of hormones
What's your suggestion for getting people to skip church on Sunday?
Mooolah comments on Apr 29, 2018:
Legalize prostitution & build more taverns
So Thomas Edison is famously linked with the incandescent light, as well as the application of ...
Mooolah comments on Apr 29, 2018:
Edison's ephing over Tesla is the Capitalists way. Economic Darwinism. Tesla having mental issues, as many geniuses do was no match for the conniving Edison. Losing Tesla prematurely? Who knows what discoveries we remain devoid of.
I did not know where to post this, they don't have a category for something like this.
Mooolah comments on Apr 29, 2018:
I am so sorry for this tragedy you suffered. The Buddhists say "life is suffering". Your story is proof. Please know that crying can reset the brain & relieve some of the anguish so shed those tears. Death is only painful to the living. May you heal soon & make a gesture in his memory towards a better world.
I had never realised that an action used by millions but taken up by many freethinkers around the ...
Mooolah comments on Apr 29, 2018:
And it is so much more sanitary than shaking hands....especially the Presidents. Eewwww.
I'm a cat-rescue volunteer in the Boston area.
Mooolah comments on Apr 29, 2018:
I do my own catch neuter & keep. Since old man Budzik across the rode passed o , his ever breeding cat population has come to an end. The 16 of them that made a one way visit to my garage have lived out their lives in neutered luxury. Carry on the good work.
Has anyone here built a "bee hotel"?
Mooolah comments on Apr 29, 2018:
I have heard that the butterfly home doesn't attract butterflies. I will research the bark. Bee hotels attract Mason bees which are a domestic species. They plaster mud over the hole. I have some terra cotta colored drainage tiles that have holes in the sides which they like also. Sun or shade the hotels get lots of use.
It's been a terrific spring for rare bird sightings in the SE US.
Mooolah comments on Apr 29, 2018:
That feeder needs filling. They are hungry & waiting.
A very handsome ringneck pheasant who was running along the road near the Montour Preserve.
Mooolah comments on Apr 29, 2018:
Get thee back to China!
Beautiful, sunny, goldfinches brightening up a dreary spring.
Mooolah comments on Apr 29, 2018:
The siskins have migrated north. So too the redpolls, the dark eyed juncos & the fox sparrows. Fortunately the goldfinches remain here to nest in July. Awaiting the arrival of the orioles, warblers & rufus sided towhees. Eastern bluebirds are passing thru. Thrasher last week.
I posted this in the 'Trump Pinata' group to see what would happen,,, the leader, Hippiechick, ...
Mooolah comments on Apr 28, 2018:
Well this libertard cannot understand how Trump got even one vote not to mention 63 million. But I would never censor a comment or argument. Tyranny of the left is just as unpatriotic as tyranny of the right. It is tyranny that is the enemy along with extremism & intolerance. I am one of the few people who still speak to the Trumpsters & part ways on good terms tho I am so very perplexed. How can we hope to evolve if we are not tolerant of other ideas? I for one welcome the discussion tho disagree with y'all. I know of Trump for years as a frequent guest on the Howard Stern Show. He was a great guest often talking about his aberrant views, but perhaps the worst possible person as Commander in my opinion. He is systematically dismantling what has made this country as great as it is. But I know you all have your view & tho I am lost as to how you can support him, it is your right under our constitution.
Get your friends on board
Mooolah comments on Apr 28, 2018:
Yep. Wrote my state representative. Wrote the FDA. Wrote the college dropout we have as a governor, Scott Walker. Wrote my Congressional representatives. I write & write. I sign petitions. I am a member of NORML. And I VOTE!!!
Soooo many times. So very many times.
Mooolah comments on Apr 28, 2018:
And my valuable time is limited so I have passed tghe torch & no longer try to reason with a wall.
Ya'll just don't ever quit, do you?
Mooolah comments on Apr 28, 2018:
I recently had to put my cat of 17 years down, Sam.
Mooolah comments on Apr 28, 2018:
I am sorry for your situation & loss. I lost Tula this year but then out of no where Pachuco & Zoot Suit appeared on my property sent by the gods to ease the pain. I always have more than one pet as when their passing occurs, the void is not as intense. Transitioning to a life without a beloved is difficult but the pain will eventually lessen. Although a beloved can never be replaced another in need of a home is waiting for you. Regarding the husband I can only say that for me life is better without one. Another chapter is beginning for you. I hope you can evolve to embrace the new path you are about to embark upon. Accept it in a positive manner & seek help if you need it. Help is available & the stigma is much less than in the past. FB has a bereavement site called Pet Loss & Recovery which also helped me vent my anguish. Heal soon.
Quick thought on Trump.
Mooolah comments on Apr 19, 2018:
Here is what concerns me. Trump just agreed to keep the Feds off of cannabis ala OBAMA. So if Trump resigns, is removed, or doesn't run or win in 20/20, does Pence keep his hands off of GOD"S plant, cannabis. We are so close yet so far away. Legal medical cannabis is 2 miles from me across the state line & I can't access it living "out of state." How long until this drug war debacle is over with?
About David Silverman
Mooolah comments on Apr 19, 2018:
This is why I do not join movements. I have seen what began as an honorable cause become a mob of users. Those that would join a bandwagon just to effect vengance. A wounded alpha being set upon by the group. Lord of the Flies. Animal Farm. The rush to judgement. Mob rule. Ugly. Thusly a loner I am.
Has anyone tried a home DNA kit?
Mooolah comments on Apr 19, 2018:
I used 2 differrent companies & they each came up with mostly but not all of the same results. I might try a 3rd company & I don't care about the rights to my DNA.
The Paths of Babes
Mooolah comments on Apr 19, 2018:
Childless by choice & your scenario is why.
In what way(s) has your cat trained you?
Mooolah comments on Apr 19, 2018:
Zoot Suit has trained me to pick him up & cuddle him when he sits at my feet & meows. Pachuco has taught me to open the door when he paws at the knob. They both have taught me that when they meow in the hallway, Spritely the sprightly schipperke is blocking the passage. She is passive/aggressive before becoming aggressive/aggressive & enjoys playing gate keeper.
Planting suggestions
Mooolah comments on Apr 19, 2018:
Plant natives & they will come.
I recently became single because my ex decided he couldn't live with my cat.
Mooolah comments on Apr 12, 2018:
Hell no. You made the right choice. Who soever loveth me, loveth my hound, cat, guinea pig, chicken, parrot
Mooolah comments on Apr 12, 2018:
Rocky the flying squirrel & ilk ie Fractured Fairy Tales etc. Subtle political bent. I hated the bouncing ball with those 1940 songs. Yuk. Give me the edge.
The FDA is currently taking input from the citizenry on cannabis reclassification.
Mooolah comments on Apr 12, 2018:
Hello? 74 members? Only 3 of us have made the contact? Come on folks!
I don't get the attraction. Some one explain the allure.
Mooolah comments on Apr 12, 2018:
Thanks for the input. I do like skinny dipping ALONE. Sans clothes does not appeal to me but I support people in their choice in a proper setting. The idea of naked people in a department store or a restaurant , But in a membership colony I have no problem.
The first movie to get me king deeply about stuff was Monty Python's Life of Brian.
Mooolah comments on Apr 11, 2018:
Ah. The worship of the shoe. Priceless.
Anyone listen to Zuckerberg today?
Mooolah comments on Apr 11, 2018:
I entered FB knowing that privacy is compromised. Thusly I friend no one & I use it to catalogue my interests. The only ad I clicked on was Privacy a concept that was.......
Believe in BigFoot?
Mooolah comments on Apr 11, 2018:
Yes. He is my spouse.
Hi everyone! I'm Lisa and working on becoming a vegetarian.
Mooolah comments on Apr 11, 2018:
Eat from many different cultures. That is the secret for success.
I'm using audio books for the first time.
Mooolah comments on Apr 11, 2018:
Read some reviews. Amazon has reviews
If you decide to buy a vehicle , which is a rather expensive deal , and need to borrow money to ...
Mooolah comments on Apr 11, 2018:
Childless by choice made me a rich woman.
Why do so many people on here, especially the self-described atheists, spend so much time discussing...
Mooolah comments on Apr 11, 2018:
To answer your question, it is because it is a site for discussing atheism. Duh!
The Catch 22 for highly intelligent people who want to date other intelligent people.
Mooolah comments on Apr 11, 2018:
DNA, chromasomes, gender dysmorphia, early imprinting, pre natal exposure, cultural imperatives are some of the catalysts for gender identification. The topic is intriguing. I find it fascinating.
Does it matter how a gift is wrapped or is it only the gift that matters?
Mooolah comments on Apr 11, 2018:
As a woman I love the idea that a man took the time to wrap a gift for me. It tells me alot about how he perceives me.
I am 56 years old.
Mooolah comments on Apr 11, 2018:
Get out there & join some groups. Other outings at the museums, the zoo, a quilting group, classes on a favorite subject, Athieist convention is coming up.etc. Start the search.


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You were a great red cat Tula.
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